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Pokemon Kingdoms (A Pokemon City Builder/Turned Based Strategy Game)


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
So I think of any franchise that is allowed to mix and match various genres, Pokemon is one of the best as the large cast of characters allows one to create a varied and well thought out experience. One genre I am surprised they haven't thought of mixing into is the 4X genre, an abbreviation of Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate. I think Pokemon would offer a great entry in the genre and would provide a unique player's experience. My idea was to have the Pokemon be the units who are manned by a human trainer OC, this trainer will also have a main Pokemon that offers many excellent boons for both planning, building, and battling. With the right people, this thread might become a Smashboards icon. So I'm very excited to show you this concept: jobs will be available soon.

Slash: Targets adjacent Pokemon, has a high critical hit rate
Fury Swipes: Targets adjacent Pokemon, hits 2-5 times
Taunt: Disables a target's ability to use support moves or held items for 2-4 turns.
Growl: Lowers the attack of all opponents adjacent to it.
Life Dew (Heals adjacent allies for 1/4 of their total hp)
Soft-Boiled (Heals the user for 1/2 of their total hp)
Seismic Toss (Deals damage equal to the level of their captain)
Sing (70% chance to cause all adjacent opponents to fall asleep)
Super Fang (Always removes 1/4 of the target's health)
Return (The better a bond they have with their trainer, the more damage this move causes)
Swagger (Charms the target, raising their attack by 1 stage but also confuse it)
Yawn (Forces it and the target to sleep for 2-4 turns, unable to move)
Bullet Seed (hits between 2 to 5 uses)
Rest (heals itself, then forces the target to sleep for 2 turns)
Counter (counters the opponents moves as an a counterattack)
Population Bomb (hits 1-10 times)
Tidy Up (removes hazards and nearby obstacles, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Encore (forces the target to perform the same move for 3 turns), Follow Me (forces allies within 5 tiles to gather around the user)
Baby-Doll Eyes (lowers the target's Attack stat for the next three turns).
Bind (grabs an adjacent opponent, during the next turn the opponent and the user both can't move, deals damage over time)
Hammer Arm (lowers user Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Mega Punch (a powerful punch with no particular effect)
Brutal Swing (hits opponents all around the user)
Thrash (a particularly powerful blow that confuses the user after performing it).
Weather Ball (doubles in power and turns into either a Fire-, Water-, or Ice-type move under Harsh Sunlight, Heavy Rainfalls, or Snowstorm)
Sunny Day (turns the weather into Harsh Sunlight for five turns)
Rain Dance (turns the weather into Heavy Rainfalls for five turns)
Snowscape (turns the weather into Snowstorm for five turns)
X-Scissor (Attacks an adjacent target, has a high critical hit ratio)
Strength (Damaged and pushes an adjacent target back 3 spaces)
Dig (This move can either be used to move under barriers and other obstructions or can be used to attack an opponent)
Sleep Powder (The user sprays a power onto a 3x2 grid in front of it, each opponent has a 65% to fall asleep)
Whirlwind (The user pushes a nearby target back into a wall, this attack doesn't do damage)
Bug Buzz (The user attacks in a 3x2 cone in front of it, 30% chance to cause confusion)
Hurricane (A very powerful but inaccurate Flying type attack, the move has a 35% chance to fail, but never misses in rain)
Silk Trap (Creates a silk trap around all tiles adjacent to itself, any enemy who enters this trap will be disabled for the turn)
Sticky Web (The user launches a web onto the ground that takes up a 3x3 area, anyone who enters this web will have their speed lowered by 2)
Lunge (The user attacks and dashes forward 3 spaces, the move attacks anyone who crosses paths with the user)
Poison Jab (The user jabs an adjacent target and may poison them as well)
Low Kick (The user does a medium powered kick attack that tosses the opponent back 1 tile)
Bullet Punch (hits every Pokémon in the four tiles directly in front of the user, the user then moves to the tile over them, boosts Speed by 1 for the following turn)
Swords Dance (doubles Attack for 3 turns)
U-turn (hits opponents in the tile directly in front of the user, then the user is allowed to use move again using its leftover movement)
Slash (increased Critical Hit rate)
Pounce (hits directly in front of the user, lowers the opponent's Attack by one stage for two turns)
Defend Order (summons a swarm of Combee that protect Vespiquen from one opposing attack)
Attack Order (summons a swarm of Combee that attacks up to two tiles away, high Critical Hit rate)
Heal Order (summons a swarm of Combee that heal Vespiquen of 25% of her total HP, lowers Vespiquen's Speed to 2 points for the following turn)
Power Gem (creates a beam of energy from her jewel that hits up to 4 tiles away, has no particular effect)
Agility (boosts the user's Speed by 2 points for the following three turns)
Rollout (A move that involves Shuckle dashing into a wall, the more tiles Shuckle moves onto the higher the moves power, it become max power if Shuckle moves down a slope)
Sticky Web (The user launches a web onto the ground that takes up a 3x3 area, anyone who enters this web will have their speed lowered by 2)
Stealth Rock (The user scatters sharp stones in a 1x3 or 3x1 grid, this acts a road hazard which damages anyone who crosses it, if the crosser is weak to Rock they will lose 1/4 hp, if the user is resistant to Rock they will lose 1/16th hp, otherwise anyone who crosses it loses 1/8th hp)
Gasto Acid (The user sprays acid in a 1x3 or 3x1 cone in front of itself, this disables the ability of any enemy who enters the acid)
Gyro Ball (This move has the user move forward 5 tiles and attack anyone they come across, the higher the target's speed is compared to the user the stronger the attack)
Rapid Spin (The user spins forward 5 tiles, destroying any road hazard they come across, this then raises the speed of the user)
Spikes (The user scatters spikes in a 3x3 grid, anyone who crosses these spikes will be dealt a flat 3 damage for each tile crossed, each spike is weak but the damage can surely stack up due to how spammable this move it, Flying type ignore this hazard)
Explosion (The user dies but heavily damages any enemy in a 5x5 area around itself)
Sludge Bomb (The user lobs a toxic blob of poison that does medium damage and leaves a puddle of toxic purple sludge in a 3x3 area, causing passive damage to all Non-Poison types who stand on the sludge)
Bug Buzz (The user attacks in a 3x2 cone in front of it, 30% chance to cause confusion)
Toxic Spikes (The user scatters purple spikes in a 2x2 grid at the targeted ground, landing on it once poisons the target, landing on it twice badly poisons the target)
Revival Blessing (Allows a KO d Pokemon to be revived at half health, can only be used once per battle)
Confuse Ray (The user shoots a beam of odd light at a target from up to 4 tiles away, this then confuses them)
Recover (Can heal itself or an adjacent ally for 50% of their max hp)
Extrasensory (Attack a target up to 3 tiles away, has a chance to knock the target back 1 tile)
Axe Kick (Can attack adjacent targets that are in a higher vantage point and ignore enemy terrain bonuses, has a small chance to misfire causing the user to take 1/4 of its health in recoil damage)
Sucker Punch (This attack will guarantee to cause a critical hit if the user was attacked previously by the target)
Quiver Dance (Boosts the attack, special attack, and speed of the user by 2 while boosting all adjacent allies speed stats by 1)
Twineedle (Can either hit a single target twice or hit two separate targets, both shots have a small chance to poison the target)
Pin Missile (Can hit 2-5 times and can also be used on targets up to 3 tiles away)
Boomburst (a sound-based 3x3 area of effect attack that deals hefty damage to all Pokémon around the user, including allies, lowers the user's Speed by 3 points for the next turn)
Hyper Voice (hits every opponent in a 3x1 cone, sound-based move)
Uproar (awakens any Pokémon that has been put Asleep in a 3x3 square, deals no damage, sound-based move), Roar (pushes an adjacent Pokémon away until they hit a wall, seals no damage, sound-based move)
Crunch (20% chance to lower the target's Defense for three turns)
Mud-Slap (hits up to two tiles away, lowers the target's Accuracy for five turns)
Body Slam (30% chance to Paralyze the target)
Glare (75% chance to Paralyze an adjacent opponent)
Dragon Rush (30% chance to Flinch the target
Hyper Drill (breaks through Protect, Substitute, Defend Order and similar moves, can be used to destroy hazards and obstacles, hits up to two tiles away) Drill Run (hits up to two tiles away)
Waterfall (A move that offers offense and mobility, it hits all adjacent targets while also allowing the user to go to higher elevations)
Rock Smash (A move that involves the user hitting an adjacent target, this does double damage if the target's back is against a wall)
Rock Climb (The user climbs up a surface to attack a hard to reach opponent)
Belly Drum (The user sacrifices half of their max HP to maximize their speed and triple their attack stat)
Extreme Speed (This attack allows the user to use their remaining movement points after being used)
Play Rough (This attack may confuse the target)
Facade (A strong attack that becomes even stronger should the user have a status effect)
Giga Impact (A powerful attack that requires the user to recharge after using)
Earthquake (Attacks all units in a 3x3 area around the user, including allies)
Sleep Talk (This has the user randomly choose another attack it knows if the user is currently incapacitated by sleep or Truant)
Slack Off (The user is healed by 50% of their total HP)
Mortal Spin (A spinning attack that has the user spin forward until it hits a wall and leave behind a thin layer of toxic sludge, this destroys any hazard it comes across)
Venoshock (This move doubles in power when the target is already poisoned)
Giga Drain (A health draining attack, half of the damage caused by this move converts into health for the user)
Leech Seed (The user leaves a hidden seed trap that latches onto whoever walks onto it, slowly draining them of their health)
Moonlight (The user heals its wounds, this usually only heals 25% of their total health but becomes 50% during the nighttime, on top of that it also heals their status ailments, can't be used consecutively)
Swallow (eats an adjacent hazard or obstacle and heals some damage; if no obstacle is near, then the Pokémon eats its held item, healing for 1/2 of their total HP regardless of the item)
Belch (damages opponents in a 3x1 line centered on the tile in front of the user; can't be used if the Pokémon hasn't eaten a Berry or successfully used Swallow)
Stockpile (boosts the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage for 3 turns)
Quick Attack (hits up to two tiles away, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn)
Technician (Powers up moves of a weaker power by 50%.)
Unnerve (Makes opponents near it nervous and unable to used held items.)
Natural Cure (Every turn the user regains 1/16th of its total hp)
Serene Grace (Increases the chance of secondary effects)
Simple (Doubles stat changes)
Moody (Randomly raises and lowers a different stat every turn)
Friend Guard (lowers damage taken by adjacent allies by 30%)
Fluffy (halves damage taken from adjacent opponents, doubles the damage taken from Fire-type moves)
Klutz (destroys hazards and obstacles by walking over them, doesn't work with every obstacle)
Forecast (transforms Castform into either its Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy form based on the weather)
Mold Breaker (Moves ignore other abilities)
Moxie (Boosts attack after KO ing an opponent)
Swift Swim (makes it faster in rain)
Compound Eyes (Increases accuracy by 25%)
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Insomnia (Immune to sleep)
Stakeout (Boosts that power of attacking moves by 50% if this is the first move used against the target)
Swarm (boosts the power of Bug-type moves by 50% if HP is below 33%)
Sniper (ignores terrain bonuses while attacking opponents)
Pressure (adjacent opponents have their accuracy reduced by 10%)
Sturdy (Moves that would kill Shuckle in one hit instead leave it at 1 hp)
Gluttony (Berries and other food based items are eaten automatically when the user is at half health)
Overcoat (Protects the user from passive, non volatile status damage)
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Wonder Skin (All status effects directed at the target last for only 1-2 turns)
Synchronize (If a attacker gives you a status effect you give them that same effect)
Telepathy (Avoids moves made by allies that could harm it)
Soundproof (the Pokémon is immune to sound-based moves)
Scrappy (the Pokémon can hit Ghost-type Pokémon using Normal- or Fighting-type moves)
Adaptability (boosts the power of STAB moves from 1.5x to 2x)
Run Away (increases Speed by 3 points if the Pokémon's HP is below 50%)
Pickup (When it KO s an opponent it collects the held item of the opponent and gives it to the trainer)
Inner Focus (this Pokémon is immune from Flinching and Intimidate)
Pickpocket (25% chance to steal an item to an adjacent target)
Truant (The user is forces to skip a turn every other turn)
Flame Body (burns opponent if it gets hit)
Liquid Ooze (instead of healing, opponents are damaged when using life-draining moves)/Sticky Hold (it's impossible to Knock Off or steal the Pokémon's held item)
Cute Charm (makes the opposite gender have feelings for the Pokémon using said ability)
Anticipation (The first attack that damaged the user is lowered in power by 50%)
Dry Skin (The user takes more damage from Fire-type moves but gets healed by Water-type moves and being under rain)
Toxic Debris (When attacked the user scatters Toxic Spikes around itself)
Corrosion (Poison-type attacks can hit Steel-types)
Prism Tower
Wyndom Stadium
Central Pokemon Hub
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Gameplay wise you and your army of Pokemon are trying to complete one of 4 goals, military, economic, spiritual, or scientific. To win the military goal you need to beat the entire world and depose all leaders, whether that is through military might or through simple acts of politics. An economic goal has you becoming so rich and powerful that you are able to conquer other lands simply by buying them out. The spiritual goal involves you building a door to Arceus' domain and defeating him to become a legend upon a legend; this involves gaining the funds necessary to build various site that, on top of giving passive boons, get you closer to your goal of reaching Arceus. Finally the scientific goal involves gaining the resources and manpower to build a portal to Ultra Space, not only to get powerful Ultra Beast units but also to access another dimension where your the sole ruler. Each captain has traits that makes them better at certain goals over others, with the player deciding which goal is right for them.

