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Post your own ideas about new Pokéball Pokémon

Super Smash Master

Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
They should have Bidoof. He comes out of the pokeball and everyone dies automatically because of his awesomeness.

Ice man

Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2007
Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie could work together to temporarily stun one of the players. just like they did to Palkia/Diagla.


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2007
Someone of the 4th generation like Piplup using Bubblebeam just like Staryu or Regigigas using Superpower.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
If they include 4th gen Pokes (like Munchlax) then...

Torterra: Leaf Storm: Shoots a massive storm of leaves across the stage horizontally.
Infernape: Flare Blitz: Runs around the stage on fire, nailing people in his path.
Empoleon: ???: ???
Garchomp: Dragon Rush: Appears and runs around trying to hit people.

Back to 3rd gen...
Salamence: Dragon Claw: Flies up and swoops the stage with Dragon Claw.
Kyogre: Water Pulse: Appears and shoots a massive stream of water.

And my ultimate idea...
Rayquaza: Draco Meteor
Rayquaza appears and flies into the background and the stage dims to blue...then giant meteors start coming from Rayquaza in the backfield. This is goes on for some time, then Rayquaza flies up and out.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 22, 2007
eevee could appear and walk around and depending on who touches it, she changes into one of our other forms, and they could each have their own attack


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007

Seeing as he will probably be a boss, I don't think hell be one, but it would still be cool, he could fly randomly around the stage KO'ing everything he hits

AND...Just because its cool but INSANELY unrealistic...a Rayquaza...with a BLACK color scheme

Shiny Ivysaur

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Pidgeot: Flies around and swipes at people. Like a weaker scyther, but faster and makes multiple accurate passes (Versus Scizor's one).
Vileplume: Wanders around and damages anyone near it, but with no knockback, only stun.
Primape: Jumps around punching. Medium-large knockback, but sucks in at low percents/sourspots to combo, short range, and can combo at low percentages.
Golem: Rolls around stage like a large barrel. Turns around at the edge.
Rapidash: Whinnies, rears up, runs and tramples, like a high-power marril

Lord SeBz

Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
honchkrow: uses dark pulse that sends three waves outward. moderate damage but a lot of knockback
Electivire: could be kinda like zapdos.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2007
Gallade: rushes towards an enemy opponent and engages in Close Combat (I was thinking of him swinging its arm blade in rapid slashes.)
Or it could be stationary and be a ranged attacker with psycho cut

Any of these ideas ok? While Gardevoir is defensive, Gallade can be offensive.

Wonder why no one tried to make gardevoir a fall protector? (You fall, if it's on the field, it will save you and sacrfice itself if you're the one that summoned it.) It would certainly tie in with its pokedex entries.


Smash Ace
May 5, 2006
Hariyama: (Brick Break) Does a slow but extremely powerful punch that KO's an opponent regardless of damage. If the opponent is casting a shield, the shield will break even if it's full.

Mawile: (Crunch) Will run to the nearest opponent and grab him with his sharp teeth to viciously bite him numerous times.

Milotic: (Attract) Distracts fighters by making them admire her overwhelming beauty, giving time for the pokeball thrower to knock them out.

There's also a 1/8192 of a chance of throwing a Shiny Pokemon out of a pokeball, which will trigger the "Shiny Pokemon Catcher" bonus, worth 25000 points.

Will post more ideas later.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 3, 2007
Tallahassee Florida
Electivire: Electrifies the living crap out of enemies

Magmortar: Blasts Fireballs out.

Alakazam: Psychic on everyone except user.

Deoxys: Similar to Mew and Celebi.

Arceus: Pure ownage, that's all I gotta say.


Smash Cadet
Aug 1, 2006
In Your Closet
Mr. Mime- Casually walks around creating random Barriers. The are invisible and act like walls (or platforms if creating off the ground)

Spinda- Would dance around randomly. Anyone who would come within a certain range would be forced to join in.

Muk- Executes a battle cry and melts across the stage significantly reducing traction.

Golbat- Could emit a supersonic sound wave (Supersonic... Duh) that mixes up the controls.

Yeah... That's all I can think of at he top of my head, but... Yeah.
Oct 23, 2007
Rochester, NY
A few of my latest ideas:

<Judgment>: A very rare Pokémon, like Ho-oh and Lugia in Melee. It blasts the stage with thunderbolts from the sky. Needless to say, pretty powerful.

<Dark Void>: Puts everyone to sleep in a way similar to Peach’s Final Smash, including the person who called it out. However, it causes steady damage to players while they are asleep, except the person who called it out.

