* Game: Pokemon FR or LG.
* A patch file will be provided that reduces the number of all Exp gained to 0.
* It's allowed to use auxiliary files to trigger the evolution of pokemon via trading [Graveler, Machoke, Porygon, Onix, etc.].
* Auxiliary files may not be used for any other purpose [such as trading items].
* No other restrictions.
* Win condition: Tbd
* Gheb
* Joey // @
* S2 // @
DtJ S2n

* A patch file will be provided that reduces the number of all Exp gained to 0.
* It's allowed to use auxiliary files to trigger the evolution of pokemon via trading [Graveler, Machoke, Porygon, Onix, etc.].
* Auxiliary files may not be used for any other purpose [such as trading items].
* No other restrictions.
* Win condition: Tbd
* Gheb
* Joey // @

* S2 // @

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