Additionally, battles and management are controlled at the same time. You can spend one turn collecting resources and another playing turned based strategy maps to depose the opposing army's Pokemon, Both the type system and permadeath are still in play, so these battles are no joke.

Now each captain will have their own themes, whether they are cultural, type based, or gameplay based, the first job is the following.

Job 1
Make the first captain.

This first captain with act as sorta a surrogate to the new player, being a somewhat young character with a line up of Pikachu, Eevee, and a third Pokemon of your choice. The goal is to create this captain and describe their appearance, personality, biography, and third Pokemon. Gameplay traits will be decided later down the road once some foundation has been set.

Job 2
Submit a site
Sites are monuments, not only giving helpful boons but also help towards the spiritual gameplay path. Submit a Pokemon themed monument, this can be either an existing in-game monument or a completely new one, gameplay doesn't have to matter as I will elaborate later.
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job 1
Saisho resembles a rookie feudal japan general, having gray armor and wielding a farmer's plow to represent his down to earth origins. He has blue eyes, brown hair, and a young build.
Personality: Saisho is a pretty chill dude, he is quite friendly and is willing to work together and ally with the other captains when push comes to shove, though if you threaten his allies prepare to face the wrath of his army.
Bio: Saisho lived in the feudal Hisui region as a simple peasant boy, with his Pikachu, Eevee, and Snorlax giving him company. But Saisho dreamt of more and this dream manifested as a space time rift where he and his Pokemon were transported to a strange land to better hone his ambitions. While his young age makes him quite the underdog among his wiser peers he is nonetheless a force to be recoded with.

Job 2

Prism Tower
I just think the tower looks cool, and could offer some cool boons for those who like to use electric types or those looking for a higher vantage point.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
Perhaps I’ll join

My choice for job 1 is in a WIP.
Name: Ellen
She is in her 20’s, with a T-shirt with a Jolteon on it, with a hoodie on her waist. Also black shorts and sneakers.
She is energetic and sarcastic, and will put up a fight, if push come to shove, but she is quite friendly once you know her.
Her Pokémon are Pikachu, Eevee and Lucario. She wanted a Jolteon, but she needs that stone to evolve that Eevee. Pikachu cause she loves electric types and Lucario because she Adopted a Riolu at a young age. That Pokémon makes her happy a lot.
She hails from the Galar region and she got inspired to join the battle at age 18, after seeing Leon get defeated by both Victor and Gloria in the battle of 2019. She has been working hard and now, she is ready to rumble.

For Job 2

Wyndom Stadium. This area is quite a powerful one, making normal Pokémon a lot bigger (or even different forms) and providing some extra lot upon defeating those Pokémon
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Perhaps I’ll join

My choice for job 1 is in a WIP. But the third choice Pokémon would be Lucario

For Job 2 however…

Wyndom Stadium. This area is quite a powerful one, making normal Pokémon a lot bigger (or even different forms) and providing some extra lot upon defeating those Pokémon
Yeah that would be fun, i was going to start the next job set in 2-3 hours so if you wanna join the first job please make an entry soon


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job 1: Katrina
: Katrina is a young, dark-skinned girl with curly black hair and green eyes. She wears a white t-shirt and a blue jacket, as well as blue shorts. She also wears an orange neckerchief.
Personality: Katrina is serious and tempered, though she is also very supportive of the player. She gets cocky easily and might become competitive but above anything else she values her friends and her job.
Biography: Katrina hails from the Oblivia Region. She dreamed to become a Pokémon Ranger but after she got injured at a young age she had to resign. As such, she lives with her family and trusty Pokémon in Sophian Island and works with her older brother, Oscar, as a delivery girl. However, one day, Oscar and Katrina found a mysterious space-time rift located in Renbow Island. Oscar decided to see what was behind the rift while Katrina was very hesitant but when she saw that her brother had recklessly entered the rift, she decided to come to the rescue. Now, she has become a renowned Captain which values hard-working and friends above anything else, but deep down she still desires to find her long lost brother again.
Pokémon: Katrina starts with a team made of Pikachu, Eevee, and Staraptor, representing her previous job as a delivery girl.

Job 2: The Pokémon Central Hub
The Pokémon Central Hub (PCH in short) is a completely original monument and it acts as the hub where the player starts their journey. It is very tall tower (picture Megan Tower from USUM as a reference) with a few other areas, each representing one of the four main goals: a laboratory (scientific), a temple (spiritual), a hangar (military), and a greenhouse (economic).


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
The character jobs are ongoing, so anyone who haven't posted yet can post later today, and the submitted sites will be included already

Still that doesn't mean we can't do something new today sooooo....

Job 3
Submit Pokemon troops, specifically Normal type Pokemon

Okay so battles work similar to turn-based strategy games like X-Com, Fire Emblem, and even Pokemon Conquest itself, where a group of troop Pokemon each move a specific amount of spaces based on their speed stat. They can then perform a variety of selectable moves that have a variety of effects, from status ailments to standard damage, all the while, each Pokemon will have one of two different abilities that gives them a further niche. Now some Pokemon evolution stages will obviously be better than the previous stages (otherwise, Caterpie would be top tier), but some evolutions can be useful in there own ways, giving a lot of variety in how you perform battles. Some Pokemon are better at battling, some are better at supporting, and others are better at gathering resources. This job will have us submit troop Pokemon, specifically normal type Pokemon, I will use my submissions to show how such a troop would work.


Speed: 7 (This dictates the maximum amount of spaces it can move, the max speed a Pokemon can have is 12 and the minimum is 4)
Possible Abilities: (Each Pokemon can have 1 of 2 possible abilities, these are abilities they can learn in the main games)
Technician (Powers up moves of a weaker power by 50%.)
Unnerve (Makes opponents near it nervous and unable to used held items.)
Moves: (Pokemon can use 3 moves of a pool of 4-5 moves, these are all the moves it can learn, when submitting please submit moves they have canonically already knew)
Slash: Targets adjacent Pokemon, has a high critical hit rate
Fury Swipes: Targets adjacent Pokemon, hits 2-5 times
Taunt: Disables a target's ability to use support moves or held items for 2-4 turns.
Growl: Lowers the attack of all opponents adjacent to it.


Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Natural Cure (Every turn Blissey regains 1/16th of its total hp)
Serene Grace (Increases the chance of secondary effects)
Possible Moves:
Life Dew (Heals adjacent allies for 1/4 of their total hp)
Soft-Boiled (Heals the user for 1/2 of their total hp)
Seismic Toss (Deals damage equal to the level of their captain)
Sing (70% chance to cause all adjacent opponents to fall asleep)


Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Simple (Doubles stat changes)
Moody (Randomly raises and lowers a different stat every turn)
Possible Moves:
Super Fang (Always removes 1/4 of the target's health)
Return (The better a bond they have with their trainer, the more damage this move causes)
Swagger (Charms the target, raising their attack by 1 stage but also confuse it)
Yawn (Forces it and the target to sleep for 2-4 turns, unable to move)

Now just so you know the moves and abilities don't have to be exactly the same as the canon profiles, they just need to work in a turned based grid strategy game like Fire Emblem or something similar, and again for this job only submit normal types, if you have questions, about the job please ask.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
Speed: 4 (counter is used) to 5 (normal)
Possible Abilities: Stuffed Cheeks. If a berry is eaten, it will increase its effect by 2.
Possible Moves: Bullet Seed (hits between 2 to 5 uses) Super Fang (deals half the opponents health), Rest (heals itself) and Counter (counters the opponents move, hence the 4 to 5 speed


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
I'm adding three Pokémon. If that is not possible, then please pick only Maushold.


: Normal
Speed: 9
Possible Abilities: Friend Guard (lowers damage taken by adjacent allies by 30%)
Moves: Population Bomb (hits 1-10 times), Tidy Up (removes hazards and nearby obstacles, boosts Maushold's Speed by 1 for the next turn), Encore (forces the target to perform the same move for 3 turns), Follow Me (forces allies within 5 tiles to gather around Maushold), Baby-Doll Eyes (lowers the target's Attack stat for the next three turns).
Maushold is mostly a support-oriented Pokémon. Most of their moves have a great synergy with Friend Guard, particularly Follow Me. Baby-Doll Eyes is meant to be a more general de-buffing tool, that can be employed to protect distant allies (Maushold has great Speed, which can be further boosted by Tidy Up). Maushold's only attacking move is Population Bomb, but it can prove to be a hard-hitting attack (especially so if they're given the Scope Lens).


: Normal/Fighting
Speed: 4
Abilities: Fluffy (halves damage taken from adjacent opponents, doubles the damage taken from Fire-type moves)/Klutz (destroys hazards and obstacles by walking over them, doesn't work with every obstacle)
Moves: Bind (grabs an adjacent opponent, during the next turn the opponent and Bewear both can't move, deals damage over time), Hammer Arm (lowers Bewear's Speed by 1 for the next turn), Mega Punch (a powerful punch with no particular effect), Brutal Swing (hits opponents all around Bewear), Thrash (a particularly powerful blow that confuses Bewear after performing it).
Bewear is meant to be a tank that can deal serious blows while taking negligible damage in return. Due to its ability Fluffy, Bewear wants to stay amidst the fray, using powerful attacks like Mega Punch, Hammer Arm, and Thrash. However, it is also possible to have a more support-oriented Bewear thanks to its ability Klutz and Bind. Bewear's main flaw is its abysmal Speed, which is further reduced by Hammer Arm.


: Normal (Fire under Harsh Sunlight, Water under Heavy Rainfalls, Ice under Snowstorm)
Speed: 6
Ability: Forecast (transforms Castform into either its Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy form based on the weather)
Moves: Weather Ball (doubles in power and turns into either a Fire-, Water-, or Ice-type move under Harsh Sunlight, Heavy Rainfalls, or Snowstorm), Sunny Day (turns the weather into Harsh Sunlight for five turns), Rain Dance (turns the weather into Heavy Rainfalls for five turns), Snowscape (turns the weather into Snowstorm for five turns)
Yet another support-oriented Pokémon, Castform is meant to play more of a disrupting role, especially when facing opponents that heavily rely on weather. I imagine weather to work similarly to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (hence why I replaced Hail with Snowscape, even though Castform isn't available in SV yet), with Harsh Sunlight doubling the power of Fire-type moves while halving the power of Water-type moves, Heavy Rainfalls having the exact opposite effect and Snowstorm raising the Defense of Ice-type Pokémon by 50% while also raising their Speed by 1 (this latter effect is taken from the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series). Much like Maushold, Castform too can deal serious damage using Weather Ball, probably even more so than Maushold (I'd rework Population Bomb to make it a very weak move, only able to deal heavy damage if it hits like 8 or more times). Castform is also a fine addition to Normal-type based squads as it and its signature Weather Ball can both change type.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
I'm adding three Pokémon. If that is not possible, then please pick only Maushold.

View attachment 366811
: Normal
Speed: 9
Possible Abilities: Friend Guard (lowers damage taken by adjacent allies by 30%)
Moves: Population Bomb (hits 1-10 times), Tidy Up (removes hazards and nearby obstacles, boosts Maushold's Speed by 1 for the next turn), Encore (forces the target to perform the same move for 3 turns), Follow Me (forces allies within 5 tiles to gather around Maushold), Baby-Doll Eyes (lowers the target's Attack stat for the next three turns).
Maushold is mostly a support-oriented Pokémon. Most of their moves have a great synergy with Friend Guard, particularly Follow Me. Baby-Doll Eyes is meant to be a more general de-buffing tool, that can be employed to protect distant allies (Maushold has great Speed, which can be further boosted by Tidy Up). Maushold's only attacking move is Population Bomb, but it can prove to be a hard-hitting attack (especially so if they're given the Scope Lens).

View attachment 366815
: Normal/Fighting
Speed: 4
Abilities: Fluffy (halves damage taken from adjacent opponents, doubles the damage taken from Fire-type moves)/Klutz (destroys hazards and obstacles by walking over them, doesn't work with every obstacle)
Moves: Bind (grabs an adjacent opponent, during the next turn the opponent and Bewear both can't move, deals damage over time), Hammer Arm (lowers Bewear's Speed by 1 for the next turn), Mega Punch (a powerful punch with no particular effect), Brutal Swing (hits opponents all around Bewear), Thrash (a particularly powerful blow that confuses Bewear after performing it).
Bewear is meant to be a tank that can deal serious blows while taking negligible damage in return. Due to its ability Fluffy, Bewear wants to stay amidst the fray, using powerful attacks like Mega Punch, Hammer Arm, and Thrash. However, it is also possible to have a more support-oriented Bewear thanks to its ability Klutz and Bind. Bewear's main flaw is its abysmal Speed, which is further reduced by Hammer Arm.

View attachment 366817
: Normal (Fire under Harsh Sunlight, Water under Heavy Rainfalls, Ice under Snowstorm)
Speed: 6
Ability: Forecast (transforms Castform into either its Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy form based on the weather)
Moves: Weather Ball (doubles in power and turns into either a Fire-, Water-, or Ice-type move under Harsh Sunlight, Heavy Rainfalls, or Snowstorm), Sunny Day (turns the weather into Harsh Sunlight for five turns), Rain Dance (turns the weather into Heavy Rainfalls for five turns), Snowscape (turns the weather into Snowstorm for five turns)
Yet another support-oriented Pokémon, Castform is meant to play more of a disrupting role, especially when facing opponents that heavily rely on weather. I imagine weather to work similarly to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (hence why I replaced Hail with Snowscape, even though Castform isn't available in SV yet), with Harsh Sunlight doubling the power of Fire-type moves while halving the power of Water-type moves, Heavy Rainfalls having the exact opposite effect and Snowstorm raising the Defense of Ice-type Pokémon by 50% while also raising their Speed by 1 (this latter effect is taken from the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series). Much like Maushold, Castform too can deal serious damage using Weather Ball, probably even more so than Maushold (I'd rework Population Bomb to make it a very weak move, only able to deal heavy damage if it hits like 8 or more times). Castform is also a fine addition to Normal-type based squads as it and its signature Weather Ball can both change type.
Since I have a Pokemon that already has technician and Maushauld can learn technician I am going to add technician to Maushauld, also I like how adapted Klutz into a turn based strategy game
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Final calls for captain submissions cause next job is focused on Bug types, you can also submit more normal types if you so choose


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Since I have a Pokemon that already has technician and Maushauld can learn technician I am going to add technician to Maushauld, also I like how adapted Klutz into a turn based strategy game
I decided not to give Technician to Maushold because I wanted them to be based solely on support, but if you think they should have it then that’s great


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job 1
Saisho resembles a rookie feudal japan general, having gray armor and wielding a farmer's plow to represent his down to earth origins. He has blue eyes, brown hair, and a young build.
Personality: Saisho is a pretty chill dude, he is quite friendly and is willing to work together and ally with the other captains when push comes to shove, though if you threaten his allies prepare to face the wrath of his army.
Bio: Saisho lived in the feudal Hisui region as a simple peasant boy, with his Pikachu, Eevee, and Snorlax giving him company. But Saisho dreamt of more and this dream manifested as a space time rift where he and his Pokemon were transported to a strange land to better hone his ambitions. While his young age makes him quite the underdog among his wiser peers he is nonetheless a force to be recoded with.

Job 2
View attachment 366731
Prism Tower
I just think the tower looks cool, and could offer some cool boons for those who like to use electric types or those looking for a higher vantage point.
Perhaps I’ll join

My choice for job 1 is in a WIP.
Name: Ellen
She is in her 20’s, with a T-shirt with a Jolteon on it, with a hoodie on her waist. Also black shorts and sneakers.
She is energetic and sarcastic, and will put up a fight, if push come to shove, but she is quite friendly once you know her.
Her Pokémon are Pikachu, Eevee and Lucario. She wanted a Jolteon, but she needs that stone to evolve that Eevee. Pikachu cause she loves electric types and Lucario because she Adopted a Riolu at a young age. That Pokémon makes her happy a lot.
She hails from the Galar region and she got inspired to join the battle at age 18, after seeing Leon get defeated by both Victor and Gloria in the battle of 2019. She has been working hard and now, she is ready to rumble.

