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Powerplay Gaming Tournament 9/13/09


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006

Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
1: Ally
5:Big M
7: Orion
17: Mack

Ally: Good stuff again I'll miss you till november when you get to take all of our money again XD

Ksizzle: GG's. I think this makes you 1000000-1 with me. Fruit punch vacum.

Atomsk: gg's. Wars is for dumb bots.

Pierce: always a good time with you and thank you SO MUCH for the info about the SD hacks. I'll be trying to handle all that later today.

BigM: You're good now. I'd compliment you more but your arrogant enough already :)

Yes!: GG's again. Thx for saving the bracket, but shame on you for taking me to RC....I don't like 50 unresponsive platforms in one stage. BF has enough.

Orion: You did some cool stuff. I won't forget that Dash attack to Utilt Bair. It was amazing lol.

Remix: GG's

Feugo: GG's

Daisho: It was cool getting to meet you. I'd like you to go to more events, but I know other stuff takes more priortity than a game so it's all good. Fun DK dittos :)


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
ally - kcbnjfdbjbfsjbfvsjb :( ggs. your sooo goooood man. dont worry tho. your time will come at active gamers :)

atomsk - ggs. both our sets were incredibly dumb with you picking falco and u messing up dacus/d smashing with wario. then you do the same with wario in the 2nd set and sd with mk. i acknowledge everything that happened dont worry. i wont hold it over you. thanks for teaming with me btw it was fun.

pierce - ily. dont make wyat better. hes too far from everyone else already =/

kai - bacon flavored ice cream. ggs lol my musics amazing

orion - you shouldnt have gone in to losers. see what happens when anythings related to diddy?! BAD STUFF HAPPENS

yes! - thanks so much for the ride and it was great talking to you all weekend. im sorry aboyut the grand finals thing. i was literally speechless and didnt know what to say :(. see ya soon

Miranda cosgrove - im so sorry. i didnt go see you. you waited 2 and a half hours for me...for nothing. ill make it up to you. i love you

Big M - you definately got better. im impressed

iCarly all day son


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
College Park, MD
1: Ally- Cool to meet such a good player... My Down Bing in doubles was just too good for you... but seriously your amazing I had no chance to do anything lol.
2:Ksizzle- Didn't say a word to you nor did I play you at all... nice watching you though, your MK is amazing.
3:Atomsk- Hi.
4:Kai- Nice Placing, your sonic is really amazing. I now really understand what you mean by how there needs to be an error for sonic to do... anything. Nice to meet you and fun stuff talking to you.
5:pierce- GGs. I lost to a better player and have nothing to complain about. Your marth is so much better than anything I have ever played, but I was not surprised. Too bad I didn't get to play BBrawl
5:Big M- Always seem to place well... good job.
7:Yes!- Good matches in singles and doubles. I never played someone who camps like you so I really need to learn how to adjust my playstyle to that.
7: Orion- Fun talking to you, really interesting guy.
9:Remix- Nice placement. Good job in doubles beating me and Fuego
9:Daisho- I am happy. Lost to two better players.
9:Scope- DIdn't talk to you much today, nice placement!
9:Fuego- Good job with doubles man next time we can do better. I still think we could have beaten Remix and Big M but still we played well.
13:HG- Fun playing you. You gotta get that infinite down.

Overall I had an amazing time at this tournament and really wish I could go to more tournaments... oh well.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I knew something had to be messed up if Atomsk lost to ksizzle twice and didnt go Ice Climbers. No offense meant of course, Kelvin.

Good stuff, d00dz. Looks like Pierce can be ranked now and Orion might not drop too far on the rankings.


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2009
Fairlawn, New Jersey
1: Ally: great matches, so close also. lol i see why u dont ban rainbow cruise now..****n beast
2:Ksizzle: **** as always and thanks
3:Atomsk: LOL i love how u found some of the jokes people made there not funny at all, i didnt ether, i was der before anyone else and these kids came in talking about how how they play with items and how team attack should be off and something about ddd being the best char in the game :chuckle:
4:Kai: ggs again great comeback 2nd game and good **** last game i just blew it. your sonic is too good though
5:pierce: good stuff in dubz awesome matches
5:Big M :)
7:Yes!: **** wario, i was watching u play
7: Orion: mad funny, ggs in singles and dubz lol @ your gay controller
9:Remix: good stuff in dubz/singles <---spikeing god
9:Daisho: good stuff your getting really good
9:Fuego: lol @ wolf/fox texture
13:HG: **** dude i cant even sandbagg that hard
13:Lan: ggs fun matches
13:Lew: ggs fun matches


Smash Apprentice
Jun 6, 2009
Fair Lawn, New Jersey
1: Ally - Amazing. That match with you and gi m were mad hype ^_^

2:Ksizzle - You ***** my *** in teams lol

3:Atomsk - At least some1 told those guys that their jokes wer'nt funny lol. they were gettin on my nerves -_-. I hope to never here the Sentences "Team attack on" or "Items are amazing" ever again.

4:Kai - *sigh* GG's, you ***** me XD

5:pierce - That game you were playing looked mad nice. Lol maios Fair is mad powerful. Oh and GG's in dubz

5:Big M - You've been doing mad god lately. Keep it up. Good **** in teams.

7:Yes! - Your wario was ******.

7: Orion - Once again... i got ***** lol

9:Remix - Do better! RAWR

9:Daisho - Your DK is becoming to Be a nasty DK. GG's

9:Scope - GG's

9:Fuego - GG's

13:HG - What was up?

13:Lan - GG's in dubz

13:Lew - GG's in dubz and singz

13:Darwin - ???

17: Mack - You got your own placing... Lol

Fuego Fox

Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2008
Kinda upset about how I played at this tourney

Kai GG's Your sonic is beast

BigM and R3MIX GG's

Orion- **** close set I wish I hadn't SD'd

Daisho- good team wasnt our day ally first round hurts
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