VERY good point about the bananna. However I think Final Smashes are still as sakurai said ''Personalized hammers''
As I said, since it's one-time use, so ultimately whatever advantage you gain from it is equaled by the advantage the other guy gets from his.
I think we're better off keeping no items standard since thats what most competitive smashers want, but also encouraging item and FS enthusiasts to create their own set of tournament rules.
Ok, what's the reason that tournaments ban items? Because they're random in appearance and confer advantage to the player that picks it up, meaning random advantage. With the items I mentioned, there is no random advantage, banana works on both players, and smash balls are one-time use, so it confers a one-time advantage that is equalized by the other player when he/she gets his/hers.
In the latter, it changes the environment slightly, working equally for both players, no net advantage. In the latter, advantage when you pick it up, but you can't get any others that appear, and your opponent gets the same, no net advantage. Thus, no random advantage for either.
Bannings must be justified, the opposite is not the case.
Seriously, if its your tournament, you make the rules. Whether people come or not is entirely up to how your set of rules reflects on them.
Look, I'm may not look like much, but I intend on smashing competitively once I reach that level of skill. For the exact reasons mentioned above (random advantage) I never play with items and make it a contest of skill as opposed to just luck.
The stages I use are primarily final destination, battlefield, and similar stages.
The reason I am pointing this out is because I'm asking the question, "why ban"? A question that must be asked. Sure, I agree in melee, and including the barrels, boxes, and capsules (unless they can be turned off) in Brawl makes this entire question moot, but it still should be asked.
The main problem with final smashes is they allow you to control your opponent, without requiring techchasing or mindgames. That's lame.
Firstly, not all.
Secondly, for those that do, after you hit with say, Marth's fsmash, does it met out the damage in increments and force you to constantly adjust with things like mindgames and techchasing in order to do the full damage? No, it's a single strike for all intents and purposes, there may be long single strikes (like Sheik's dthrow), or short ones like Jigglypuff's neutral a, but they share the common characteristic of once the attack impacts the opponent, full damage is dealt before the technique concludes (what the "full damage" of the technique is, is of course determined by a variety of factors). Thus, if it fully controls an opponent's movements, in order to deal the damage of the move, it is one strike, akin to how throws work.
This can be spread out into multiple segments of damage, as often occurs in throws, but it's still one strike.
Thus, any final smashes which control the opponent's movements function like grabs, they hit with the first strike, deal their damage at some point with the move at some point or points after it impacts, and the damage cannot be stopped until the move concludes after being hit by the move initially.
Under this reasoning, many throws would be banned.
P.S. Obviously, I'm using "strike" a bit differently then normal, the reason being that there is no english word that conveys the meaning that I'm putting across. Essentially, I'm using it to say, "an attack or sequence of attacks that, once the initial attack impacts, cannot be interrupted or evaded, nor can the attack miss until the attack or attacks have concluded.
I would even attend an item tourney, but, as I stated earlier, I would NEVER put money on the line on an item tournament. Its like playing the lottery.
Neither would I in melee, but with the mentioned items in brawl, without containers, I would if I thought my skill was up to it. I only suggest these items because they do not ultimately detract from the emphasis on skill.