Smash Master
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- Mar 16, 2021
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So I think of any franchise that is allowed to mix and match various genres, Pokemon is one of the best as the large cast of characters allows one to create a varied and well thought out experience. One genre I am surprised they haven't thought of mixing into is the 4X genre, an abbreviation of Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate. I think Pokemon would offer a great entry in the genre and would provide a unique player's experience. My idea was to have the Pokemon be the units who are manned by a human trainer OC, this trainer will also have a main Pokemon that offers many excellent boons for both planning, building, and battling. With the right people, this thread might become a Smashboards icon. So I'm very excited to show you this concept: jobs will be available soon.
Hisuian Sneasel
Hisuian Sneasel
Slash: Targets adjacent Pokemon, has a high critical hit rate
Fury Swipes: Targets adjacent Pokemon, hits 2-5 times
Taunt: Disables a target's ability to use support moves or held items for 2-4 turns.
Growl: Lowers the attack of all opponents adjacent to it.
Life Dew (Heals adjacent allies for 1/4 of their total hp)
Soft-Boiled (Heals the user for 1/2 of their total hp)
Seismic Toss (Deals damage equal to the level of their captain)
Sing (70% chance to cause all adjacent opponents to fall asleep)
Super Fang (Always removes 1/4 of the target's health)
Return (The better a bond they have with their trainer, the more damage this move causes)
Swagger (Charms the target, raising their attack by 1 stage but also confuse it)
Yawn (Forces it and the target to sleep for 2-4 turns, unable to move)
Bullet Seed (hits between 2 to 5 uses)
Rest (heals itself, then forces the target to sleep for 2 turns)
Counter (counters the opponents moves as an a counterattack)
Population Bomb (hits 1-10 times)
Tidy Up (removes hazards and nearby obstacles, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Encore (forces the target to perform the same move for 3 turns), Follow Me (forces allies within 5 tiles to gather around the user)
Baby-Doll Eyes (lowers the target's Attack stat for the next three turns).
Bind (grabs an adjacent opponent, during the next turn the opponent and the user both can't move, deals damage over time)
Hammer Arm (lowers user Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Mega Punch (a powerful punch with no particular effect)
Brutal Swing (hits opponents all around the user)
Thrash (a particularly powerful blow that confuses the user after performing it).
Weather Ball (doubles in power and turns into either a Fire-, Water-, or Ice-type move under Harsh Sunlight, Heavy Rainfalls, or Snowstorm)
Sunny Day (turns the weather into Harsh Sunlight for five turns)
Rain Dance (turns the weather into Heavy Rainfalls for five turns)
Snowscape (turns the weather into Snowstorm for five turns)
X-Scissor (Attacks an adjacent target, has a high critical hit ratio)
Strength (Damaged and pushes an adjacent target back 3 spaces)
Dig (This move can either be used to move under barriers and other obstructions or can be used to attack an opponent)
Sleep Powder (The user sprays a power onto a 3x2 grid in front of it, each opponent has a 65% to fall asleep)
Whirlwind (The user pushes a nearby target back into a wall, this attack doesn't do damage)
Bug Buzz (The user attacks in a 3x2 cone in front of it, 30% chance to cause confusion)
Hurricane (A very powerful but inaccurate Flying type attack, the move has a 35% chance to fail, but never misses in rain)
Silk Trap (Creates a silk trap around all tiles adjacent to itself, any enemy who enters this trap will be disabled for the turn)
Sticky Web (The user launches a web onto the ground that takes up a 3x3 area, anyone who enters this web will have their speed lowered by 2)
Lunge (The user attacks and dashes forward 3 spaces, the move attacks anyone who crosses paths with the user)
Poison Jab (The user jabs an adjacent target and may poison them as well)
Low Kick (The user does a medium powered kick attack that tosses the opponent back 1 tile)
Bullet Punch (hits every Pokémon in the four tiles directly in front of the user, the user then moves to the tile over them, boosts Speed by 1 for the following turn)
