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Pools Match


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Your rolls are terrible- watch Kadaj and NEO for a better understanding of when to do them.

When things hit your shield, punish them. Don't be defensive after your shield is hit. You gave up a ton of free punishes.

Good DI is more important than mashing out of grabs. If you can't do both, hold up and just mash face buttons. Your DI overall needs improvement.

Your air dodges are fairly easy to see coming, work on mixing it up. Footstools are awesome for this.

Do the full CG; there's really no reason to stop one or two regrabs short of max damage.

Recognize jab locks and capitalize.

Use uair. It's a phenomenal move. There were many many times where you gave up juggle opportunities and hit him with nair instead to send him offstage. Ledge trapping Falco is a million times harder than juggling/landing trapping him.

You really need to learn/work on platform pressure. You gave up advantageous situations frequently because it looks like you just don't know platform pressure that well.

You're super predictable on the ledge- being patient and getting onstage safely is the most important thing.

You use DB1 too much when recovering. I don't know why BC was auto-going for the ledge. Waiting at all would have seen you jumping and using DB1 to stall unnecessarily for a free stock. DB1 stalls are mainly to wait out invincibility frames on the ledge. If he ledgehogs too early, the stall isn't necessary and you offer the opportunity for him to hit you/regrab the ledge/you lose the opportunity to potentially hit the person on the ledge.

Platform pressure

So... much... DB4Down. Quit that.

React/punish phantasm better. Consistency in punishing it >>> the occasional fsmash/usmash hard read. Sure, that one time it looks awesome and you might get a kill from it. The other 19 times he gets onstage safely, you take damage, and you miss out on resetting the situation.

When he's recovering onto the stage while you're on the ledge, back side of nair/uair are better/easier to hit with than bair.

Platform pressure.

You have the same problem with grabs Nike did forever (but has recently gotten a lot better at). When you throw someone you have the advantage. They HAVE to act first. Just wait and react. Throwing out random attacks will cause you to miss more often than not. Just wait and punish. Sure, there will be times they don't do anything and you go back to neutral (only with you having better stage control than before). However, it's better to be in neutral than for you to whiff an attack for no reason and get punished for it. Just relax and wait.

Oh, and platform pressure.
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