There's a whole pile of questionable design decisions here if this is all true.
-They removed the names of the characters on their CSS boxes. True, there'd be very little room to write them if all the boxes were on one screen, but...
-The characters are all selectable on a single screen. Seriously? Even without the names, each character only has a 2,000 pixel square for art, which is ridiculous. the team has been shown to make intelligent decisions before regarding this with the three stage menus in Brawl.
-The stages aren't separated. Whoever made this design decision is quite a fool. Sakurai, if I remember correctly, said something about stages from previous games being called "Familiar Stages." Given a separate name like this, you'd think they'd receive their own menu, or at least a separate section.
The list goes on, but if this leak turns out to be true, the UI designer ought of be fired.