Swords Dance (doubles Attack for 3 turns)
U-turn (hits opponents in the tile directly in front of the user, then the user is allowed to use move again using its leftover movement)
Slash (increased Critical Hit rate)
Pounce (hits directly in front of the user, lowers the opponent's Attack by one stage for two turns)
Defend Order (summons a swarm of Combee that protect Vespiquen from one opposing attack)
Attack Order (summons a swarm of Combee that attacks up to two tiles away, high Critical Hit rate)
Heal Order (summons a swarm of Combee that heal Vespiquen of 25% of her total HP, lowers Vespiquen's Speed to 2 points for the following turn)
Power Gem (creates a beam of energy from her jewel that hits up to 4 tiles away, has no particular effect)
Agility (boosts the user's Speed by 2 points for the following three turns)
Rollout (A move that involves Shuckle dashing into a wall, the more tiles Shuckle moves onto the higher the moves power, it become max power if Shuckle moves down a slope)
Sticky Web (The user launches a web onto the ground that takes up a 3x3 area, anyone who enters this web will have their speed lowered by 2)
Stealth Rock (The user scatters sharp stones in a 1x3 or 3x1 grid, this acts a road hazard which damages anyone who crosses it, if the crosser is weak to Rock they will lose 1/4 hp, if the user is resistant to Rock they will lose 1/16th hp, otherwise anyone who crosses it loses 1/8th hp)
Gasto Acid (The user sprays acid in a 1x3 or 3x1 cone in front of itself, this disables the ability of any enemy who enters the acid)
Gyro Ball (This move has the user move forward 5 tiles and attack anyone they come across, the higher the target's speed is compared to the user the stronger the attack)
Rapid Spin (The user spins forward 5 tiles, destroying any road hazard they come across, this then raises the speed of the user)
Spikes (The user scatters spikes in a 3x3 grid, anyone who crosses these spikes will be dealt a flat 3 damage for each tile crossed, each spike is weak but the damage can surely stack up due to how spammable this move it, Flying type ignore this hazard)
Explosion (The user dies but heavily damages any enemy in a 5x5 area around itself)
Sludge Bomb (The user lobs a toxic blob of poison that does medium damage and leaves a puddle of toxic purple sludge in a 3x3 area, causing passive damage to all Non-Poison types who stand on the sludge)
Bug Buzz (The user attacks in a 3x2 cone in front of it, 30% chance to cause confusion)
Toxic Spikes (The user scatters purple spikes in a 2x2 grid at the targeted ground, landing on it once poisons the target, landing on it twice badly poisons the target)
Revival Blessing (Allows a KO d Pokemon to be revived at half health, can only be used once per battle)
Confuse Ray (The user shoots a beam of odd light at a target from up to 4 tiles away, this then confuses them)
Recover (Can heal itself or an adjacent ally for 50% of their max hp)
Extrasensory (Attack a target up to 3 tiles away, has a chance to knock the target back 1 tile)
Axe Kick (Can attack adjacent targets that are in a higher vantage point and ignore enemy terrain bonuses, has a small chance to misfire causing the user to take 1/4 of its health in recoil damage)
Sucker Punch (This attack will guarantee to cause a critical hit if the user was attacked previously by the target)
Quiver Dance (Boosts the attack, special attack, and speed of the user by 2 while boosting all adjacent allies speed stats by 1)
Twineedle (Can either hit a single target twice or hit two separate targets, both shots have a small chance to poison the target)
Pin Missile (Can hit 2-5 times and can also be used on targets up to 3 tiles away)
Boomburst (a sound-based 3x3 area of effect attack that deals hefty damage to all Pokémon around the user, including allies, lowers the user's Speed by 3 points for the next turn)
Hyper Voice (hits every opponent in a 3x1 cone, sound-based move)
Uproar (awakens any Pokémon that has been put Asleep in a 3x3 square, deals no damage, sound-based move), Roar (pushes an adjacent Pokémon away until they hit a wall, seals no damage, sound-based move)
Crunch (20% chance to lower the target's Defense for three turns)
