Smash Master
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- Mar 16, 2021
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Okay so vote for which general you would rather have. I vote for Guzma
Job 9
Submit Grass type troop Pokemon
Submit Grass type troop Pokemon, the same rules apply as last time, use these examples as a template for other troop Pokemon.
Submit a buildable site
Submit a site that can be built by your empire, describe what it will look like, gameplay mechanics will be determined at a later date.
Job 11
Submit a business
Businesses are places where resources are developed, these can be items, materials, or something else. Submit a business and describe what it will produce and what it's potential use could be.
Appearance: Cadin is a young boy, about 5-6 years old of Kantonian descent, he wears heavy, dark green armor resembling that of a beetle.
Personality: Cadin is a young, spry child, he is often quite mischievous and skittish, like the bugs that he uses, and can be quite annoying sometimes, but he is also a loyal ally and doesn't get why everyone needs to battle for so long.
Bio: Cadin is the youngest of the Insea clan of the ancient Kanto region, his family was blessed for gaining a strong spirit at such young ages but they are also cursed with becoming worse overtime. Cadin wants to prove that his clan can be part of a larger power by using his team to control the region.
His team consists of Scizor, Butterfree, and Beedrill
View attachment 366889
Possible Abilities:
Anticipation (The first attack that damaged the user is lowered in power by 50%)
Dry Skin (The user takes more damage from Fire-type moves but gets healed by Water-type moves and being under rain)
Speed: 6
Possible Moves:
Poison Jab (The user jabs an adjacent target and may poison them as well)
Low Kick (The user does a medium powered kick attack that tosses the opponent back 1 tile)
Brick Break (This attack ignores defense boosts from screens and terrain advantages)
Toxic (The user spews toxic acid at the target slowly chipping away at their health, this is contagious and can affect other Pokemon adjacent to the target)
The first Toxic user in the game, making good use of it alongside solid STAB options.
View attachment 366891
Possible Abilities:
Toxic Debris (When attacked the user scatters Toxic Spikes around itself)
Corrosion (Poison-type attacks can hit Steel-types)
Speed: 7
Possible Moves:
Toxic Spikes
Stealth Rock
Mortal Spin (A spinning attack that has the user spin forward until it hits a wall and leave behind a thin layer of toxic sludge, this destroys any hazard it comes across)
Venoshock (This move doubles in power when the target is already poisoned)
Although it lacks offensive power, it is a premier hazard stacking machine.
View attachment 366892
Possible Abilities:
Chlorophyll (The user gains 3 speed when under harsh sunlight)
Effect Spore (Physical attacks directed at the user may cause the attacker to become poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep)
Speed: 6
Possible Moves:
Sludge Bomb
Sleep Powder
Giga Drain (A health draining attack, half of the damage caused by this move converts into health for the user)
Leech Seed (The user leaves a hidden seed trap that latches onto whoever walks onto it, slowly draining them of their health)
Moonlight (The user heals its wounds, this usually only heals 25% of their total health but becomes 50% during the nighttime, on top of that it also heals their status ailments, can't be used consecutively)
A tank, lots of ways to set traps and keep itself healthy, plus under the right conditions it can be quite mobile.
Anyway aside from new poison types we will begin opening up a new type as wellOkie dokie, here I am:
Job 6
Katrina's Ability is Strict Discipline, which multiplies by 1.2 the experience gained by every Pokémon deployed on the battlefield if she's chosen as a General. I don't know how many generals you want to add and how many are able to be chosen at once (I thought that there would be just 1 at a time), but I think that this Ability is simple and effective, just what you want for your first General.
Job 7
Well, since this game explicitly has people coming from different dimensions...
View attachment 366975
It's ya boy Guzma! This version of Guzma comes from a different Alola, which was left by Lusamine after she accessed the Ultra Space. Nobody could stop Guzma and as such he and the rest of the Team Skull act as kind of the bosses of Alola. Under Guzma and Team Skull, anarchy ruled in Alola. Long story short: One day Guzma crossed a wormhole and he found himself in this game's dimension. Now he is determined to return to his region fearing that, due to his absence, others might have taken power and arrested or imprisoned his Team (which he views as a family of sorts).
This version of Guzma is very similar to the canon one and once he meets with the player, the first thing he wants to do is establish his strength in a Pokémon battle (or how they're called in this game). Guzma however immediately acknowledges the player's strength and becomes a sort of reliable ally.
His team consists of Lokix, Pinsir, and his ace, Golisopod.
Job 8
View attachment 366976
Type: Poison
Speed: 4
Abilities: Liquid Ooze (instead of healing, opponents are damaged when using life-draining moves)/Sticky Hold (it's impossible to Knock Off or steal the Pokémon's held item)
Moves: Swallow (eats an adjacent hazard or obstacle and heals some damage; if no obstacle is near, then the Pokémon eats its held item, healing for 1/2 of their total HP regardless of the item), Belch (damages opponents in a 3x1 line centered on the tile in front of the user; can't be used if the Pokémon hasn't eaten a Berry or successfully used Swallow), Stockpile (boosts the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage for 3 turns), Toxic, Mud Slap.
Gulpin's main role is hazard removal with its move Swallow. Other than that, it can do serious damage using Belch and be annoying with Toxic, Mud Slap, and Stockpile. It has a very defined, but useful, niche.
