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Please critisize my Link and my skills


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2008
hey everyone,
Well I borrowed my friend's wii over the weekend and was playing non-stop trying to get better with the limited time I had. The best I could record was a match against a level 9 Marth (a really bad matchup against Link) as my smaller bro isn't very good. I've been watching videos online trying to learn new moves and techniques so this is what I came up with. I have more videos but I haven't uploaded them yet because it takes soooo long!
Please critisize my skills as a Link player as I would want to know where I can improve on...
and so I can pwn my friends when I play them :laugh:
Sorry for the not so good quality as I recorded it on my laptop webcam.


I'll put up my other videos with other characters later.
I'm open to all critisism


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
since no one else seems to be too excited about helping a brawler in need, I suppose I'll be the first....

Some Good Things:

You didn't abuse Link's Dair
0:45 was a very well played mind game
You didn't abuse Link's grab

Some Bad Things:

You overabused Link's arrows at close range (a bad idea because of how laggy they are)
You never used a Zair
You didn't use any advanced techniques
You played a computer instead of a human player
You approached Marth WAY TOO MUCH

Since you've only had the game for a weekend, I must say I'm impressed at how well you're doing. ( I'm also impressed that you're starting out with Link ) I'm going to suggest you look at Izaw's amazing Link guide and Arkive Zero's "The Official Basic Knowledge of Link"


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
For just one weekend, that isn't too bad.

You tend to approach a bit too much with Nair. Sure, it's a nice move, but try not to abuse it. It'd be very helpful if you tried approaching with bombs, Zair or throw in a DAC every now and then.
Also, try not to use the arrows as the opponent approaches, it doesn't slow them down much and it leaves you open for a free hit.
Try to get into the habit of spotdodging a bit more too, it's a quick dodge that, if the opponent stikes and misses, you can punish them.

However, it was still nicely done.
Jul 30, 2008
Edge guarding could be much better, if you have hit them of stage, hunt em down. keep distance, you were playing against marth, a character that lacks projectiles, he have to approach you, be patient. Bow is a long distance weapon. IMO you are using way to little bombs, but thats just me who swear sometimes cause you cant have more than two bombs at same time. Link has a great spot dodge but not so good rolls. Dont stand still when pulling out a bomb. Dsmash is a great move, use it. Dont use Usmash to much since it is easypunished if missed. And there is probably more. A good thing is that it seems like you have the feeling for smash.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
your ok but you can improve. Be creative and learn some combos and work on your edguarding until its perfect because Link can edgeguard really good. spot dodge to up smash is golden I usually predict a marths (human player) fair and follow up with up smash or shield grab if I dont spot dodge.

Deleted member

i saw one major flaw in your play


if you don't DI then you should just walk off the stage 3 times because even if you get fsmashed by kirby at like 20 dmg you're going to die from not being able to recover

you have the basics of link down, now you have to make your gameplay faster, get better spacing, and slowly put all the AT's into your gameplay


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Columbus, OH
Also, don't play level nine computers. It's bad practice; things that should work on any human don't, and things that should not defeat any human will work great. If you can find humans to play with, that's infinitely better for many reasons.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2008
since no one else seems to be too excited about helping a brawler in need, I suppose I'll be the first....

Some Good Things:

You didn't abuse Link's Dair
0:45 was a very well played mind game
You didn't abuse Link's grab

Some Bad Things:

You overabused Link's arrows at close range (a bad idea because of how laggy they are)
You never used a Zair
You didn't use any advanced techniques
You played a computer instead of a human player
You approached Marth WAY TOO MUCH

Since you've only had the game for a weekend, I must say I'm impressed at how well you're doing. ( I'm also impressed that you're starting out with Link ) I'm going to suggest you look at Izaw's amazing Link guide and Arkive Zero's "The Official Basic Knowledge of Link"
Thanks for all the advice! Yeah I tried to get the feel of using the bow which pretty much explains all the close range bow combat lol. Also after I've seen videos of many Links not connecting with their dair so decided to try counter with aeriels. I did use zair quite a couple of times (towards the end) followed by a DAC, but I should be using it more frequently after seeing how effective it is. And about the approach issue, I guess I got so used to approaching my opponent. Because when I play with my friends they're usually the ones to wait for me to approach them (one uses Samus) so I guess I've been focusing too much on something Link is bad at. I'm also newly associated with Advanced Techniques since when I started playing brawl, I never really new what they were and how they helped :p. I also saw those posts before and tried basing my style on them. I saw Izaw's videos...and wow....he is godly! :laugh: Thanks again.

For just one weekend, that isn't too bad.

You tend to approach a bit too much with Nair. Sure, it's a nice move, but try not to abuse it. It'd be very helpful if you tried approaching with bombs, Zair or throw in a DAC every now and then.
Also, try not to use the arrows as the opponent approaches, it doesn't slow them down much and it leaves you open for a free hit.
Try to get into the habit of spotdodging a bit more too, it's a quick dodge that, if the opponent stikes and misses, you can punish them.