For Job 2

Wyndom Stadium. This area is quite a powerful one, making normal Pokémon a lot bigger (or even different forms) and providing some extra lot upon defeating those Pokémon
Job 1: Katrina
: Katrina is a young, dark-skinned girl with curly black hair and green eyes. She wears a white t-shirt and a blue jacket, as well as blue shorts. She also wears an orange neckerchief.
Personality: Katrina is serious and tempered, though she is also very supportive of the player. She gets cocky easily and might become competitive but above anything else she values her friends and her job.
Biography: Katrina hails from the Oblivia Region. She dreamed to become a Pokémon Ranger but after she got injured at a young age she had to resign. As such, she lives with her family and trusty Pokémon in Sophian Island and works with her older brother, Oscar, as a delivery girl. However, one day, Oscar and Katrina found a mysterious space-time rift located in Renbow Island. Oscar decided to see what was behind the rift while Katrina was very hesitant but when she saw that her brother had recklessly entered the rift, she decided to come to the rescue. Now, she has become a renowned Captain which values hard-working and friends above anything else, but deep down she still desires to find her long lost brother again.
Pokémon: Katrina starts with a team made of Pikachu, Eevee, and Staraptor, representing her previous job as a delivery girl.

Job 2: The Pokémon Central Hub
The Pokémon Central Hub (PCH in short) is a completely original monument and it acts as the hub where the player starts their journey. It is very tall tower (picture Megan Tower from USUM as a reference) with a few other areas, each representing one of the four main goals: a laboratory (scientific), a temple (spiritual), a hangar (military), and a greenhouse (economic).

Vote for which one is your favorite personally, only one can be chosen

All submissions for troop Pokemon are included, note that you should use these as references when making other troop Pokemon

Job 3
Submit held items
Submit held items, either new or returning items, and adapt them into a grid-based, turn-based RPG; you may submit a maximum of 2, don't submit any berries.

Job 4
Submit Bug-type troop Pokemon
Same rules as last time, though this time you have to submit specifically Bug-type Pokemon, as a word of advice don't submit larvae or cocoon Pokemon, those will be mainly joke Pokemon, use the same template as last time and again their moveset has to consist of moves they already know. While Bugs have a bad reputation, I want all types to be somewhat equal, so try to make your entries balanced. Some suggestions include converting weaker Bug types like Butterfree or Spideops into support Pokemon or taking advantage of Bug types' strengths like high speed or strength in numbers into account when making these troop Pokemon. You can submit as many as you want, as long as they are Bug-types and not joke entries. Here is some examples articles of troops Pokemon and how they work specifically as a reference for making your troop Pokemon.
The character jobs are ongoing, so anyone who haven't posted yet can post later today, and the submitted sites will be included already

Still that doesn't mean we can't do something new today sooooo....

Job 3
Submit Pokemon troops, specifically Normal type Pokemon

Okay so battles work similar to turn-based strategy games like X-Com, Fire Emblem, and even Pokemon Conquest itself, where a group of troop Pokemon each move a specific amount of spaces based on their speed stat. They can then perform a variety of selectable moves that have a variety of effects, from status ailments to standard damage, all the while, each Pokemon will have one of two different abilities that gives them a further niche. Now some Pokemon evolution stages will obviously be better than the previous stages (otherwise, Caterpie would be top tier), but some evolutions can be useful in there own ways, giving a lot of variety in how you perform battles. Some Pokemon are better at battling, some are better at supporting, and others are better at gathering resources. This job will have us submit troop Pokemon, specifically normal type Pokemon, I will use my submissions to show how such a troop would work.

View attachment 366777
Speed: 7 (This dictates the maximum amount of spaces it can move, the max speed a Pokemon can have is 12 and the minimum is 4)
Possible Abilities: (Each Pokemon can have 1 of 2 possible abilities, these are abilities they can learn in the main games)
Technician (Powers up moves of a weaker power by 50%.)
Unnerve (Makes opponents near it nervous and unable to used held items.)
Moves: (Pokemon can use 3 moves of a pool of 4-5 moves, these are all the moves it can learn, when submitting please submit moves they have canonically already knew)
Slash: Targets adjacent Pokemon, has a high critical hit rate
Fury Swipes: Targets adjacent Pokemon, hits 2-5 times
Taunt: Disables a target's ability to use support moves or held items for 2-4 turns.
Growl: Lowers the attack of all opponents adjacent to it.

View attachment 366778
Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Natural Cure (Every turn Blissey regains 1/16th of its total hp)
Serene Grace (Increases the chance of secondary effects)
Possible Moves:
Life Dew (Heals adjacent allies for 1/4 of their total hp)
Soft-Boiled (Heals the user for 1/2 of their total hp)
Seismic Toss (Deals damage equal to the level of their captain)
Sing (70% chance to cause all adjacent opponents to fall asleep)

View attachment 366780
Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Simple (Doubles stat changes)
Moody (Randomly raises and lowers a different stat every turn)
Possible Moves:
Super Fang (Always removes 1/4 of the target's health)
Return (The better a bond they have with their trainer, the more damage this move causes)
Swagger (Charms the target, raising their attack by 1 stage but also confuse it)
Yawn (Forces it and the target to sleep for 2-4 turns, unable to move)

Now just so you know the moves and abilities don't have to be exactly the same as the canon profiles, they just need to work in a turned based grid strategy game like Fire Emblem or something similar, and again for this job only submit normal types, if you have questions, about the job please ask.
Also I want some ideas for how specific trainer classes can also function as worker units, since that is an upcoming job


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

Speed: 6
Possible Abilities:
Mold Breaker (Moves ignore other abilities)
Moxie (Boosts attack after KO ing an opponent)
Possible Moves:
X-Scissor (Attacks an adjacent target, has a high critical hit ratio)
Strength (Damaged and pushes an adjacent target back 3 spaces)
Dig (This move can either be used to move under barriers and other obstructions or can be used to attack an opponent)
Bind (The user grips the opponent, preventing it and the target from moving and slowly damaging the target)

BTW I did not realize how sucky Pinsir's movepool is, it doesn't learn U-Turn, Megahorn, Close Combat, or Darkest Lariot, stuff I feel like it should know.


Speed: 8
Possible Abilities:
Compound Eyes (Increases accuracy by 25%)
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Possible Moves:
Sleep Powder (The user sprays a power onto a 3x2 grid in front of it, each opponent has a 65% to fall asleep)
Whirlwind (The user pushes a nearby target back into a wall, this attack doesn't do damage)
Bug Buzz (The user attacks in a 3x2 cone in front of it, 30% chance to cause confusion)
Hurricane (A very powerful but inaccurate Flying type attack, the move has a 35% chance to fail, but never misses in rain)


Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Insomnia (Immune to sleep)
Stakeout (Boosts that power of attacking moves by 50% if this is the first move used against the target)
Possible Moves:
Silk Trap (Creates a silk trap around all tiles adjacent to itself, any enemy who enters this trap will be disabled for the turn)
Sticky Web (The user launches a web onto the ground that takes up a 3x3 area, anyone who enters this web will have their speed lowered by 2)
Lunge (The user attacks and dashes forward 3 spaces, the move attacks anyone who crosses paths with the user)
Poison Jab (The user jabs an adjacent target and may poison them as well)


Iron Ball
Lowers the speed of the holder by 2 but makes them immune from being moves by enemy attacks.


Air Balloon
Makes the holder able to move over hazards and other impediments, it pops if the holder is at 1/2 hp.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
For Job 1 I'm voting for Ellen

Job 3:


Choice Band: forces the Pokémon to use only one move, but boosts its Attack by 50% (exactly the same effect it has in the mainline games)


Red Card: pushes 6 tiles away all Pokémon in a 2x2 square of tiles if the Pokémon is damaged, acts only once

As for Job 4, I'm submitting yet again 3 Bug-type Pokémon.


: Bug/Steel
Speed: 7
Abilities: Swarm (boosts the power of Bug-type moves by 50% if HP is below 33%)/Technician
Moves: Bullet Punch (hits every Pokémon in the four tiles directly in front of Scizor, Scizor moves to the tile over them, boosts Speed by 1 for the following turn), Swords Dance (doubles Attack for 3 turns), U-turn (hits opponents in the tile directly in front of Scizor, then Scizor is allowed to use move again using its leftover movement), Slash (increased Critical Hit rate), Pounce (hits directly in front of Scizor, lowers the opponent's Attack by one stage for two turns)
Scizor is a traditional DPS Pokémon, one you can reliably move on the battlefield in order to deal high damage to the opponents nearby. Most of Scizor's moves are direct attacks, but they often offer some kind of mobility that makes it a tricky Pokémon to deal with if you're not prepared. Particularly, U-turn allows Scizor to move again akin to the Canto skill in the Fire Emblem series while Bullet Punch lets Scizor pierce through opponents. Swords Dance, Scizor's only status move, increases its damage output, making it an even more dangerous opponent to deal with. As such, both Swarm and Technician are abilities that can help Scizor in its onslaught and besides, Scizor is one of my favorite Pokémon I had to include it


Type: Bug/Poison
Speed: 8
Abilities: Insomnia (the Pokémon can't be put asleep)/Sniper (ignores terrain bonuses while attacking opponents)

Moves: Spider Web (a trap: Spinarak sets a spider web on the ground that costs 4 Speed points to pass through), Toxic Thread (a trap: Spinarak sets a poisonous web on the ground that poisons anyone that walks through it, while also costing 2 Speed points to pass through), Pounce
I mean, you thought I wouldn't include a support-oriented Bug-type Pokémon? After all the emphasis I put on traps with Maushold and Bewear? Anyway, Spinarak is the trap master of the game, having the ability to set two different webs. Spider Web is specifically made to hamper movement of opponents, mainly due to its harsh cost to traverse (for example, Bewear could only traverse it if it were adjacent to the web when it starts moving), while Toxic Thread is a more offensive-oriented trap. Pounce, Spinarak's only damage-dealing move, is exactly like Scizor's version. It fits Spinarak's role of support Pokémon, as it lowers the opponent's Attack stat


: Bug/Flying
Speed: 5
Abilities: Pressure (adjacent opponents have their accuracy reduced by 10%)/Unnerve
Moves: Defend Order (summons a swarm of Combee that protect Vespiquen from one opposing attack), Attack Order (summons a swarm of Combee that attacks up to two tiles away, high Critical Hit rate), Heal Order (summons a swarm of Combee that heal Vespiquen of 25% of her total HP, lowers Vespiquen's Speed to 2 points for the following turn), Power Gem (creates a beam of energy from her jewel that hits up to 4 tiles away, has no particular effect), Agility (boosts Vespiquen's Speed by 2 points for the following three turns)
Vespiquen joins the ranks of Bewear as another tanky Pokémon but unlike the big pink bear, the Queen makes great use of her loyal subjects. Defend Order protects her from a single attack, hence it can be used repeatedly (unlike Protect, which nullifies all incoming attacks), Heal Order lets her recover some HP and Attack Order is a strong move with some range attached to it. Unlike Bewear or Scizor, Vespiquen has many status moves that allow her to last very long on the battlefield or could even help her with Speed (Agility), probably Vespiquen's biggest weakness. Vespiquen's longevity is probably balanced out by a lower offensive output than Scizor or Bewear.