View attachment 366977
Type: Poison/Ground
Speed: 8
Abilities: Rivalry (deals more damage to opponents that share at least one type with the Pokémon)/Sheer Force (boosts the power of moves with secondary effects while removing those effects altogether).
Moves: Megahorn (a very powerful but inaccurate attack), Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Fire Punch (a punch that has 30% chance to Burn the target), Horn Drill (a very inaccurate OHKO move)
Nidoking is a relentless war machine: there is nothing that can be done to stop it once it decides to destroy a target. Along with very high offensive stats and powerful moves, Nidoking boasts two excellent abilities: Rivalry boosts its power especially so against fellow Poison-type Pokémon (which are already weak to Earthquake) and Sheer Force boosts the power of Fire Punch and Sludge Bomb, two otherwise weaker moves. Nidoking's main flaw is probably that is may be a bit one-dimensional at times, lacking any sort of boosting or disrupting move. Its mighty Earthquake can also damage allies, so be careful.
View attachment 366978
Hisuian Sneasel
Type: Poison/Fighting
Speed: 11
Abilities: Inner Focus (this Pokémon is immune from Flinching and Intimidate)/Pickpocket (25% chance to steal an item to an adjacent target)
Moves: Poison Jab, Agility, Quick Attack (hits up to two tiles away, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn), Brick Break, Taunt (the target can't use any non-damaging moves and any items for 4 turns)
Hisuian Sneasel is a speedster and a glass cannon: with Agility and Quick Attack set up, it can move up to 14 tiles at once, making it easily one of the most mobile threats on the battlefield. Poison Jab and Brick Break should not be overlooked, as they can deal very respectable damage and pack some utility too (Poison Jab can Poison the target, Brick Break is unaffected by terrain and screens), while Taunt is probably Hisuian Sneasel's most precious asset, as it can prevent opponents from supporting their allies. With Hisuian Sneasel's great Speed, it is very likely that support-oriented Pokémon are in a very bad position (especially Maushold, considering that Hisuian Sneasel's Brick Break is super effective against them)
Job 9
Submit Grass type troop Pokemon
Submit Grass type troop Pokemon, the same rules apply as last time, use these examples as a template for other troop Pokemon.
Job 10The character jobs are ongoing, so anyone who haven't posted yet can post later today, and the submitted sites will be included already
Still that doesn't mean we can't do something new today sooooo....
Job 3
Submit Pokemon troops, specifically Normal type Pokemon
Okay so battles work similar to turn-based strategy games like X-Com, Fire Emblem, and even Pokemon Conquest itself, where a group of troop Pokemon each move a specific amount of spaces based on their speed stat. They can then perform a variety of selectable moves that have a variety of effects, from status ailments to standard damage, all the while, each Pokemon will have one of two different abilities that gives them a further niche. Now some Pokemon evolution stages will obviously be better than the previous stages (otherwise, Caterpie would be top tier), but some evolutions can be useful in there own ways, giving a lot of variety in how you perform battles. Some Pokemon are better at battling, some are better at supporting, and others are better at gathering resources. This job will have us submit troop Pokemon, specifically normal type Pokemon, I will use my submissions to show how such a troop would work.
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Speed: 7 (This dictates the maximum amount of spaces it can move, the max speed a Pokemon can have is 12 and the minimum is 4)
Possible Abilities: (Each Pokemon can have 1 of 2 possible abilities, these are abilities they can learn in the main games)
Technician (Powers up moves of a weaker power by 50%.)
Unnerve (Makes opponents near it nervous and unable to used held items.)
Moves: (Pokemon can use 3 moves of a pool of 4-5 moves, these are all the moves it can learn, when submitting please submit moves they have canonically already knew)
Slash: Targets adjacent Pokemon, has a high critical hit rate
Fury Swipes: Targets adjacent Pokemon, hits 2-5 times
Taunt: Disables a target's ability to use support moves or held items for 2-4 turns.
Growl: Lowers the attack of all opponents adjacent to it.
View attachment 366778
Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Natural Cure (Every turn Blissey regains 1/16th of its total hp)
Serene Grace (Increases the chance of secondary effects)
Possible Moves:
Life Dew (Heals adjacent allies for 1/4 of their total hp)
Soft-Boiled (Heals the user for 1/2 of their total hp)
Seismic Toss (Deals damage equal to the level of their captain)
Sing (70% chance to cause all adjacent opponents to fall asleep)
View attachment 366780
Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Simple (Doubles stat changes)
Moody (Randomly raises and lowers a different stat every turn)
Possible Moves:
Super Fang (Always removes 1/4 of the target's health)
Return (The better a bond they have with their trainer, the more damage this move causes)
Swagger (Charms the target, raising their attack by 1 stage but also confuse it)
Yawn (Forces it and the target to sleep for 2-4 turns, unable to move)
Now just so you know the moves and abilities don't have to be exactly the same as the canon profiles, they just need to work in a turned based grid strategy game like Fire Emblem or something similar, and again for this job only submit normal types, if you have questions, about the job please ask.
Submit a buildable site
Submit a site that can be built by your empire, describe what it will look like, gameplay mechanics will be determined at a later date.
Job 11
Submit a business
Businesses are places where resources are developed, these can be items, materials, or something else. Submit a business and describe what it will produce and what it's potential use could be.
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