Best artist for life drawing/anatomy is Glenn Vilppu imo
Nice tut, Geist.
Thanks :D
Don't forget to thank alley cat too lol
I can tell you my problem - while the neck area is an issue, it's more trying to envision it in 3D for me. And more specifically the back side. As I tend to draw out the muscles (I do freaks - look at my Akuma) and I tend to forget there's gray area where muscles simply connect and not build. Then there's also the lower abdomen/special area. Envisioning that in 3D is tough for me too.
I can tell you, though, I find the human figure, and even further, the face, so damn fascinating. To draw, study, experiment with. HNNNNNG
As long as you can designate key parts to where they go, you can fit it together like a puzzle. When you're in your rough stage of drawing, it always helps to draw though the form of your drawings. It'll help organize pieces together better, and it's really helpful in the limbs, shoulders/ neck, etc.
Once you study anatomy it really helps project things in a third dimension.
To emphasize something aly wrote in the tutorial, it's nice if you start with bigger pieces like the sternocleido mastoid and immediately attach it from the back of your ear to the base of the clavicle right away, that way you get at least some direction, no matter what the angle of your drawing is.
Also someone said to draw one character over and over again and then move onto another one, and I'd like to kinda take that a step further and say get a process going that you can reliably get results from. You don't have to necessarily start with anything in particular, but being organized while drawing helps everything fit together nicely.