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Pokemon Trainer vs. Falco


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Hey all you Falcos, I come to you humbly for your help. You see, we at the Pokemon Trainer board have begun a Pokemon Type Chart of sorts to categorize PT's match ups in the game, POKEMON STYLE. And we've now begun our Pokedex Entry series, where we dedicate a thread to one character.

You guys are our fifth entry! It'd be great if any of you with experience playing decent PT's could analyze the match up? So we could get both sides of the story. My hope is that it will benefit both character discussion boards, when PT one day realizes his potential and gloriously rises from the depths of hell/bottom tier...

Finally, perhaps we could set up some 1v1s between the two boards? No better way to find out than to test it in game!

Here's our discussion on Falco:


my fc's in the sig, just add me and let me know and we can spar a bit. =]

thanks for the help guys!


Smash Cadet
Jun 29, 2008
Sorry, never really played a decent PT as Falco.

Do you go to Nsider2 now? I don't think I've seen you there.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
ozzie i have an account, but rarely post.

also i could be your first decent pt! ;D


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
all i really have to say is that ivysaur and charizard get pretty ***** against falcos.
charizard because of his size and weight, makes combos and lasers amazingly useful,
ivysaur, because of his recovery. Getting chain spiked to an edge hog can be an instant zero-death against a good falco.
squirtle also has a hard time, but can manuever mush easier against falco, due to his speed and size. although his light weight can prove to be bad considering falco has some insanley strong kill moves. This could mean death to squirtle at lower percentages (i.e., before 100%)
my advice, dont even go P against falcos, but if you do, know that:
squirtle is the only one who can do decent against a good falco,
squirtles nair can be a great gimp move if the last hit hits when falco is off the map
your gonna wanna go squirtle on your last stock obviously, so be sure to keep him fresh
watergun=side B gimp on falco if used correctly
be aware of falcos ability in the air. His Bair, Dair, and Nair all have great priority/combo ability in the air, so avoid those airiel fights. although when off the map, a good squirtle or charizard Bair can mean death for falcos even at low percentages

this is really all the help i can offer. One of my friends who uses PT usually doesnt stand a chance against my falco. But who knows, maybe you guys are far more advanced and can use your up-sides to your advantage


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
IMO. Charizard has the best chance against falco. Squirtle is the easiest to chaingrab spike because he's so light and has a sub par recovery. Charizard's crumbled rocks from rock smash can be reflected though, along with his flamethrower. Squirtle beats falco in the air in most cases. Ivy is probably the worst bet. I can go on if you want.... I've played plenty good PT's


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Falco does pretty poorly in WiFi since most of his game revolves around techniques that are very specific in timing. It would be pretty pointless for us to play since you're in Wichita, but if you have a PT from California that wants to play, I'm game. Let me know.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
IMO. Charizard has the best chance against falco. Squirtle is the easiest to chaingrab spike because he's so light and has a sub par recovery. Charizard's crumbled rocks from rock smash can be reflected though, along with his flamethrower. Squirtle beats falco in the air in most cases. Ivy is probably the worst bet. I can go on if you want.... I've played plenty good PT's
Wait what? I use PT and we all think Charizard is horrid against the fight. We think Squirtle is the best, and you guys agree. We chose you guys because we know we have problems with you.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
lol, ignore bowz's response. You are correct, the only chance (small as it may be) you have is as Squirtle. Keep in the air and perhaps try neutral B to gimp our recovery.

I've had Ivys rack up stupid damage on me with neutral B too, so since you'll have to have him in at some point, I suggest doing your best to abuse it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
I'd say he is at a disadvantage, but not nearly as much as his counterparts. I've heard people say Squirtle's crawl + dtilt let him bypass lasers, but honestly, Snake has the same thing and we don't let that get in our way either. Squirtle's quick aerial movement and near lagless attacks make him better suited for exchanging hits with Falco, but we still have the chaingrab, great aerials also, and the fact that Squirtle is light and has a sub-par recovery.

Retro Gaming

Black and White Thinking
Apr 18, 2008
Iowa City, IA
The only difference from Snake is that Squirtle's crawl and Dtilt and are also going to bypass Reflector, and that lasers will not hit Squirtle during his turn-around (Herefore shellshift) Can Falco still work around that? I'm going to agree that Squirtle is at a slight disadvatage, if only because of Squirtle's Utilt and good aerials.