Also I've seen that Spinarak is similar to Spidops in concept (I was commenting while I've seen the reply), but I decided to keep it anyway. Spidops is more balanced, while Spinarak is more specialized in traps and webs.


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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Since were doing some Flying-types I think I should go over some changes to fit each type's role in a grid-based battle

Poison types can walk over Toxic Spikes, Toxic Threads, and damaging sludge tiles without being damaged.

Bug types can walk over Infestations, Spider Web, and Sticky Web without impediment.

Flying types can fly over all hazards except Stealth Rock as well as large gaps, but their speed is decreased by 2 whenever they enter fog tiles.

Ghost types are able to move through 1 block wide walls without impediment, and can walk through 2-3 block wide walls in exchange for ending their turn.

Dark types can see the map from farther away than others.

And of course Fire, Ice, and Electric types are immune to burns, freezes, and paralyses respectively, and Poison and Steel types are immune to poison.

Also I am going to submit some example Pokemon using Stealth Rock, Spikes, and Toxic Spikes, who are also Bug type


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021

Possible Moves:
Sturdy (Moves that would kill Shuckle in one hit instead leave it at 1 hp)
Gluttony (Berries and other food based items are eaten automatically when the user is at half health)
Speed: 3
Possible Moves:
Rollout (A move that involves Shuckle dashing into a wall, the more tiles Shuckle moves onto the higher the moves power, it become max power if Shuckle moves down a slope)
Sticky Web (The user launches a web onto the ground that takes up a 3x3 area, anyone who enters this web will have their speed lowered by 2)
Stealth Rock (The user scatters sharp stones in a 1x3 or 3x1 grid, this acts a road hazard which damages anyone who crosses it, if the crosser is weak to Rock they will lose 1/4 hp, if the user is resistant to Rock they will lose 1/16th hp, otherwise anyone who crosses it loses 1/8th hp)
Gasto Acid (The user sprays acid in a 1x3 or 3x1 cone in front of itself, this disables the ability of any enemy who enters the acid)


Possible Abilities:
Sturdy (Moves that would kill Shuckle in one hit instead leave it at 1 hp)
Overcoat (Protects the user from passive, non volatile status damage)
Speed: 5
Possible Moves
Gyro Ball (This move has the user move forward 5 tiles and attack anyone they come across, the higher the target's speed is compared to the user the stronger the attack)
Rapid Spin (The user spins forward 5 tiles, destroying any road hazard they come across, this then raises the speed of the user)
Spikes (The user scatters spikes in a 3x3 grid, anyone who crosses these spikes will be dealt a flat 3 damage for each tile crossed, each spike is weak but the damage can surely stack up due to how spammable this move it, Flying type ignore this hazard)
Explosion (The user dies but heavily damages any enemy in a 5x5 area around itself)


Possible Abilities:
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Wonder Skin (All status effects directed at the target last for only 1-2 turns)
Speed: 7
Possible Moves:
Sludge Bomb (The user lobs a toxic blob of poison that does medium damage and leaves a puddle of toxic purple sludge in a 3x3 area, causing passive damage to all Non-Poison types who stand on the sludge)
Bug Buzz (The user attacks in a 3x2 cone in front of it, 30% chance to cause confusion)
Toxic Spikes (The user scatters purple spikes in a 2x2 grid at the targeted ground, landing on it once poisons the target, landing on it twice badly poisons the target)
Quiver Dance (Boosts the attack, special attack, and speed of the user by 2 while boosting all adjacent allies speed stats by 1)

So long story short road hazards are best used in cramped hallways, since those areas are the closest to actual roads, they cause enemies to be discouraged from moving pass the barricade blocking any potential escape. Also does my adaptation of Sludge Bomb and Rapid Spin feel like a good adaptation of these moves in a grid based strategy game while also keeping their original feel, LoZ00 LoZ00 , you seem good at adapting moves.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
In case your wondering, I recorded all used moves we have used in a list on the OP alongside their effects, so that way everyone can use that list as a reference and all movesets are consistent, I will do the same for abilities as well.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
So long story short road hazards are best used in cramped hallways, since those areas are the closest to actual roads, they cause enemies to be discouraged from moving pass the barricade blocking any potential escape. Also does my adaptation of Sludge Bomb and Rapid Spin feel like a good adaptation of these moves in a grid based strategy game while also keeping their original feel, LoZ00 LoZ00 , you seem good at adapting moves.
Well, thank you. I mean, it's probably because I have played a lot of Fire Emblem during the pandemics, so I can see Pokémon moves in a grid environment.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Well, thank you. I mean, it's probably because I have played a lot of Fire Emblem during the pandemics, so I can see Pokémon moves in a grid environment.
Mhm, anyway there is also a captain we need to vote for as well, also there is the matter of trying to adapt different trainer classes into the game

For the captain I choose Katrina, she seems to have a good roster of Pokemon and she seems like the best "surrogate" character

Anyway I just think that each job in the game can have a certain profession score that dictates how many Pokemon they can bring, and when a job encounter an enemy unit they battle in randomly generated maps based off the surroundings, each job can give a different boost to their team of Pokemon.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
Voting for Katrina

Anyways Centiskorch
Type: Fire/Bug
Speed: 9
Secret Ability: Flame Body (burns opponent if it gets hit)
Abilities: Fire Lash (deals damage and weakens defence), Bug Bite (deals damage and eats berries), Crunch (deals damage and weakens defence) and Flame Wheel (deals damage and occasionally burns)
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Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Three more bugs, might as well submit the other Paldean and Kanto early game bugs

Possible Abilities
Synchronize (If a attacker gives you a status effect you give them that same effect)
Telepathy (Avoids moves made by allies that could harm it)
Speed: 6
Possible Moves
Revival Blessing (Allows a KO d Pokemon to be revived at half health, can only be used once per battle)
Confuse Ray (The user shoots a beam of odd light at a target from up to 4 tiles away, this then confuses them)
Recover (Can heal itself or an adjacent ally for 50% of their max hp)
Extrasensory (Attack a target up to 3 tiles away, has a chance to knock the target back 1 tile)

A pretty good cleric unit, has a reliable healing move, a decent attacking option, and one of the few Pokemon capable of reviving a unit outside of items.


Possible Abilities:
Swarm (boosts the power of Bug-type moves by 50% if HP is below 33%)
Tinted Lens (Doubles the power of not very effective moves)
Speed: 8
Possible Moves:
Lunge (The user attacks and dashes forward 3 spaces, the move attacks anyone who crosses paths with the user)
U-turn (Hits opponents in the tile directly in front of the user, then the user is allowed to move again using its leftover movement)
Axe Kick (Can attack adjacent targets that are in a higher vantage point and ignore enemy terrain bonuses, has a small chance to misfire causing the user to take 1/4 of its health in recoil damage)
Sucker Punch (This attack will guarantee to cause a critical hit if the user was attacked previously by the target)

A good assassin style character and can act as a speedier but frailer Scizor


Swarm (boosts the power of Bug-type moves by 50% if HP is below 33%)
Sniper (ignores terrain bonuses while attacking opponents)
Speed: 9
Possible Moves:
X-Scissor (Attacks an adjacent target, has a high critical hit ratio)
Twineedle (Can either hit a single target twice or hit two separate targets, both shots have a small chance to poison the target)
Pin Missile (Can hit 2-5 times and can also be used on targets up to 3 tiles away)
Toxic Spikes (The user scatters purple spikes in a 2x2 grid at the targeted ground, landing on it once poisons the target, landing on it twice badly poisons the target)

Beedrill acts as a reliable long ranged poisoner, with the option to use a close range attack as well, its main advantage is its high speed and long range options.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Might I add a few more Normal-type Pokémon? It seems weird to me that we have so many Bug-type Pokémon and only 7 Normal-types


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Might I add a few more Normal-type Pokémon? It seems weird to me that we have so many Bug-type Pokémon and only 7 Normal-types
Yeah do that, I think we should focus on adding normal types


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Bug type entries are closed, let's focus on some normal type troops, the next set of jobs will have us submit the abilities for our winning captain as well as submitting a bug type captain as well as submitting some Poison types


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
Type: Normal
Speed: 8 (13 when using baby doll eyes)
Secret Ability: Cute Charm (makes the opposite gender have feelings for the Pokémon using said ability)
Abilities: Baby Doll Eyes (quickly weakens attack), Swift (deals some special damage), Tail Slap (deals some physical damage) and Charm (lowers attack quite a bit)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Adding 3 more Normal-type Pokémon


: Normal
Speed: 7
Abilities: Soundproof (the Pokémon is immune to sound-based moves)/Scrappy (the Pokémon can hit Ghost-type Pokémon using Normal- or Fighting-type moves)
Moves: Boomburst (a sound-based 3x3 area of effect attack that deals hefty damage to all Pokémon around the user, including allies, lowers the user's Speed by 3 points for the next turn), Hyper Voice (hits every opponent in a 3x1 cone, sound-based move), Uproar (awakens any Pokémon that has been put Asleep in a 3x3 square, deals no damage, sound-based move), Roar (pushes an adjacent Pokémon away until they hit a wall, seals no damage, sound-based move)
Loudred is a nuke, able to deal massive damage to all Pokémon nearby with Boomburst. Unfortunately, Boomburst has a couple of drawbacks, namely that it hits opponents and allies alike and the fact it severely reduces Loudred's Speed after using it. Even without Boomburst, Loudred is far from a sitting duck, as it can use Hyper Voice, yet another powerful special sound-based move that won't hit allies. Its last two moves (Uproar and Roar) are more utility-based.
(two things: 1. I reworked Uproar to be a non-damaging move, making it a purely utility move. Since in Legends: Arceus they did it with Double Hit I guess it can work. 2. I gave Loudred Boomburst, even though only Exploud can learn it, but I like Loudred better and, besides, I think it fits its design to a T).