Mud-Slap (hits up to two tiles away, lowers the target's Accuracy for five turns)
Body Slam (30% chance to Paralyze the target)
Glare (75% chance to Paralyze an adjacent opponent)
Dragon Rush (30% chance to Flinch the target
Hyper Drill (breaks through Protect, Substitute, Defend Order and similar moves, can be used to destroy hazards and obstacles, hits up to two tiles away) Drill Run (hits up to two tiles away)
Waterfall (A move that offers offense and mobility, it hits all adjacent targets while also allowing the user to go to higher elevations)
Rock Smash (A move that involves the user hitting an adjacent target, this does double damage if the target's back is against a wall)
Rock Climb (The user climbs up a surface to attack a hard to reach opponent)
Belly Drum (The user sacrifices half of their max HP to maximize their speed and triple their attack stat)
Extreme Speed (This attack allows the user to use their remaining movement points after being used)
Play Rough (This attack may confuse the target)
Facade (A strong attack that becomes even stronger should the user have a status effect)
Giga Impact (A powerful attack that requires the user to recharge after using)
Earthquake (Attacks all units in a 3x3 area around the user, including allies)
Sleep Talk (This has the user randomly choose another attack it knows if the user is currently incapacitated by sleep or Truant)
Slack Off (The user is healed by 50% of their total HP)
Mortal Spin (A spinning attack that has the user spin forward until it hits a wall and leave behind a thin layer of toxic sludge, this destroys any hazard it comes across)
Venoshock (This move doubles in power when the target is already poisoned)
Giga Drain (A health draining attack, half of the damage caused by this move converts into health for the user)
Leech Seed (The user leaves a hidden seed trap that latches onto whoever walks onto it, slowly draining them of their health)
Moonlight (The user heals its wounds, this usually only heals 25% of their total health but becomes 50% during the nighttime, on top of that it also heals their status ailments, can't be used consecutively)
Swallow (eats an adjacent hazard or obstacle and heals some damage; if no obstacle is near, then the Pokémon eats its held item, healing for 1/2 of their total HP regardless of the item)
Belch (damages opponents in a 3x1 line centered on the tile in front of the user; can't be used if the Pokémon hasn't eaten a Berry or successfully used Swallow)
Stockpile (boosts the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage for 3 turns)
Quick Attack (hits up to two tiles away, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Fury Swipes: Targets adjacent Pokemon, hits 2-5 times
Taunt: Disables a target's ability to use support moves or held items for 2-4 turns.
Growl: Lowers the attack of all opponents adjacent to it.
Life Dew (Heals adjacent allies for 1/4 of their total hp)
Soft-Boiled (Heals the user for 1/2 of their total hp)
Seismic Toss (Deals damage equal to the level of their captain)
Sing (70% chance to cause all adjacent opponents to fall asleep)
Super Fang (Always removes 1/4 of the target's health)
Return (The better a bond they have with their trainer, the more damage this move causes)
Swagger (Charms the target, raising their attack by 1 stage but also confuse it)
Yawn (Forces it and the target to sleep for 2-4 turns, unable to move)
Bullet Seed (hits between 2 to 5 uses)
Rest (heals itself, then forces the target to sleep for 2 turns)
Counter (counters the opponents moves as an a counterattack)
Population Bomb (hits 1-10 times)
Tidy Up (removes hazards and nearby obstacles, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Encore (forces the target to perform the same move for 3 turns), Follow Me (forces allies within 5 tiles to gather around the user)
Baby-Doll Eyes (lowers the target's Attack stat for the next three turns).
Bind (grabs an adjacent opponent, during the next turn the opponent and the user both can't move, deals damage over time)
Hammer Arm (lowers user Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Mega Punch (a powerful punch with no particular effect)
Brutal Swing (hits opponents all around the user)
Thrash (a particularly powerful blow that confuses the user after performing it).