As far as Ivysaur goes: What does Falco do when Ivysaur is a moderate close range, when it would be unsafe to use your blaster but impossible to reach with jabs? I'm asking because this is most likely what Ivysaur will attempt to do (Bair spam), but I'm confident reflector reaches? Multi-hit moves like Falco's jabs might be dangerous as well, considering that what Ivysaur might attempt to do is DI out upwards and then using Bullet Seed. Someone mentioned something along the lines of if Falco's chain grab wasn't fast performed fast enough then he would be Bullet Seeded, but I 'dunknow. I think worst of the three, in my opinion.

I don't think Charizard is anywhere near as bad off as Ivysaur, though. The lasers are a nuissance, but if Falco goes off the stage, then Charizard has Bair, Fair, and Dair to help ensure that he doesn't come back. My specific question about Falco for this board is regarding his Raptor Boost. Where or when is Falco vulnerable to attack during it? Whenever I try to hit it, I always clank and Falco continues. Depending on areas you can be hit, Charizard might try to spike you during it. Falco's rather heavy, as well. I'm curious to know how easily Charizard can throw Falco around after an initial grab.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
i have bullet seeded a few falcos during chaingrabs, so it's definitely possible. not sure if their timing was slightly off (it was wifi after all) or if this is possible in all cases.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
i played a pt today, and just wanna say (bad for any PT) that you can chain spike squirtle, than if you time the edge hog correctly, than squirtle dies. this is even worse news for you PT in here. Sorry guys :/

Edit: BTW, if ivysaur can interupt the chaingrab, he could be a decent choice, becuase ivysaurs back air acts as a great spacer. although when falco resorts to lasers idk what to tell you


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
So we're screwed with Falco. Why did I see that? Listen, because neither this side or the PT side is getting anywhere will you reply in our side like the Marth guys did, or at least give me a list of pros and cons so I can compare the two (or four), I'm making a pros and cons list for PT so I can try to compare his three Pokemon to the rest of the cast in terms of Pros and Cons, especially since that can be done despite a standstill.

Also with the laser, what if the opponent keeps on rolling to you? what if even if you can damage them they are super heavy and strong? What if they manage to knock you off and is following you to gimp you? If you can solve all those questions with ease, Charizard is truly no problemo, but if you can't, he may be the best one...


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2008
The only difference from Snake is that Squirtle's crawl and Dtilt and are also going to bypass Reflector, and that lasers will not hit Squirtle during his turn-around (Herefore shellshift) Can Falco still work around that? I'm going to agree that Squirtle is at a slight disadvatage, if only because of Squirtle's Utilt and good aerials.

As far as Ivysaur goes: What does Falco do when Ivysaur is a moderate close range, when it would be unsafe to use your blaster but impossible to reach with jabs? I'm asking because this is most likely what Ivysaur will attempt to do (Bair spam), but I'm confident reflector reaches? Multi-hit moves like Falco's jabs might be dangerous as well, considering that what Ivysaur might attempt to do is DI out upwards and then using Bullet Seed. Someone mentioned something along the lines of if Falco's chain grab wasn't fast performed fast enough then he would be Bullet Seeded, but I 'dunknow. I think worst of the three, in my opinion.

I don't think Charizard is anywhere near as bad off as Ivysaur, though. The lasers are a nuissance, but if Falco goes off the stage, then Charizard has Bair, Fair, and Dair to help ensure that he doesn't come back. My specific question about Falco for this board is regarding his Raptor Boost. Where or when is Falco vulnerable to attack during it? Whenever I try to hit it, I always clank and Falco continues. Depending on areas you can be hit, Charizard might try to spike you during it. Falco's rather heavy, as well. I'm curious to know how easily Charizard can throw Falco around after an initial grab.

Though crawling to dtilt is effective to avoid both shine and lasers (painfully so), the likelihood of landing a dtilt from a crawl to avoid laser spam sounds implausible considering the reduced movement speed of crawling, and the proficiency of most Falco's shorthop, and the fact that a SH Dair or Nair can hit a crawling Squirtle if timed properly.


There is no such thing as too close to laser. As I'm sure you're well aware SH the laser reduces the laser animation by half, meaning there's always a perfect opportunity to use it, especially to open up aerials with a SHDL. A hint though: the range of the deflector is slightly deceptive, as the very last bit of it won't hit you, and you're entirely safe on it's retraction. I'm also rather sure you can't bulletseed out of a chaingrab, but I haven't tested it thoroughly.