: Normal
Speed: 5
Abilities: Stakeout/Adaptability (boosts the power of STAB moves from 1.5x to 2x)
Moves: Thrash, Crunch (20% chance to lower the target's Defense for three turns), Rest, Mud-Slap (hits up to two tiles away, lowers the target's Accuracy for five turns), Body Slam (30% chance to Paralyze the target)
Gumshoos is an average Pokémon, with rather poor mobility but with powerful attacks that can be further boosted by its two abilities. Rest ensures that our detective friend will stay on the battlefield for as long as possible while Mud-Slap, a very weak special move, gives Gumshoos some unforeseen utility. Thrash, Crunch, and Body Slam are powerful attacks that either deal massive damage (Thrash) or have some useful secondary effects (Crunch, Body Slam).


: Normal
Speed: 4
Abilities: Serene Grace (doubles the likelihood of secondary effects)/Run Away (increases Speed by 3 points if the Pokémon's HP is below 50%)
Moves: Body Slam, Glare (75% chance to Paralyze an adjacent opponent), Dragon Rush (30% chance to Flinch the target), Hyper Drill (breaks through Protect, Substitute, Defend Order and similar moves, can be used to destroy hazards and obstacles, hits up to two tiles away), Drill Run (hits up to two tiles away)
Dudunsparce is truly an oddball (like in the mainline series): while it doesn't boast excellent stats or Speed, its moves are excellent and have a great synergy with its ability Serene Grace, especially Body Slam and Dragon Rush. Speaking of Dragon Rush, Dudunsparce stands out because of its rather good type coverage, boasting Normal-, Dragon-, and Ground-type moves. Dudunsparce can break through opposing hazards and barriers using Hyper Drill, a very powerful move that has no drawback at all. Glare and Drill Run round up a decent set of moves: the first one Paralyzes an opponent, but it can be easily replaced with Body Slam if the player decides to run Serene Grace as an ability, while the other is a powerful Ground-type move that can hit distant allies. Run Away should be mentioned too, because if Dudunsparce is below 50% HP its Speed will go from a meager 4 to a respectable 7


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Adding 3 more Normal-type Pokémon

View attachment 366881
: Normal
Speed: 7
Abilities: Soundproof (the Pokémon is immune to sound-based moves)/Scrappy (the Pokémon can hit Ghost-type Pokémon using Normal- or Fighting-type moves)
Moves: Boomburst (a sound-based 3x3 area of effect attack that deals hefty damage to all Pokémon around the user, including allies, lowers the user's Speed by 3 points for the next turn), Hyper Voice (hits every opponent in a 3x1 cone, sound-based move), Uproar (awakens any Pokémon that has been put Asleep in a 3x3 square, deals no damage, sound-based move), Roar (pushes an adjacent Pokémon away until they hit a wall, seals no damage, sound-based move)
Loudred is a nuke, able to deal massive damage to all Pokémon nearby with Boomburst. Unfortunately, Boomburst has a couple of drawbacks, namely that it hits opponents and allies alike and the fact it severely reduces Loudred's Speed after using it. Even without Boomburst, Loudred is far from a sitting duck, as it can use Hyper Voice, yet another powerful special sound-based move that won't hit allies. Its last two moves (Uproar and Roar) are more utility-based.
(two things: 1. I reworked Uproar to be a non-damaging move, making it a purely utility move. Since in Legends: Arceus they did it with Double Hit I guess it can work. 2. I gave Loudred Boomburst, even though only Exploud can learn it, but I like Loudred better and, besides, I think it fits its design to a T).

View attachment 366882
: Normal
Speed: 5
Abilities: Stakeout/Adaptability (boosts the power of STAB moves from 1.5x to 2x)
Moves: Thrash, Crunch (20% chance to lower the target's Defense for three turns), Rest, Mud-Slap (hits up to two tiles away, lowers the target's Accuracy for five turns), Body Slam (30% chance to Paralyze the target)
Gumshoos is an average Pokémon, with rather poor mobility but with powerful attacks that can be further boosted by its two abilities. Rest ensures that our detective friend will stay on the battlefield for as long as possible while Mud-Slap, a very weak special move, gives Gumshoos some unforeseen utility. Thrash, Crunch, and Body Slam are powerful attacks that either deal massive damage (Thrash) or have some useful secondary effects (Crunch, Body Slam).

View attachment 366883
: Normal
Speed: 4
Abilities: Serene Grace (doubles the likelihood of secondary effects)/Run Away (increases Speed by 3 points if the Pokémon's HP is below 50%)
Moves: Body Slam, Glare (75% chance to Paralyze an adjacent opponent), Dragon Rush (30% chance to Flinch the target), Hyper Drill (breaks through Protect, Substitute, Defend Order and similar moves, can be used to destroy hazards and obstacles, hits up to two tiles away), Drill Run (hits up to two tiles away)
Dudunsparce is truly an oddball (like in the mainline series): while it doesn't boast excellent stats or Speed, its moves are excellent and have a great synergy with its ability Serene Grace, especially Body Slam and Dragon Rush. Speaking of Dragon Rush, Dudunsparce stands out because of its rather good type coverage, boasting Normal-, Dragon-, and Ground-type moves. Dudunsparce can break through opposing hazards and barriers using Hyper Drill, a very powerful move that has no drawback at all. Glare and Drill Run round up a decent set of moves: the first one Paralyzes an opponent, but it can be easily replaced with Body Slam if the player decides to run Serene Grace as an ability, while the other is a powerful Ground-type move that can hit distant allies. Run Away should be mentioned too, because if Dudunsparce is below 50% HP its Speed will go from a meager 4 to a respectable 7

Speed: 6
Possible Abilities:
Simple (Doubles stat changes)
Moody (Randomly raises and lowers a different stat every turn)
Possible Moves:
Super Fang
Waterfall (A move that offers offense and mobility, it hits all adjacent targets while also allowing the user to go to higher elevations)
Rock Smash (A move that involves the user hitting an adjacent target, this does double damage if the target's back is against a wall)
Rock Climb (The user climbs up a surface to attack a hard to reach opponent)

Of course Bibarel can learn many HMs, this makes it surprisingly mobile despite its low speed.


Possible Abilities:
Pickup (When it KO s an opponent it collects the held item of the opponent and gives it to the trainer)
Gluttony (Berries and other food based items are eaten automatically when the user is at half health)
Speed: 7
Possible Moves:
Belly Drum (The user sacrifices half of their max HP to maximize their speed and triple their attack stat)
Extreme Speed (This attack allows the user to use their remaining movement points after being used)
Pin Missile (Can hit 2-5 times and can also be used on targets up to 3 tiles away)
Play Rough (This attack may confuse the target)

Linoone is a glass cannon, its offense, already boosted by belly drum, offers good coverage to make up for its fraility.


Ability: Truant (The user is forces to skip a turn every other turn)
Speed: 9
Possible Moves:
Facade (A strong attack that becomes even stronger should the user have a status effect)
Giga Impact (A powerful attack that requires the user to recharge after using)
Earthquake (Attacks all units in a 3x3 area around the user, including allies)
Sleep Talk (This has the user randomly choose another attack it knows if the user is currently incapacitated by sleep or Truant)
Slack Off (The user is healed by 50% of their total HP)

A high risk and reward Pokemon, either you trade control for more power or power for more control, a very customizable Pokemon.

I am making the next set of jobs as we speak


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Job 1: Katrina
: Katrina is a young, dark-skinned girl with curly black hair and green eyes. She wears a white t-shirt and a blue jacket, as well as blue shorts. She also wears an orange neckerchief.
Personality: Katrina is serious and tempered, though she is also very supportive of the player. She gets cocky easily and might become competitive but above anything else she values her friends and her job.
Biography: Katrina hails from the Oblivia Region. She dreamed to become a Pokémon Ranger but after she got injured at a young age she had to resign. As such, she lives with her family and trusty Pokémon in Sophian Island and works with her older brother, Oscar, as a delivery girl. However, one day, Oscar and Katrina found a mysterious space-time rift located in Renbow Island. Oscar decided to see what was behind the rift while Katrina was very hesitant but when she saw that her brother had recklessly entered the rift, she decided to come to the rescue. Now, she has become a renowned Captain which values hard-working and friends above anything else, but deep down she still desires to find her long lost brother again.
Pokémon: Katrina starts with a team made of Pikachu, Eevee, and Staraptor, representing her previous job as a delivery girl.

Job 2: The Pokémon Central Hub
The Pokémon Central Hub (PCH in short) is a completely original monument and it acts as the hub where the player starts their journey. It is very tall tower (picture Megan Tower from USUM as a reference) with a few other areas, each representing one of the four main goals: a laboratory (scientific), a temple (spiritual), a hangar (military), and a greenhouse (economic).
Okay Katrina won our first general, so now we should design her abilities, someone should also design movesets for her Pokemon (Pikachu, Eevee, and Staraptor)

Job 6
Submit abilities for Katrina
Using the above appearance as an inspiration, submit what traits Katrina will have. Each general will have a set of passive traits that influence how they play, such as an affinity for one playstyle over another. Use games like Civilization as inspirations for designing these traits, There is no set template for this job, instead submit your own, but please note that whoever wins will have their own template be the base for all future generals so make sure the template is easy to use.
Gameplay wise you and your army of Pokemon are trying to complete one of 4 goals, military, economic, spiritual, or scientific. To win the military goal you need to beat the entire world and depose all leaders, whether that is through military might or through simple acts of politics. An economic goal has you becoming so rich and powerful that you are able to conquer other lands simply by buying them out. The spiritual goal involves you building a door to Arceus' domain and defeating him to become a legend upon a legend; this involves gaining the funds necessary to build various site that, on top of giving passive boons, get you closer to your goal of reaching Arceus. Finally the scientific goal involves gaining the resources and manpower to build a portal to Ultra Space, not only to get powerful Ultra Beast units but also to access another dimension where your the sole ruler. Each captain has traits that makes them better at certain goals over others, with the player deciding which goal is right for them.

