Smash Journeyman
************POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE*******************
Alright, there will be a Double elimination tournament on Saturday the 9th at 482 Gordonia Road, Naples, Florida.
Will start at noon, arrive earlier if you want to play warmups and friendlies.
We have two wii's, another would be greatly appreciated to speed things up.
The tournament will only happen IF MORE THAN 12 PEOPLE CONFIRM THEIR ENTRIES!
Singles is 20$ entry fee
Doubles is 10$ entry fee (20$ in all for you and your partner)
Money will be split up 55%-25%-10%
The last 10% will go to the tournament hoster (not me) to pay for the venue
Teams Format: Double Elimination
Matches best 2 of 3; finals best 3 of 5
Singles Format: Round Robin Pools to seed a Double Elimination Bracket
Matches best 2 of 3; finals best 3 of 5
Game Settings:
3 stock, 7 minute limit
Ties broken by lives/percentage
Items OFF
Team Attack ON
Shared stocks allowed in teams
Neutral Stages: These will be on random. Battlefield, Final Destination, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Counterpicks available: Delfino Plaza, Luigi's Mansion, Norfair, Frigate Orpheon, Halberd, Pokémon Stadium 2, Castle Siege, Pictochat, Rainbow Cruise, Brinstar, Jungle Japes, Pokémon Stadium
All other stages are BANNED.
B.Y.O.C.: Bring your own Controller.
No stage may be used twice in a single set if the player choosing already won on that stage.
Stage elimination: Each player may choose to eliminate 1 of the legal stages to be chosen at the beginning of the set.
Advanced Slob Picks: Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may change characters.
Double blind for character selection may be used if a player wants to.
Other Rules & Special Issues
Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for removed L&R springs, cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be disqualified from the tournament.
Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.
Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them, or any glitch or trick that freezes the match or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned. Using them will result in the immediate forfeit of the match.
Tactics such as Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to manuever around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned.
You are responsible to bring your own controller. Any controller is suitable for this tournament (Wii Remote/Nunchuck/Classic), just make sure people around you are not also syncing at the same time as you.
Remember, its off if less than 12 people show up, so bring all your friends, post here to confirm that you will attend!
Register here, on ALLisBrawl:
Here's the Mapquest link:
If we get 30 people, and everyone puts in 30$ (for both doubles and singles), thats 900 dollars in prizes!!!
If I get less than 12 people to confirm their entry before the start of the tournament, it will be postboned.
*************POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE**********************
Alright, there will be a Double elimination tournament on Saturday the 9th at 482 Gordonia Road, Naples, Florida.
Will start at noon, arrive earlier if you want to play warmups and friendlies.
We have two wii's, another would be greatly appreciated to speed things up.
The tournament will only happen IF MORE THAN 12 PEOPLE CONFIRM THEIR ENTRIES!
Singles is 20$ entry fee
Doubles is 10$ entry fee (20$ in all for you and your partner)
Money will be split up 55%-25%-10%
The last 10% will go to the tournament hoster (not me) to pay for the venue
Teams Format: Double Elimination
Matches best 2 of 3; finals best 3 of 5
Singles Format: Round Robin Pools to seed a Double Elimination Bracket
Matches best 2 of 3; finals best 3 of 5
Game Settings:
3 stock, 7 minute limit
Ties broken by lives/percentage
Items OFF
Team Attack ON
Shared stocks allowed in teams
Neutral Stages: These will be on random. Battlefield, Final Destination, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Counterpicks available: Delfino Plaza, Luigi's Mansion, Norfair, Frigate Orpheon, Halberd, Pokémon Stadium 2, Castle Siege, Pictochat, Rainbow Cruise, Brinstar, Jungle Japes, Pokémon Stadium
All other stages are BANNED.
B.Y.O.C.: Bring your own Controller.
No stage may be used twice in a single set if the player choosing already won on that stage.
Stage elimination: Each player may choose to eliminate 1 of the legal stages to be chosen at the beginning of the set.
Advanced Slob Picks: Loser may choose the next stage or elect to go random, then winner may choose to change characters, then loser may change characters.
Double blind for character selection may be used if a player wants to.
Other Rules & Special Issues
Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for removed L&R springs, cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be disqualified from the tournament.
Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.
Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them, or any glitch or trick that freezes the match or makes it in any way unfinishable are banned. Using them will result in the immediate forfeit of the match.
Tactics such as Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to manuever around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned.
You are responsible to bring your own controller. Any controller is suitable for this tournament (Wii Remote/Nunchuck/Classic), just make sure people around you are not also syncing at the same time as you.
Remember, its off if less than 12 people show up, so bring all your friends, post here to confirm that you will attend!
Register here, on ALLisBrawl:
Here's the Mapquest link:
If we get 30 people, and everyone puts in 30$ (for both doubles and singles), thats 900 dollars in prizes!!!
If I get less than 12 people to confirm their entry before the start of the tournament, it will be postboned.
*************POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE**********************