I strongly advise not chasing Falco off the stage. Falco's Dair (and Nair) comes out quicker than Charizard's Bair, Dair, and Fair, making for a nasty offstage spike. Falco's phantasms only real openings are at the beginning and end, though I really do need to more research as I believe it is possible to spike somewhere in the middle (likely around the same place you can cancel the phantasm early) but with extremely difficult timing (a lot of Falco's have trouble canceling the move themselves, I could just imagine how difficult it would be to try to spike him during it). It's also dangerous because Falco Phantasm is a semi-spike. Additionally Falco is actually one of the lighter characters? And I won't comment on the Charizard's grab game, because I haven't a clue.

Honestly, it's a hard match-up for you, just keep your eyes open for easy gimps and edgehogs as Falco has terrible recovery. If he goes below the stage, edgehog. If he's in line with the stage, edgehog. But that should be intuitive. I can't really add any more to this, as I haven't played a good PT (or many not good ones either).

Good luck.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Pokemon Trainer's worst matchup is Falco, at least that's what experienced PT players have said and that's what I've noticed at tournaments.
When two-thirds of your character can get zero-to-deathed without any difficulty at all, I would consider this a nightmare match-up for you guys.
Even without being about to CG from 0 to death, all 3 can be simply CGed for great %.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008

I strongly advise not chasing Falco off the stage. Falco's Dair (and Nair) comes out quicker than his Bair, Dair, and Fair, making for a nasty offstage spike. Falco's phantasms only real openings are at the beginning and end, though I really do need to more research as I believe it is possible to spike somewhere in the middle (likely around the same place you can cancel the phantasm early) but with extremely difficult timing (a lot of Falco's have trouble canceling the move themselves, I could just imagine how difficult it would be to try to spike him during it). It's also dangerous because Falco Phantasm is a semi-spike. Additionally Falco is actually one of the lighter characters? And I won't comment on the Charizard's grab game, because I haven't a clue.

Honestly, it's a hard match-up for you, just keep your eyes open for easy gimps and edgehogs as Falco has terrible recovery. If he goes below the stage, edgehog. If he's in line with the stage, edgehog. But that should be intuitive. I can't really add any more to this, as I haven't played a good PT (or many not good ones either).

Good luck.
I underlined where you contradicted yourself. However, If Falco gets knocked off the stage by Charizard (and if you screw up, it will happen), Falco is a dead man, especially since he doesn't do well from below the stage. What's worse, Charizard has a Dair meteor, which means if zard nails it, Falco may hit the ground hard, but this is only theoretical...


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2008
Also with the laser, what if the opponent keeps on rolling to you? what if even if you can damage them they are super heavy and strong? What if they manage to knock you off and is following you to gimp you? If you can solve all those questions with ease, Charizard is truly no problemo, but if you can't, he may be the best one...
Yeah, not going to happen I'm afraid. If anything, you're making the chaingrab easier by meeting those criteria. As a general rule of thumb, don't approach Falco for the gimp unless he's below the stage because of his strong aerial game, yet weak recovery.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2008
I underlined where you contradicted yourself. However, If Falco gets knocked off the stage by Charizard (and if you screw up, it will happen), Falco is a dead man, especially since he doesn't do well from below the stage. What's worse, Charizard has a Dair meteor, which means if zard nails it, Falco may hit the ground hard, but this is only theoretical...
Sorry, by he, I meant Charizard. Falco's Nair and Dair come out quicker than the previously mentioned. Sorry for the confusion.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2006
(KoJapes) Rochester, NY
Pokemon Trainer's worst matchup is Falco, at least that's what experienced PT players have said and that's what I've noticed at tournaments.

Even without being about to CG from 0 to death, all 3 can be simply CGed for great %.
I posted that because it pretty much states that instead of Pokemon trainer getting to 3-on-1 Falco, stock wise, it's the other way around.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
charizard seems to be your only chance really, which kind of sucks because of how big he is. Like JordPWN said, the only real way to win is to hopefully get falco below the stage, and gimp him (which doesnt really happen often, a good falco knows to stay level with the stage or higher). But really, sorry to say, but a good falco should have no problem with a good pokemon trainer


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
I apologize if some of this is repeating what others have said. I wrote the first part right after Retro Gaming's post, but then lost internet connection until just now.