Additionally, battles and management are controlled at the same time. You can spend one turn collecting resources and another playing turned based strategy maps to depose the opposing army's Pokemon, Both the type system and permadeath are still in play, so these battles are no joke.

Now each captain will have their own themes, whether they are cultural, type based, or gameplay based, the first job is the following.

Job 1
Make the first captain.

This first captain with act as sorta a surrogate to the new player, being a somewhat young character with a line up of Pikachu, Eevee, and a third Pokemon of your choice. The goal is to create this captain and describe their appearance, personality, biography, and third Pokemon. Gameplay traits will be decided later down the road once some foundation has been set.

Job 2
Submit a site
Sites are monuments, not only giving helpful boons but also help towards the spiritual gameplay path. Submit a Pokemon themed monument, this can be either an existing in-game monument or a completely new one, gameplay doesn't have to matter as I will elaborate later.
Job 7
Submit a Bug-type themed general
Using the same rules as the previous general creation job, submit a 2nd general, this time with a theme of the Bug-type. This can reflect in their design, personality, biography, or something else. They also need 3 bug types for their aces, these can either be new bug-types or bug-types already covered in the thread.

Job 8
Submit Poison-type troop Pokemon
The character jobs are ongoing, so anyone who haven't posted yet can post later today, and the submitted sites will be included already

Still that doesn't mean we can't do something new today sooooo....

Job 3
Submit Pokemon troops, specifically Normal type Pokemon

Okay so battles work similar to turn-based strategy games like X-Com, Fire Emblem, and even Pokemon Conquest itself, where a group of troop Pokemon each move a specific amount of spaces based on their speed stat. They can then perform a variety of selectable moves that have a variety of effects, from status ailments to standard damage, all the while, each Pokemon will have one of two different abilities that gives them a further niche. Now some Pokemon evolution stages will obviously be better than the previous stages (otherwise, Caterpie would be top tier), but some evolutions can be useful in there own ways, giving a lot of variety in how you perform battles. Some Pokemon are better at battling, some are better at supporting, and others are better at gathering resources. This job will have us submit troop Pokemon, specifically normal type Pokemon, I will use my submissions to show how such a troop would work.

View attachment 366777
Speed: 7 (This dictates the maximum amount of spaces it can move, the max speed a Pokemon can have is 12 and the minimum is 4)
Possible Abilities: (Each Pokemon can have 1 of 2 possible abilities, these are abilities they can learn in the main games)
Technician (Powers up moves of a weaker power by 50%.)
Unnerve (Makes opponents near it nervous and unable to used held items.)
Moves: (Pokemon can use 3 moves of a pool of 4-5 moves, these are all the moves it can learn, when submitting please submit moves they have canonically already knew)
Slash: Targets adjacent Pokemon, has a high critical hit rate
Fury Swipes: Targets adjacent Pokemon, hits 2-5 times
Taunt: Disables a target's ability to use support moves or held items for 2-4 turns.
Growl: Lowers the attack of all opponents adjacent to it.

View attachment 366778
Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Natural Cure (Every turn Blissey regains 1/16th of its total hp)
Serene Grace (Increases the chance of secondary effects)
Possible Moves:
Life Dew (Heals adjacent allies for 1/4 of their total hp)
Soft-Boiled (Heals the user for 1/2 of their total hp)
Seismic Toss (Deals damage equal to the level of their captain)
Sing (70% chance to cause all adjacent opponents to fall asleep)

View attachment 366780
Speed: 4
Possible Abilities:
Simple (Doubles stat changes)
Moody (Randomly raises and lowers a different stat every turn)
Possible Moves:
Super Fang (Always removes 1/4 of the target's health)
Return (The better a bond they have with their trainer, the more damage this move causes)
Swagger (Charms the target, raising their attack by 1 stage but also confuse it)
Yawn (Forces it and the target to sleep for 2-4 turns, unable to move)

Now just so you know the moves and abilities don't have to be exactly the same as the canon profiles, they just need to work in a turned based grid strategy game like Fire Emblem or something similar, and again for this job only submit normal types, if you have questions, about the job please ask.
Same rules as last time, submit Poison type Pokemon specifically for new troop Pokemon, once again, use the above template, no starters or legendaries, this includes Ultra Beasts as well.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Appearance: Cadin is a young boy, about 5-6 years old of Kantonian descent, he wears heavy, dark green armor resembling that of a beetle.

Personality: Cadin is a young, spry child, he is often quite mischievous and skittish, like the bugs that he uses, and can be quite annoying sometimes, but he is also a loyal ally and doesn't get why everyone needs to battle for so long.

Bio: Cadin is the youngest of the Insea clan of the ancient Kanto region, his family was blessed for gaining a strong spirit at such young ages but they are also cursed with becoming worse overtime. Cadin wants to prove that his clan can be part of a larger power by using his team to control the region.

His team consists of Scizor, Butterfree, and Beedrill


Possible Abilities:
Anticipation (The first attack that damaged the user is lowered in power by 50%)
Dry Skin (The user takes more damage from Fire-type moves but gets healed by Water-type moves and being under rain)
Speed: 6
Possible Moves:
Poison Jab (The user jabs an adjacent target and may poison them as well)
Low Kick (The user does a medium powered kick attack that tosses the opponent back 1 tile)
Brick Break (This attack ignores defense boosts from screens and terrain advantages)
Toxic (The user spews toxic acid at the target slowly chipping away at their health, this is contagious and can affect other Pokemon adjacent to the target)
The first Toxic user in the game, making good use of it alongside solid STAB options.


Possible Abilities:
Toxic Debris (When attacked the user scatters Toxic Spikes around itself)
Corrosion (Poison-type attacks can hit Steel-types)
Speed: 7
Possible Moves:
Toxic Spikes
Stealth Rock
Mortal Spin (A spinning attack that has the user spin forward until it hits a wall and leave behind a thin layer of toxic sludge, this destroys any hazard it comes across)
Venoshock (This move doubles in power when the target is already poisoned)

Although it lacks offensive power, it is a premier hazard stacking machine.


Possible Abilities:
Chlorophyll (The user gains 3 speed when under harsh sunlight)
Effect Spore (Physical attacks directed at the user may cause the attacker to become poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep)
Speed: 6
Possible Moves:
Sludge Bomb
Sleep Powder
Giga Drain (A health draining attack, half of the damage caused by this move converts into health for the user)
Leech Seed (The user leaves a hidden seed trap that latches onto whoever walks onto it, slowly draining them of their health)
Moonlight (The user heals its wounds, this usually only heals 25% of their total health but becomes 50% during the nighttime, on top of that it also heals their status ailments, can't be used consecutively)

A tank, lots of ways to set traps and keep itself healthy, plus under the right conditions it can be quite mobile.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Entries will continue into today, please submit more entries if you can


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
I can’t submit any entry until tomorrow. Once I’ll be able, I’ll be adding my choices though


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Okie dokie, here I am:
Job 6
Katrina's Ability is Strict Discipline, which multiplies by 1.2 the experience gained by every Pokémon deployed on the battlefield if she's chosen as a General. I don't know how many generals you want to add and how many are able to be chosen at once (I thought that there would be just 1 at a time), but I think that this Ability is simple and effective, just what you want for your first General.

Job 7
Well, since this game explicitly has people coming from different dimensions...


It's ya boy
Guzma! This version of Guzma comes from a different Alola, which was left by Lusamine after she accessed the Ultra Space. Nobody could stop Guzma and as such he and the rest of the Team Skull act as kind of the bosses of Alola. Under Guzma and Team Skull, anarchy ruled in Alola. Long story short: One day Guzma crossed a wormhole and he found himself in this game's dimension. Now he is determined to return to his region fearing that, due to his absence, others might have taken power and arrested or imprisoned his Team (which he views as a family of sorts).
This version of Guzma is very similar to the canon one and once he meets with the player, the first thing he wants to do is establish his strength in a Pokémon battle (or how they're called in this game). Guzma however immediately acknowledges the player's strength and becomes a sort of reliable ally.
His team consists of Lokix, Pinsir, and his ace, Golisopod.

Job 8



Type: Poison
Speed: 4
Abilities: Liquid Ooze (instead of healing, opponents are damaged when using life-draining moves)/Sticky Hold (it's impossible to Knock Off or steal the Pokémon's held item)
Moves: Swallow (eats an adjacent hazard or
obstacle and heals some damage; if no obstacle is near, then the Pokémon eats its held item, healing for 1/2 of their total HP regardless of the item), Belch (damages opponents in a 3x1 line centered on the tile in front of the user; can't be used if the Pokémon hasn't eaten a Berry or successfully used Swallow), Stockpile (boosts the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage for 3 turns), Toxic, Mud Slap.
Gulpin's main role is hazard removal with its move Swallow. Other than that, it can do serious damage using Belch and be annoying with Toxic, Mud Slap, and Stockpile. It has a very defined, but useful, niche.


: Poison/Ground
Speed: 8
Abilities: Rivalry (deals more damage to opponents that share at least one type with the Pokémon)/Sheer Force (boosts the power of moves with secondary effects while removing those effects altogether).
Moves: Megahorn (a very powerful but inaccurate attack), Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Fire Punch (a punch that has 30% chance to Burn the target), Horn Drill (a very inaccurate OHKO move)
Nidoking is a relentless war machine: there is nothing that can be done to stop it once it decides to destroy a target. Along with very high offensive stats and powerful moves, Nidoking boasts two excellent abilities: Rivalry boosts its power especially so against fellow Poison-type Pokémon (which are already weak to Earthquake) and Sheer Force boosts the power of Fire Punch and Sludge Bomb, two otherwise weaker moves. Nidoking's main flaw is probably that is may be a bit one-dimensional at times, lacking any sort of boosting or disrupting move. Its mighty Earthquake can also damage allies, so be careful.