Weather Ball (doubles in power and turns into either a Fire-, Water-, or Ice-type move under Harsh Sunlight, Heavy Rainfalls, or Snowstorm)
Sunny Day (turns the weather into Harsh Sunlight for five turns)
Rain Dance (turns the weather into Heavy Rainfalls for five turns)
Snowscape (turns the weather into Snowstorm for five turns)
X-Scissor (Attacks an adjacent target, has a high critical hit ratio)
Strength (Damaged and pushes an adjacent target back 3 spaces)
Dig (This move can either be used to move under barriers and other obstructions or can be used to attack an opponent)
Sleep Powder (The user sprays a power onto a 3x2 grid in front of it, each opponent has a 65% to fall asleep)
Whirlwind (The user pushes a nearby target back into a wall, this attack doesn't do damage)
Bug Buzz (The user attacks in a 3x2 cone in front of it, 30% chance to cause confusion)
Hurricane (A very powerful but inaccurate Flying type attack, the move has a 35% chance to fail, but never misses in rain)
Silk Trap (Creates a silk trap around all tiles adjacent to itself, any enemy who enters this trap will be disabled for the turn)
Sticky Web (The user launches a web onto the ground that takes up a 3x3 area, anyone who enters this web will have their speed lowered by 2)
Lunge (The user attacks and dashes forward 3 spaces, the move attacks anyone who crosses paths with the user)
Poison Jab (The user jabs an adjacent target and may poison them as well)
Low Kick (The user does a medium powered kick attack that tosses the opponent back 1 tile)
Bullet Punch (hits every Pokémon in the four tiles directly in front of the user, the user then moves to the tile over them, boosts Speed by 1 for the following turn)
Swords Dance (doubles Attack for 3 turns)
U-turn (hits opponents in the tile directly in front of the user, then the user is allowed to use move again using its leftover movement)
Slash (increased Critical Hit rate)
Pounce (hits directly in front of the user, lowers the opponent's Attack by one stage for two turns)
Defend Order (summons a swarm of Combee that protect Vespiquen from one opposing attack)
Attack Order (summons a swarm of Combee that attacks up to two tiles away, high Critical Hit rate)
Heal Order (summons a swarm of Combee that heal Vespiquen of 25% of her total HP, lowers Vespiquen's Speed to 2 points for the following turn)
Power Gem (creates a beam of energy from her jewel that hits up to 4 tiles away, has no particular effect)
Agility (boosts the user's Speed by 2 points for the following three turns)
Rollout (A move that involves Shuckle dashing into a wall, the more tiles Shuckle moves onto the higher the moves power, it become max power if Shuckle moves down a slope)
Sticky Web (The user launches a web onto the ground that takes up a 3x3 area, anyone who enters this web will have their speed lowered by 2)
Stealth Rock (The user scatters sharp stones in a 1x3 or 3x1 grid, this acts a road hazard which damages anyone who crosses it, if the crosser is weak to Rock they will lose 1/4 hp, if the user is resistant to Rock they will lose 1/16th hp, otherwise anyone who crosses it loses 1/8th hp)
Gasto Acid (The user sprays acid in a 1x3 or 3x1 cone in front of itself, this disables the ability of any enemy who enters the acid)
Gyro Ball (This move has the user move forward 5 tiles and attack anyone they come across, the higher the target's speed is compared to the user the stronger the attack)
Rapid Spin (The user spins forward 5 tiles, destroying any road hazard they come across, this then raises the speed of the user)
Spikes (The user scatters spikes in a 3x3 grid, anyone who crosses these spikes will be dealt a flat 3 damage for each tile crossed, each spike is weak but the damage can surely stack up due to how spammable this move it, Flying type ignore this hazard)
Explosion (The user dies but heavily damages any enemy in a 5x5 area around itself)
Sludge Bomb (The user lobs a toxic blob of poison that does medium damage and leaves a puddle of toxic purple sludge in a 3x3 area, causing passive damage to all Non-Poison types who stand on the sludge)
Bug Buzz (The user attacks in a 3x2 cone in front of it, 30% chance to cause confusion)
Toxic Spikes (The user scatters purple spikes in a 2x2 grid at the targeted ground, landing on it once poisons the target, landing on it twice badly poisons the target)
Revival Blessing (Allows a KO d Pokemon to be revived at half health, can only be used once per battle)
Confuse Ray (The user shoots a beam of odd light at a target from up to 4 tiles away, this then confuses them)
Recover (Can heal itself or an adjacent ally for 50% of their max hp)
Extrasensory (Attack a target up to 3 tiles away, has a chance to knock the target back 1 tile)
Axe Kick (Can attack adjacent targets that are in a higher vantage point and ignore enemy terrain bonuses, has a small chance to misfire causing the user to take 1/4 of its health in recoil damage)