The only difference from Snake is that Squirtle's crawl and Dtilt and are also going to bypass Reflector, and that lasers will not hit Squirtle during his turn-around (Herefore shellshift) Can Falco still work around that? I'm going to agree that Squirtle is at a slight disadvatage, if only because of Squirtle's Utilt and good aerials.
Snake can crawl and dtilt under Falco's reflector also. With Snake, we have to worry about his insane tilts during our approach, but since we have little to fear from Squirtle in that aspect, illusion and short hopped aerials are extremely well suited to deal with the situation. Yes, Squirtle's utilt is good, but it's not going to kill us like Snake's might.

As far as Ivysaur goes: What does Falco do when Ivysaur is a moderate close range, when it would be unsafe to use your blaster but impossible to reach with jabs? I'm asking because this is most likely what Ivysaur will attempt to do (Bair spam), but I'm confident reflector reaches? Multi-hit moves like Falco's jabs might be dangerous as well, considering that what Ivysaur might attempt to do is DI out upwards and then using Bullet Seed. Someone mentioned something along the lines of if Falco's chain grab wasn't fast performed fast enough then he would be Bullet Seeded, but I 'dunknow. I think worst of the three, in my opinion.
There really isn't a "moderate close range" we have to suffer from. We are quite a bit faster than Ivysaur, so we have no issue SHLing backwards to fix spacing. Ivy's ftilt, jab, and neutral B are all good tools against Falco, and all rely on close range. If you can get in close, or anticipate a chaingrab attempt, all three methods can rack up decent-good damage on us.

I don't think Charizard is anywhere near as bad off as Ivysaur, though. The lasers are a nuissance, but if Falco goes off the stage, then Charizard has Bair, Fair, and Dair to help ensure that he doesn't come back. My specific question about Falco for this board is regarding his Raptor Boost. Where or when is Falco vulnerable to attack during it? Whenever I try to hit it, I always clank and Falco continues. Depending on areas you can be hit, Charizard might try to spike you during it. Falco's rather heavy, as well. I'm curious to know how easily Charizard can throw Falco around after an initial grab.
Since Charizard's grab range is so crazy, it can be used to mess with our close range game. Back throws are especially annoying since you can almost chain them against an unaware Falco. It's a bit odd, but I've also noticed that Charizard can't seem to interrupt the middle of Falco's illusion (what you referred to as a "raptor boost")... as you said, Falco will just continue right on through (though this is true of a few of charizard's attacks, I can't speak to all of them). Our illusion is vulnerable during the beginning and end.

Also with the laser, what if the opponent keeps on rolling to you? what if even if you can damage them they are super heavy and strong? What if they manage to knock you off and is following you to gimp you? If you can solve all those questions with ease, Charizard is truly no problemo, but if you can't, he may be the best one...
Rolling to us isn't going to cause any real concern. Squirtle aside, we can outmaneuver you. Heavy and strong? Also big and heavy. Falco drags charizard into things like nairs, utilts, and jab combos with ease. Boost smashes seem to catch him add odd distances too. Add our chaingrab and spike into that, and you've little hope. Yes, you can potentially gimp us off the side, but it's much more likely that you'll end up getting gimped yourself. Charizard has a lot of trouble recovering after being hit with Falco's aerial illusion or dair.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Ah, so, you're essentially saying that against Falco, it is a complete shutout, Falco is high tier right?


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2008
Ah, so, you're essentially saying that against Falco, it is a complete shutout, Falco is high tier right?
Not to fanboy Falco, but it's going to be an uphill struggle. I would argue that Charizard might be on par with Squirtle in this match-up simply because of a good gimp game, but it'd have to be played quite well to be effective. With a bigger grab range though, I'd almost say spam it to keep spacing, and stay in that deadzone where Falco can't do big damage, can be hit, and can only laser, ftilt or shine.

To summarize your pros and cons in relation to Falco (I'm sure you know how to use your own main)

-small target
-crawl avoids laser spam and reflector
-breaks out of chainthrow slightly earlier than others(I believe)

-No glaring ones that aren't evident in the other two as well. Don't get grabbed!