Hisuian Sneasel
Speed: 11
Abilities: Inner Focus (this Pokémon is immune from Flinching and Intimidate)/Pickpocket (25% chance to steal an item to an adjacent target)
Moves: Poison Jab, Agility, Quick Attack (hits up to two tiles away, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn), Brick Break, Taunt (the target can't use any non-damaging moves and any items for 4 turns)
Hisuian Sneasel is a speedster and a glass cannon: with Agility and Quick Attack set up, it can move up to 14 tiles at once, making it easily one of the most mobile threats on the battlefield. Poison Jab and Brick Break should not be overlooked, as they can deal very respectable damage and pack some utility too (Poison Jab can Poison the target, Brick Break is unaffected by terrain and screens), while Taunt is probably Hisuian Sneasel's most precious asset, as it can prevent opponents from supporting their allies. With Hisuian Sneasel's great Speed, it is very likely that support-oriented Pokémon are in a very bad position (especially Maushold, considering that Hisuian Sneasel's Brick Break is super effective against them)


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Okie dokie, here I am:
Job 6
Katrina's Ability is Strict Discipline, which multiplies by 1.2 the experience gained by every Pokémon deployed on the battlefield if she's chosen as a General. I don't know how many generals you want to add and how many are able to be chosen at once (I thought that there would be just 1 at a time), but I think that this Ability is simple and effective, just what you want for your first General.

Job 7
Well, since this game explicitly has people coming from different dimensions...

View attachment 366975
It's ya boy
Guzma! This version of Guzma comes from a different Alola, which was left by Lusamine after she accessed the Ultra Space. Nobody could stop Guzma and as such he and the rest of the Team Skull act as kind of the bosses of Alola. Under Guzma and Team Skull, anarchy ruled in Alola. Long story short: One day Guzma crossed a wormhole and he found himself in this game's dimension. Now he is determined to return to his region fearing that, due to his absence, others might have taken power and arrested or imprisoned his Team (which he views as a family of sorts).
This version of Guzma is very similar to the canon one and once he meets with the player, the first thing he wants to do is establish his strength in a Pokémon battle (or how they're called in this game). Guzma however immediately acknowledges the player's strength and becomes a sort of reliable ally.
His team consists of Lokix, Pinsir, and his ace, Golisopod.

Job 8

View attachment 366976

Type: Poison
Speed: 4
Abilities: Liquid Ooze (instead of healing, opponents are damaged when using life-draining moves)/Sticky Hold (it's impossible to Knock Off or steal the Pokémon's held item)
Moves: Swallow (eats an adjacent hazard or
obstacle and heals some damage; if no obstacle is near, then the Pokémon eats its held item, healing for 1/2 of their total HP regardless of the item), Belch (damages opponents in a 3x1 line centered on the tile in front of the user; can't be used if the Pokémon hasn't eaten a Berry or successfully used Swallow), Stockpile (boosts the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage for 3 turns), Toxic, Mud Slap.
Gulpin's main role is hazard removal with its move Swallow. Other than that, it can do serious damage using Belch and be annoying with Toxic, Mud Slap, and Stockpile. It has a very defined, but useful, niche.

View attachment 366977
: Poison/Ground
Speed: 8
Abilities: Rivalry (deals more damage to opponents that share at least one type with the Pokémon)/Sheer Force (boosts the power of moves with secondary effects while removing those effects altogether).
Moves: Megahorn (a very powerful but inaccurate attack), Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Fire Punch (a punch that has 30% chance to Burn the target), Horn Drill (a very inaccurate OHKO move)
Nidoking is a relentless war machine: there is nothing that can be done to stop it once it decides to destroy a target. Along with very high offensive stats and powerful moves, Nidoking boasts two excellent abilities: Rivalry boosts its power especially so against fellow Poison-type Pokémon (which are already weak to Earthquake) and Sheer Force boosts the power of Fire Punch and Sludge Bomb, two otherwise weaker moves. Nidoking's main flaw is probably that is may be a bit one-dimensional at times, lacking any sort of boosting or disrupting move. Its mighty Earthquake can also damage allies, so be careful.

View attachment 366978
Hisuian Sneasel
Speed: 11
Abilities: Inner Focus (this Pokémon is immune from Flinching and Intimidate)/Pickpocket (25% chance to steal an item to an adjacent target)
Moves: Poison Jab, Agility, Quick Attack (hits up to two tiles away, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn), Brick Break, Taunt (the target can't use any non-damaging moves and any items for 4 turns)
Hisuian Sneasel is a speedster and a glass cannon: with Agility and Quick Attack set up, it can move up to 14 tiles at once, making it easily one of the most mobile threats on the battlefield. Poison Jab and Brick Break should not be overlooked, as they can deal very respectable damage and pack some utility too (Poison Jab can Poison the target, Brick Break is unaffected by terrain and screens), while Taunt is probably Hisuian Sneasel's most precious asset, as it can prevent opponents from supporting their allies. With Hisuian Sneasel's great Speed, it is very likely that support-oriented Pokémon are in a very bad position (especially Maushold, considering that Hisuian Sneasel's Brick Break is super effective against them)
Ok I like this concept for alternate versions of exsting characters, though I will say future jobs will explicitly state that if these types of characters are allowed, just to let you know, you can keep your current entry, it looks cool


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2021
Okie dokie, here I am:
Job 6
Katrina's Ability is Strict Discipline, which multiplies by 1.2 the experience gained by every Pokémon deployed on the battlefield if she's chosen as a General. I don't know how many generals you want to add and how many are able to be chosen at once (I thought that there would be just 1 at a time), but I think that this Ability is simple and effective, just what you want for your first General.

Job 7
Well, since this game explicitly has people coming from different dimensions...

View attachment 366975
It's ya boy
Guzma! This version of Guzma comes from a different Alola, which was left by Lusamine after she accessed the Ultra Space. Nobody could stop Guzma and as such he and the rest of the Team Skull act as kind of the bosses of Alola. Under Guzma and Team Skull, anarchy ruled in Alola. Long story short: One day Guzma crossed a wormhole and he found himself in this game's dimension. Now he is determined to return to his region fearing that, due to his absence, others might have taken power and arrested or imprisoned his Team (which he views as a family of sorts).
This version of Guzma is very similar to the canon one and once he meets with the player, the first thing he wants to do is establish his strength in a Pokémon battle (or how they're called in this game). Guzma however immediately acknowledges the player's strength and becomes a sort of reliable ally.
His team consists of Lokix, Pinsir, and his ace, Golisopod.

Job 8

View attachment 366976

Type: Poison
Speed: 4
Abilities: Liquid Ooze (instead of healing, opponents are damaged when using life-draining moves)/Sticky Hold (it's impossible to Knock Off or steal the Pokémon's held item)
Moves: Swallow (eats an adjacent hazard or
obstacle and heals some damage; if no obstacle is near, then the Pokémon eats its held item, healing for 1/2 of their total HP regardless of the item), Belch (damages opponents in a 3x1 line centered on the tile in front of the user; can't be used if the Pokémon hasn't eaten a Berry or successfully used Swallow), Stockpile (boosts the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage for 3 turns), Toxic, Mud Slap.
Gulpin's main role is hazard removal with its move Swallow. Other than that, it can do serious damage using Belch and be annoying with Toxic, Mud Slap, and Stockpile. It has a very defined, but useful, niche.

View attachment 366977
: Poison/Ground
Speed: 8
Abilities: Rivalry (deals more damage to opponents that share at least one type with the Pokémon)/Sheer Force (boosts the power of moves with secondary effects while removing those effects altogether).
Moves: Megahorn (a very powerful but inaccurate attack), Earthquake, Sludge Bomb, Fire Punch (a punch that has 30% chance to Burn the target), Horn Drill (a very inaccurate OHKO move)
Nidoking is a relentless war machine: there is nothing that can be done to stop it once it decides to destroy a target. Along with very high offensive stats and powerful moves, Nidoking boasts two excellent abilities: Rivalry boosts its power especially so against fellow Poison-type Pokémon (which are already weak to Earthquake) and Sheer Force boosts the power of Fire Punch and Sludge Bomb, two otherwise weaker moves. Nidoking's main flaw is probably that is may be a bit one-dimensional at times, lacking any sort of boosting or disrupting move. Its mighty Earthquake can also damage allies, so be careful.

View attachment 366978
Hisuian Sneasel
Speed: 11
Abilities: Inner Focus (this Pokémon is immune from Flinching and Intimidate)/Pickpocket (25% chance to steal an item to an adjacent target)
Moves: Poison Jab, Agility, Quick Attack (hits up to two tiles away, boosts the user's Speed by 1 for the next turn), Brick Break, Taunt (the target can't use any non-damaging moves and any items for 4 turns)
Hisuian Sneasel is a speedster and a glass cannon: with Agility and Quick Attack set up, it can move up to 14 tiles at once, making it easily one of the most mobile threats on the battlefield. Poison Jab and Brick Break should not be overlooked, as they can deal very respectable damage and pack some utility too (Poison Jab can Poison the target, Brick Break is unaffected by terrain and screens), while Taunt is probably Hisuian Sneasel's most precious asset, as it can prevent opponents from supporting their allies. With Hisuian Sneasel's great Speed, it is very likely that support-oriented Pokémon are in a very bad position (especially Maushold, considering that Hisuian Sneasel's Brick Break is super effective against them)
Personally I would make Megahorn as a powerful charge attack that dashes the user into a wall and attacks everything for big damage, but in exchange the user gets recoil, and there is a mechanics where the farther the user has moved the more recoil the move causes, may work for Head Smash however

Also entries will end soon, though poison type troop submissions are still open
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