<Roar of Time>: Very powerful attack that travels outwards from the creature’s mouth.

<Transform>: Transforms into a copy of the player who called it out and briefly acts like an Ice Climber-style partner.

<???>: A secret Pokémon that must me unlocked, but like Mew and Celebi, does nothing but give you bonus points.

<???>: A secret Pokémon that must me unlocked, but like Mew and Celebi, does nothing but give you bonus points.

<Meteor Mash>: Metagross levitates into the air and then crashes down hard. Given that the thing weighs half a ton, it will hurt a lot.

<Spatial Rend>: I don’t know what the attack looks like so I can’t really describe it. But I imagine it would be strong.

<Thundershock>: Pichu zaps players around him in a fashion similar to Zapdos in Melee, but with less duration and range, but more strength.

<Tackle>: Replaces Porygon2.

<Sketch>: It uses Sketch just like Clefairy uses Metronome. Possible attacks include Earthquake, Ice Beam, Sacred Fire, Sleep Powder, etc.

<Sandstorm>: Whips up a sandstorm that hurts all players but causes no flinching. It lasts a few seconds, but covers a large part of the air around it. The attack also reduces visibility similarly to the Smoke Ball. Contact with Tyranitar himself causes a lot of damage.

<Hidden Power>: Unchanged from Melee, but the occasional ‘?’ and ‘!’ that appear would be very rare but cause an instant KO.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
Since I only know the first season pokemon, I will only name those.

Zubat - He flys up, and bites someone. He clinges on them for about 5 seconds, which dragistically slows the players movement down.

Weedle - Shots string shot which also temporarily slows player down.

Butterfree - Flys over and uses sleep powder to put players to sleep.

Ekans - Warps player. makes them unable to move.

Jinx - kisses a player and freezes them.

Mr. mime - uses reflect and creates a barrier around the person who threw the pokeball.

Pidgetto - Blows a gust of wind which pushes players back.

Magnimite - Pulls players towards him, but doesnt hurt them.

Alakazam - uses pyshic. if it hits you, he picks you up, and slams you on the ground 5 times.

Haunter - Licks you, which paralyzes you.

Seaking - Rushes straight out at someone screaming: SEAKING **** YEAH!!!! and instant KOS.

mudkip : he skits mud in your face. it covers some of the screen up, like a nintendog.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
I've got another idea:

Kakuna - Stays on the battlefield for some time, can be picked up and thrown, poisons everyone who's hit.

Caterpie: Crawls across the ground slowly, then fires String Shot to slow down anyone it hits.

Pidgeotto: Creates two small whirlwinds with Gust, which sweep across the stage and blow everyone up into the air that comes in contact with them (just like the mini-tornado in the old Zelda stage).


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2007
Powder Springs, GA
How about Tyranitar? It could come out of the Pokéball and its Sand Stream ability would activate, causing a sandstorm to appear doing continuous, non-knockback damage to all characters (with the exception of the one who threw the Pokéball obviously). As for Tyranitar itself, it could stomp back and forth on whatever platform its on and if someone touches it, it's pretty much certain death for that person. Of course, this could work for any other Pokémon that could learn Sandstorm.


Smash Champion
Nov 21, 2007
New York City
I've got another idea:

Kakuna - Stays on the battlefield for some time, can be picked up and thrown, poisons everyone who's hit.

Caterpie: Crawls across the ground slowly, then fires String Shot to slow down anyone it hits.

Pidgeotto: Creates two small whirlwinds with Gust, which sweep across the stage and blow everyone up into the air that comes in contact with them (just like the mini-tornado in the old Zelda stage).
Lol are you stuck in that forest or something?:)

I think a cool pokeball pokemon would be Ditto, he could transform into someone he touches and just use their B moves... oh never mind that would make him a clone of kirby and Sakurai said no clones.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
Infernape - Runs forward until it finds someone, blazes up like it has Super Spicy Curry, and then kicks the person in the air, punches them a few times, and then slams them back down on the ground.

Rayquaza - Flies up into the sky, and shoots down Outrage attacks from the air. Attacks go down in vertical lines, similar to Pikachu's Thunder, and continue for ten seconds.

Garchomp - It appears, and then immediatly digs underground so that you can only see a fin sticking out of the floor. It digs around for a few seconds, and then blasts up, smashing whoever is under it.

Banette - Floats around the battlefield slowly until someone hits it. When someone does, it's zipper comes undone and the spirt inside it blasts out. The screen goes dark, and the person who opened it takes 20% damage.

