Yeah, I forgot the guy's name for a second lol.
and I've read the manga too >.>
I'm starting to like Beta Roy more just because I'd love to see more Beta costumes.
Sorry to change the topic, but after seeing the awesome Shinobi Squirtle and Fighting Gi Lucario, I was coming up with ideas for Pikachu. Raichu's one of my fave Pokemon, however, that's not going to happen (unless, maybe Pika's wearing a Raichu hoodie/recolour or something?), but I remembered that Lt. Surge is known for his Raichu (well, he does have a Pikachu, but still, I do more associate him with Raichu). It got me thinking that maybe Pika can sport a military motif? Something like an army helmet, a small camo jacket similar to Surge, and maybe having the ability to wear some shades (as Surge has some).
Maybe even have a belt with mini binoculars attached, as seen being hold by his Raichu in the TCG:
So... Pika cosplaying as Lt. Surge!? Lol, I think a military Pikachu would be pretty badass either way. Or, if you want to base a costume off of trainer classes, there's some that specialize in electric Pokemon like the Guitarist and Engineer:
Although it would be cool to see a Light Ball included somehow.