However, it was still nicely done.
A spot dodge is a sidestep right? Yeah I wanted to get the feel of using those but it never seemed to work for me when I was fighting the CPU. But I'm beginning to think what I could've done by spot dodging. So I'll remember to use those when I fight my friends. With the Zair I can never seem to hit my opponents either because I jump too high or I just zair at the wrong time. I'm also newly acquainted with the DAC technique and used it a couple of times in the video. It's an awesome move! I just have to learn to master it...and what a strain it puts on your hands!

Edge guarding could be much better, if you have hit them of stage, hunt em down. keep distance, you were playing against marth, a character that lacks projectiles, he have to approach you, be patient. Bow is a long distance weapon. IMO you are using way to little bombs, but thats just me who swear sometimes cause you cant have more than two bombs at same time. Link has a great spot dodge but not so good rolls. Dont stand still when pulling out a bomb. Dsmash is a great move, use it. Dont use Usmash to much since it is easypunished if missed. And there is probably more. A good thing is that it seems like you have the feeling for smash.
Haha yeah I do have a feel for smash lol. Instead of usmash I try to utilt or tilt in that matter, but I always seem to end up walking or jumping in the direction I tilt. Any pointers on how to stop this? I also wanted to get the feel of edgeguarding by jumping off the stage and hunting them down but I found it really difficult because Link has poor recovery and that I got used to edgeguarding with Ness (as he is my 2nd main and his 2nd jump is amazing). I do have other videos where I edgeguarded pretty well and ended up KOing the person trying to recover. I also thought I used quite alot of bombs, but since it was the CPU I was fighting it might've not worked for me...I definately know that using more bombs would work alot better if I'm fighting my small bro :laugh:

i saw one major flaw in your play


if you don't DI then you should just walk off the stage 3 times because even if you get fsmashed by kirby at like 20 dmg you're going to die from not being able to recover

you have the basics of link down, now you have to make your gameplay faster, get better spacing, and slowly put all the AT's into your gameplay
DI is directional influence right? Can you tell me how to DI better let alone at all? Yeah the speed of my gameplay has become alot faster since I started playing this game. I've also read how many people stressed the fact of spacing so I'll work on that...that and getting Zair down.

Thanks again for the advice!

Deleted member

DI is directional influence right? Can you tell me how to DI better let alone at all? Yeah the speed of my gameplay has become alot faster since I started playing this game. I've also read how many people stressed the fact of spacing so I'll work on that...that and getting Zair down.
to DI hold the direction that is perpendicular to the direction you are moving


when thrown up, the best way to DI is hold left or right

when smashed left, hold up right
when smashed right, hold up left

but if you are playing on maps like delfino plaza and green greens and there is a wall close to you i would DI down so then you can either tech or bounce off of the wall


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2008
to DI hold the direction that is perpendicular to the direction you are moving


when thrown up, the best way to DI is hold left or right

when smashed left, hold up right
when smashed right, hold up left

but if you are playing on maps like delfino plaza and green greens and there is a wall close to you i would DI down so then you can either tech or bounce off of the wall
Ok it makes sense now...and all this time I thought I was DIing when I played. Thanks alot! I'll keep that in mind so I can use it when I play..right after I learn some Advanced Techniques. Can you name a few that would be crucial for Link or a player like me to know?

Deleted member

zair, dac, zac, fsmash with bomb, jab canceling, zair edge guard, stage bombing

all the other AT's are very situational and should be known, but probably wont be used in every match


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2008
zair, dac, zac, fsmash with bomb, jab canceling, zair edge guard, stage bombing

all the other AT's are very situational and should be known, but probably wont be used in every match
ok, i think i got dac down..I'll work on those the next time i play with my friends.
Thanks again!


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
Just remember the #1 rule of every Super Smash Bros Game: Don't get hit.

Also, work on timing your arrows so you fire them slightly before a landing (Arrow Canceling), you used it once or twice but really if you want to create a half decent spam you need to combine things like retreating jumps, bomb tosses, arrow canceling, zair (with and without a bomb), and your boomerang. To be honest his boomerang is one of his laggiest projectiles, and if you were fighting anyone who's half decent at the game you would get hit by a quick smash or tilt attack before you could launch it.

Just remember that Link has two different aspects that are both dependent on each other: His projectile game, and his swordplay. You seem to stagger the two and only think about one or the other, you need to be thinking about both and blending them together.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2008
Just remember the #1 rule of every Super Smash Bros Game: Don't get hit.

Also, work on timing your arrows so you fire them slightly before a landing (Arrow Canceling), you used it once or twice but really if you want to create a half decent spam you need to combine things like retreating jumps, bomb tosses, arrow canceling, zair (with and without a bomb), and your boomerang. To be honest his boomerang is one of his laggiest projectiles, and if you were fighting anyone who's half decent at the game you would get hit by a quick smash or tilt attack before you could launch it.

Just remember that Link has two different aspects that are both dependent on each other: His projectile game, and his swordplay. You seem to stagger the two and only think about one or the other, you need to be thinking about both and blending them together.
Thats some really good advice. I still have alot to learn with Link but sadly I don't have the wii anymore :(...but I do have the ability to make up different gameplays and strategies in my head ready for the next time I play. So I'll keep your advice well in mind!!
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