Those are some of the best ideas I could come up with, although now that I think about it, Banette is a fairly forgettable pokemon...although I liked it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Another new idea that came to my mind:

Barboach, uses Mud Sport, covers the surrounding area with mud and makes it slippery as ice, but as it is mud, even the Ice Climbers could slip.

Please, tell me what you think about that one.

Also, has anyone an idea how Water Sport could affect the Smash matches? A good Pokémon who could use it would be Lotad, of course.


Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2007
I have a few ideas.....

Mismagius (fav pokemon), comes out and fires three Shadow Balls

Donphan, uses rollout. Does not fall off the stage though.

Zangoose, does a Scizor type thing from melee and uses Slash.

ill post more later when i can think of more.

ssmb fan

Smash Rookie
Jan 24, 2008
Ditto: Tranforms into an item, and then hurts the first person to pick it up.

Sandshrew: Pops out of the ground randomly for 5 seconds.

Magicarp: If magicarp falls off the edge while flailing, he tranforms into a gyrados, who fires water out across the lower half of the stage.

Eevee: Randomly transforms into one of its evolutions, and uses an attack correspondent to its type/ ex. flareon would use a fire attack.

Either Jirachi, Mew, or Celebi: Flips the stage upside down reversing gravity (like in super mario galaxy when you're on the bottom of a planet) for a short time. OR changes the stage completely for the rest of the round.

Baltoy: Spins around bacj and forth on th eground like a red shell, but won't hurt the player who got the pokeball, who can also pick it up and move it to another level.

Camerupt: Walks back and forth shooting firballs out of the volcanoes on his back.

Wailord: Comes up from below, landing on the edge of the stage and tips it until it slides of again.

Exploud: Yells, knocking everyone around him backwards.

Slugma: Walks from one side of the stage to the other then falls off, leaving a trail of fire behind.

Exeggcute: Each individual egg can be picked up and thrown by anyone.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
Germany, at the shores of lovely Lake Constance
Ditto: Tranforms into an item, and then hurts the first person to pick it up.

Sandshrew: Pops out of the ground randomly for 5 seconds.

Magicarp: If magicarp falls off the edge while flailing, he tranforms into a gyrados, who fires water out across the lower half of the stage.

Eevee: Randomly transforms into one of its evolutions, and uses an attack correspondent to its type/ ex. flareon would use a fire attack.

Either Jirachi, Mew, or Celebi: Flips the stage upside down reversing gravity (like in super mario galaxy when you're on the bottom of a planet) for a short time. OR changes the stage completely for the rest of the round.

Baltoy: Spins around bacj and forth on th eground like a red shell, but won't hurt the player who got the pokeball, who can also pick it up and move it to another level.

Camerupt: Walks back and forth shooting firballs out of the volcanoes on his back.

Wailord: Comes up from below, landing on the edge of the stage and tips it until it slides of again.

Exploud: Yells, knocking everyone around him backwards.

Slugma: Walks from one side of the stage to the other then falls off, leaving a trail of fire behind.

Exeggcute: Each individual egg can be picked up and thrown by anyone.
I loved the Wailord and Slugma ones! ^^

New ones by me:

Chimchar: Turns into a flaming wheel and bounces around the stage.

Buizel: A pool of water appears on the floor, suddenly Buizel comes shooting out, using Aqua Jet.

Mime Jr.: Using Mimic, it copies a special attack from one of the fighting Brawlers.

Manaphy: Uses Heart Swa... oh, right, we already got that one... never mind...

Golem the Stern Father

Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2008
TyfighterLAND. Location#2: Illinois? Yeah.
Sceptile- runs to the closest enemy (very quickly because he has so much speed) and uses Leaf Blade mulitple times.
Blaziken- runs wildly across the stage, using Blaze Kick. (the new Hitmonlee, and Falcon Kick, LOL)
Gengar- uses night shade to darken the entire screen for 10 seconds.
Dragonite- on release, causes a huge Twister.
Fortress- plants Spikes in random locations.
Beautifly- on release, flies up and releases Silver Wind.
Clampearl- uses Dive to dive under the stage, then pop up randomly.

Night Avenger

Smash Journeyman
Nov 20, 2007
Houndoom: Appears and runs to the nearest character. It then bites the character with fangs engulfed in fire, has some knockback but deals little damage. (Attack: Fire Fang)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2008
Puerto Rico
MissingNo: A distorted image of Sakurai flies around and the game gets ****ed up.

Edit- dammit i first searched for MissingNo and Missingo to see if anyone else had done it already and now i noticed someone wrote Missing No . :ohwell:
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