-Good grab range can get some quick damage
-Decent range and proper spacing can limit Falco

-Easily out maneuvered

-Androgynous =D

-You may as well not have an UpB

I really don't know what else to say, given my limited experience with a good PT. Sorry.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
also, with charizard, avoid his flame. The ending lag will be punished by falco, seeing as he is fast in the air. Just a warning :]

Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
Perhaps all the PT's I've played against are just terrible at spacing. It's quite possible, especially since I haven't played many. However, it doesn't seem like Charizard has many safe moves that can't be sheild grabbed or severely punished.

Of the three, Squirtle is usually the least easy/most difficult for me. It seems so far the only thing that's been said about him is that he can't survive the chain grab. If Squirtle manages to live past the point where chain grabbing isn't possible then he has a lot better chance at winning. Squirtle seems to be very mobile, especially in the air, and despite how Falco prefers the air, it's really not too amazing. Falco's Dair and Bair are great, but Fair is situational and Nair has low priority.

I'm not exactly a great Falco though and I generally just have a more difficult time against smaller, quicker characters when using Falco, so maybe Squirtle's advantages are more advantages against me rather than against Falco. It's also possible that the PT I played against is just better with Squirtle. Who knows. I hope this helped at least a little.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
charizard really has a great space game, although ivy's is better.

dtilt is almost instantaneous, good range, pokes, and has a sweetspot a la marth on its head. it can ko at percents around 120.

ftilt is similar but slower, sweetspot on its tail. i think dtilt is superior.

flamethrower is a nice spacer when you nail someone approaching, but i guess it's not that effective against falco since

1. reflector goes right through, can hit zard, and reflects the flames back anyway.

2. as soon as falco jumps, zard will probably get baired.

really, zard can't camp because falco will laser all day, and up close falco is a bit faster. zard's only chance is to be kinda midranged, where perhaps rock smash/ftilt/dtilt can still hit and falco can't really laser...but he could probably just reflect at you anyway.

assuming falco uses an attack that isn't that reflector, zard should enjoy shieldgrabbing with that great grab range he has.

i think zard has the disadvantage here. :\ maybe not x4 weak, but it's not good. zard's edge game is perhaps its only bright spot, but even then falco's attacks come out just as quick. a well timed fair should usually work though.

squirtle has the best shot here imo. i regularly play a falco main and he agrees that squirtle is quicker than falco and can go toe to toe in the air.

ivysaur :\ gets outcamped and that's really bad for something so defensive.

Elliot Gale

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Naperville, IL
Ran some number checking, just posting this for reference.

Squirtle escapes the CG at 36. Ivy and Zard escape at 45.

All three Pokémon have a 0-30ish sequence on Falco.

Falco dies to their kill throws at the edge of FD at 110, 100 in the case of Squirtle.

Falco dies at 57 to Ivysaur's Usmash. The reason this is important is because it is a great illusion punisher.

Falco dies at 88 to Squirtle's Usmash. Illusion punisher, surprise buttsecks KO possible as well.

Falco dies at 98 to Charizard's Usmash. Not only an effective killer, but it's really fast and easy to throw out just about anytime.

Squirtle's Dair outprioritizes the illusion and hits in the process. It will kill Falco provided it hits him back outward on the final hit at moderate percentages.

Falco's 0-death is very well possible on Squirtle and Ivysaur, HOWEVER, I don't think it's a very likely occurrence. His grab range is meh, and the Pokémon are rather slippery anyway.

Ivysaur outranges Falco hands down due to Ftilt. The only thing Falco has with more range is the shine, and that's not exactly safe. Charizard ever so slightly outranges with his Ftilt, again barring the shine. Falco has a significant range and priority advantage on Squirtle, but performs worse in the air.


Smash Ace
Mar 9, 2008
You cannot bullet seed a Falco out of a well-done chaingrab. Switch off of Ivysaur immediately on a platform so you don't get chaingrabbed to death.

Charizard and Squirtle are valid insomuch as Charizard can tank effectively at higher percents against Falco and Squirtle doesn't get grabbed much because he's always in the air, but Falco spaces against Squirtle more effectively. Charizard is definitely at a big disadvantage due to his size and slow low jumps. With squirtle I'm not really worried about taking laser hits and chip damage, I'm worried about getting effective gimps off and avoiding u-smashes.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
u should still try to bullet seed and hope the falco messes up the timing or something

Retro Gaming

Black and White Thinking
Apr 18, 2008
Iowa City, IA
I just want to propose a new scenario:

Shellshifting. I think this has extra merit versus Falco because during it Squirtle will also be shorter than laser range. We haven't discussed it so much, so I just want to see opinions:

Yes, Squirtle's left open to Reflector. But the increased mobility in comparison to crawling and the mind-gamey aspect might bait a reflector? Squirtle will then have a perfect oppurtunity to shellshift back in during Reflector cool-down and use any attack (And I mean any attack) out of the shellshift. This is probably the number one way that Squirtle is going to land Utilt on a well-spaced Falco, but it opens you up to a grab (kill attempt or tacking on damage), Ftilt (Which will be followed by jab combo), or maybe a short-hopped aerial. Obviously Falco is not going to fall for this everytime and he'll learn quickly (pro'lly), but if he's anticipating it, how will he deal with it? SH Dair?

For the record, Charizard is possible of "chain-grabbing" most characters with both Bthrow and Fthrow. This usually links three or so together from really low percents, moreso in fatigue (Assuming after Charizard takes off a stock). I'm also under the impression that Phantasm isn't going through Flamethrower? That might make Falco's return game a little bit more difficult.

I think I'm missing something, so correct me here, but if Charizard's gimps will be from either above (Dair) or frrom the side (Fair and Bair), how is that going to leave Charizard open to Falco's Dair? Does it hit near his sides, and such?

These match-up analyses are infinitely more difficult when most posts start with "I rarely play a good PT..." D=

Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
There just aren't that many good PT's. I've never hit with Falco's torso during the Dair, but I'm not sure if it's possible. I think the point of the statement earlier was just to point out that Falco's aerials are quicker.

Even though Falco's recovery isn't the best, he's not really all that easy to gimp. By the time Charizard is in range to even try to spike Falco with a Dair, Falco will be able to Phantasm back on to the stage and possibly semi-spike Charizard.

Not too familiar with what shell shifting is. Care to explain?

Retro Gaming

Black and White Thinking
Apr 18, 2008
Iowa City, IA
It's his pivot animation. Besides getting smaller, he also gets a slight increase in speed and momentum for its duration.


Like I said, you can't hit Squirtle with a laser during it and he'll likely try to bait Reflector and then follow up with an attack (You can do basically anything). I'm pretty sure he as a slide backwards out of it that involves him going into a crawl too, just in-case he wanted to avoid the reflector anyway.

I'm saying it from personal experience that standing lasers will shoot over-head during it. I'm assuming Falco's response would be SH Dair? Even then, it might be difficult to hit him, since he can turn around at a moments notice.

The reason I'm asking on the Charizard bit is because Charizard is most often going to gimp with his Bair, which has nice range.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2008
This can go on forever.

You're right about the above part, but being in front of (or behind) Falco within the length of a Phantasm is generally a bad idea considering it can spike, and any time during the opening animation of the Dair almost entirely across his bottom spikes (it angles forward slightly). But yes, an approach from above is good. If you're going for the spike, you may as well do it from above, but since you're already above him (and likely he's below the stage) he'll probably have to Firebird, so just ledgehog him.

I'm pretty sure phantasm gets interrupted by the flamethrower, though I'm also pretty sure there's some super armor frames in the middle of it, so you'd have to be pretty lucky. Don't quote me on that though.

All in all, Squirtle is your best bet, simply because the only reason Falco poses any of a threat in any of his match-ups is his ability to control the spacing.

I really don't know what to say about Ivysaur however.

I think it's time you guys start asking for Wifi or local matches. Perhaps local Wifi? I haven't a clue.

Retro Gaming

Black and White Thinking
Apr 18, 2008
Iowa City, IA
Falco does pretty poorly in WiFi since most of his game revolves around techniques that are very specific in timing. It would be pretty pointless for us to play since you're in Wichita, but if you have a PT from California that wants to play, I'm game. Let me know.
I thought this was why no one would?

That was really my last bit of questioning on the match-up.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Whatever, lets play. If the lag is bad, it's bad. If not, we'll have some fun. Worth a try in any case. Who is down?

My messenger names are in my profile, but for those of you who are lazy, it's Enochuout for AIM.

Retro Gaming

Black and White Thinking
Apr 18, 2008
Iowa City, IA
I'll give you a chance, but we're a tad far away.

I thought it was standard that lag =/= Good match-up analysis, but okay.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Like I said, we might as well try... No one else seems to be reporting anything more than "I played a PT once!"

I'll add your FC Retro, though I've not received any IMs as of yet.
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