Sucker Punch (This attack will guarantee to cause a critical hit if the user was attacked previously by the target)
Quiver Dance (Boosts the attack, special attack, and speed of the user by 2 while boosting all adjacent allies speed stats by 1)
Twineedle (Can either hit a single target twice or hit two separate targets, both shots have a small chance to poison the target)
Pin Missile (Can hit 2-5 times and can also be used on targets up to 3 tiles away)
Boomburst (a sound-based 3x3 area of effect attack that deals hefty damage to all Pokémon around the user, including allies, lowers the user's Speed by 3 points for the next turn)
Hyper Voice (hits every opponent in a 3x1 cone, sound-based move)
Uproar (awakens any Pokémon that has been put Asleep in a 3x3 square, deals no damage, sound-based move), Roar (pushes an adjacent Pokémon away until they hit a wall, seals no damage, sound-based move)
Crunch (20% chance to lower the target's Defense for three turns)
Mud-Slap (hits up to two tiles away, lowers the target's Accuracy for five turns)
Body Slam (30% chance to Paralyze the target)
Glare (75% chance to Paralyze an adjacent opponent)
Dragon Rush (30% chance to Flinch the target
Hyper Drill (breaks through Protect, Substitute, Defend Order and similar moves, can be used to destroy hazards and obstacles, hits up to two tiles away) Drill Run (hits up to two tiles away)
Waterfall (A move that offers offense and mobility, it hits all adjacent targets while also allowing the user to go to higher elevations)
Rock Smash (A move that involves the user hitting an adjacent target, this does double damage if the target's back is against a wall)
Rock Climb (The user climbs up a surface to attack a hard to reach opponent)
Belly Drum (The user sacrifices half of their max HP to maximize their speed and triple their attack stat)
Extreme Speed (This attack allows the user to use their remaining movement points after being used)
Play Rough (This attack may confuse the target)
Facade (A strong attack that becomes even stronger should the user have a status effect)
Giga Impact (A powerful attack that requires the user to recharge after using)
Earthquake (Attacks all units in a 3x3 area around the user, including allies)
Sleep Talk (This has the user randomly choose another attack it knows if the user is currently incapacitated by sleep or Truant)
Slack Off (The user is healed by 50% of their total HP)
Mortal Spin (A spinning attack that has the user spin forward until it hits a wall and leave behind a thin layer of toxic sludge, this destroys any hazard it comes across)
Venoshock (This move doubles in power when the target is already poisoned)
Giga Drain (A health draining attack, half of the damage caused by this move converts into health for the user)
Leech Seed (The user leaves a hidden seed trap that latches onto whoever walks onto it, slowly draining them of their health)
Moonlight (The user heals its wounds, this usually only heals 25% of their total health but becomes 50% during the nighttime, on top of that it also heals their status ailments, can't be used consecutively)
Swallow (eats an adjacent hazard or obstacle and heals some damage; if no obstacle is near, then the Pokémon eats its held item, healing for 1/2 of their total HP regardless of the item)
Belch (damages opponents in a 3x1 line centered on the tile in front of the user; can't be used if the Pokémon hasn't eaten a Berry or successfully used Swallow)
Stockpile (boosts the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage for 3 turns)
Quick Attack (hits up to two tiles away, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Technician (Powers up moves of a weaker power by 50%.)
Unnerve (Makes opponents near it nervous and unable to used held items.)
Natural Cure (Every turn the user regains 1/16th of its total hp)
Serene Grace (Increases the chance of secondary effects)
Simple (Doubles stat changes)
Moody (Randomly raises and lowers a different stat every turn)
Friend Guard (lowers damage taken by adjacent allies by 30%)
Fluffy (halves damage taken from adjacent opponents, doubles the damage taken from Fire-type moves)
Klutz (destroys hazards and obstacles by walking over them, doesn't work with every obstacle)
Forecast (transforms Castform into either its Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy form based on the weather)
Mold Breaker (Moves ignore other abilities)
Moxie (Boosts attack after KO ing an opponent)
Swift Swim (makes it faster in rain)
Compound Eyes (Increases accuracy by 25%)
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Insomnia (Immune to sleep)
Stakeout (Boosts that power of attacking moves by 50% if this is the first move used against the target)
Swarm (boosts the power of Bug-type moves by 50% if HP is below 33%)
