This is a trial only, if it doesnt work then, it won't be used.
Im surpised it hasn't been made. Basicclly it's the same idea as the trading thread except this is for items. So if there is a specific item you want (i.e. up-grade) and someone else would like to trade you one, just equip it onto a 'useless' pokemon (bidoof, starly, etc..)and trade them with the items that were agreed upon.
Im surpised it hasn't been made. Basicclly it's the same idea as the trading thread except this is for items. So if there is a specific item you want (i.e. up-grade) and someone else would like to trade you one, just equip it onto a 'useless' pokemon (bidoof, starly, etc..)and trade them with the items that were agreed upon.