Sniper (ignores terrain bonuses while attacking opponents)
Pressure (adjacent opponents have their accuracy reduced by 10%)
Sturdy (Moves that would kill Shuckle in one hit instead leave it at 1 hp)
Gluttony (Berries and other food based items are eaten automatically when the user is at half health)
Overcoat (Protects the user from passive, non volatile status damage)
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Wonder Skin (All status effects directed at the target last for only 1-2 turns)
Synchronize (If a attacker gives you a status effect you give them that same effect)
Telepathy (Avoids moves made by allies that could harm it)
Soundproof (the Pokémon is immune to sound-based moves)
Scrappy (the Pokémon can hit Ghost-type Pokémon using Normal- or Fighting-type moves)
Adaptability (boosts the power of STAB moves from 1.5x to 2x)
Run Away (increases Speed by 3 points if the Pokémon's HP is below 50%)
Pickup (When it KO s an opponent it collects the held item of the opponent and gives it to the trainer)
Inner Focus (this Pokémon is immune from Flinching and Intimidate)
Pickpocket (25% chance to steal an item to an adjacent target)
Truant (The user is forces to skip a turn every other turn)
Flame Body (burns opponent if it gets hit)
Liquid Ooze (instead of healing, opponents are damaged when using life-draining moves)/Sticky Hold (it's impossible to Knock Off or steal the Pokémon's held item)
Cute Charm (makes the opposite gender have feelings for the Pokémon using said ability)
Anticipation (The first attack that damaged the user is lowered in power by 50%)
Dry Skin (The user takes more damage from Fire-type moves but gets healed by Water-type moves and being under rain)
Toxic Debris (When attacked the user scatters Toxic Spikes around itself)
Corrosion (Poison-type attacks can hit Steel-types)
Unnerve (Makes opponents near it nervous and unable to used held items.)
Natural Cure (Every turn the user regains 1/16th of its total hp)
Serene Grace (Increases the chance of secondary effects)
Simple (Doubles stat changes)
Moody (Randomly raises and lowers a different stat every turn)
Friend Guard (lowers damage taken by adjacent allies by 30%)
Fluffy (halves damage taken from adjacent opponents, doubles the damage taken from Fire-type moves)
Klutz (destroys hazards and obstacles by walking over them, doesn't work with every obstacle)
Forecast (transforms Castform into either its Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy form based on the weather)
Mold Breaker (Moves ignore other abilities)
Moxie (Boosts attack after KO ing an opponent)
Swift Swim (makes it faster in rain)
Compound Eyes (Increases accuracy by 25%)
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Insomnia (Immune to sleep)
Stakeout (Boosts that power of attacking moves by 50% if this is the first move used against the target)
Swarm (boosts the power of Bug-type moves by 50% if HP is below 33%)
Sniper (ignores terrain bonuses while attacking opponents)
Pressure (adjacent opponents have their accuracy reduced by 10%)
Sturdy (Moves that would kill Shuckle in one hit instead leave it at 1 hp)
Gluttony (Berries and other food based items are eaten automatically when the user is at half health)
Overcoat (Protects the user from passive, non volatile status damage)
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Wonder Skin (All status effects directed at the target last for only 1-2 turns)
Synchronize (If a attacker gives you a status effect you give them that same effect)
Telepathy (Avoids moves made by allies that could harm it)
Soundproof (the Pokémon is immune to sound-based moves)
Scrappy (the Pokémon can hit Ghost-type Pokémon using Normal- or Fighting-type moves)
Adaptability (boosts the power of STAB moves from 1.5x to 2x)
Run Away (increases Speed by 3 points if the Pokémon's HP is below 50%)
Pickup (When it KO s an opponent it collects the held item of the opponent and gives it to the trainer)
Inner Focus (this Pokémon is immune from Flinching and Intimidate)
Pickpocket (25% chance to steal an item to an adjacent target)
Truant (The user is forces to skip a turn every other turn)
Flame Body (burns opponent if it gets hit)
Liquid Ooze (instead of healing, opponents are damaged when using life-draining moves)/Sticky Hold (it's impossible to Knock Off or steal the Pokémon's held item)
Cute Charm (makes the opposite gender have feelings for the Pokémon using said ability)
Anticipation (The first attack that damaged the user is lowered in power by 50%)
Dry Skin (The user takes more damage from Fire-type moves but gets healed by Water-type moves and being under rain)
Toxic Debris (When attacked the user scatters Toxic Spikes around itself)
Corrosion (Poison-type attacks can hit Steel-types)
Prism Tower
Wyndom Stadium
Central Pokemon Hub
Wyndom Stadium
Central Pokemon Hub
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