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Playing against DDD Forum


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
One of Kirby's more difficult matches often seen in tournament is against DDD. DDD is difficult to play against due to his long range, excellent downtilt and Bair, his ability to gay, his power, and excellent recovery. I was eliminated in C3 by a DDD and playing Mew2Kings DDD showed me just how good DDD as a character is.

The purpose of this thread is for all users to discuss strategies and tactics for fighting DDD. This means counterpick stages, what moves have priority over DDD, how to approach, how to Gimp, anything ane everything that could give Kirby an advantage.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
I haven't ever really played a good DDD but whenever I've played a DDD I just focus on constantly attacking them because kirby is much faster than DDD. Whenever I think they are about to shield instead of attack I just inhale or grab. So basically just abuse kirby's speed I guess? Haven't played a really good one yet sorry :(


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I haven't ever really played a good DDD but whenever I've played a DDD I just focus on constantly attacking them because kirby is much faster than DDD. Whenever I think they are about to shield instead of attack I just inhale or grab. So basically just abuse kirby's speed I guess? Haven't played a really good one yet sorry :(
This is what i tried to do against Mew2King, however u get countered by DDD's grab which has crzy reach. Downair is also not a smart way to approach which really only leaves Bair which makes u predictable grrr

Against most DDDs speed does work but even against an ok DDD its still hard.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2008
Roanoke VA
One of my tougher matches is against a D3. I haven't ever been able to beat him consistently since the game came out. It seems like Shield Grab abuse is the normal tactic used by him, because it works. D3's grab range is quite long and can really mess you up.

That being said, throw's aren't that strong compared to ones in Melee, but it can be annoying if they can control the combat. I would say stage assisted kills are VERY useful here. As you saw in your movie, Gonzo, he is gimpable by the star-shoot or even edge-guarding. But if you're going to use the latter method, make sure you have invincibility frames because he will down spike you from the edge(that can make you mad!).

It's also not wise to play on a stage like FD (imo) with D3. It seems like his throwing those little goomba things can be abused here. I like to play him on Battlefield, or Smaville, because there are so many things that can be unexpected from a D3 player if you execute the platforms well. They will have virtually no time to react if you're on top of a platform and go through it straight to a bair. No way they can shield grab it unless they are super lucky.

All in all it's quite a difficult matchup, but you just have to outwit the other player, and do things that they can't easily react to. Dair works well against someone who has a tendancy to dtilt your approaches. Oh, and he can shield grab your running attack. It takes a bit of timing, but it can be done. It's common to use that against people who shield grab quite a bit, or even dodge because kirby's feet length can get them after the dodge is done. This works on virtually all characters but d3.

Just my 2 cents ^_^


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
lol Roanoke's far as hell dude, come up here for C3
I got elimated at C3 trying to get a stage assisted kill. my opponent DI'd left at smashville and was able to recover, my dumb *** followed him in and i couldn't get back on. Players are become wise to the "starshot KO" (I like that as a name) so the stages u do it on are important.

The tackle is a good idea i might start abusing that more


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2007
Greensboro, NC
when i played a d3 at the tournament, I used DI as well as i could. Mindgames were important also, i would fake an attack or just do it a bit far away so he would try and attack me, and with all that lag he gets i would just lead into a WoP by u-tilting him (it's surprisingly easy to do with D3 i noticed) and just distancing myself correctly to punish his Up-B. Dashdancing at the edge i did also to provoke the recovery.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
when i played a d3 at the tournament, I used DI as well as i could. Mindgames were important also, i would fake an attack or just do it a bit far away so he would try and attack me, and with all that lag he gets i would just lead into a WoP by u-tilting him (it's surprisingly easy to do with D3 i noticed) and just distancing myself correctly to punish his Up-B. Dashdancing at the edge i did also to provoke the recovery.
this is def a good idea, this would make the match more of a waiting game for Kirby, play smart and take any openings u get. I would think the key is not to get greedy or impatient, take it a few hits at a time and wait for the right damage to think about finishing or using a finisher combo


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2006
D3 should be subject to punishable lag on things if his moves miss, given that you are Kirby. I also think spacing on his shield can be done, shield grabs or not. Fair fast falled into dtilt spam at the right distances might work, or Dair that place kirby behind D3 for uptilt.

As for gimp/spike killing, vs. D3 double Dair might work best. The rest(starshot KOs, just dair, etc.) not so much. However you should at least force him to use his up-B to recover, which is easily punishable. I don't think D3 should be very hard to fight against for Kirby, but I think D3 may be the hardest character for Kirby to KO out of the entire cast, based on weight and fall speed causing your kill % to rise and his resistance to gimp/spike kills.

However, the biggest thing I have to say is that D3 should have a good deal of punishable lag on most things he does, which is the first thing I said- I'd consider Kirby's shorthop aerials fast enough and have enough distance on them that despite the annoyance of D3's ftilt and range on his grab you can get in there and punish his lag when he misses a small hard-to-hit character like Kirby.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
F-air wall of pain b/c he's so huge you can probably make it across the stage. This probably only works if you get the first f-air in and then you can chain them naturally. Spaced f-air I find is really effective. Eats away at shield and opens up for a fence of pain combo.

lol Gonzo M2K's DDD is too good. Saw him play D3 at a tourney, and he was amazing. I think he won the whole thing w/ D3 too (singles and doubles).


Smash Apprentice
Feb 21, 2008
Ive only played one really good D3 and yeah, I had a major problem with him. Whenever I tried to approach he would shield grab me, if i tried to wait it out I had to deal with waddle dees, I only was able to kill him twice and I got lucky with walls of pain and spikes, it was an absolute pain to make contact with him without getting shield grabbed.

Also, on my last stock I tried coming from the air but purposely missing so he would go for a grab and I sometimes was able to get my own tilt in while he missed.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Do auto canceled d-airs on shield to final cutter (up+B) before landing in front of DDD grab range. Or wall of pain b-airs to reverse up+B, is a safe approach. Keeping repeating until DDD gets hit by the final cutter, then you can follow up with your next attack.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
Yeah can I also ask how one would play G&W? I find him to be a tougher matchup than D3. Oh and Gonzo I saw some vids when you played a D3 and I'll just say don't tech the d-throw b/c it just makes it easier for the opponent to chain grab you and do something gay.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 9, 2008
Roanoke VA
lol Roanoke's far as hell dude, come up here for C3
I got elimated at C3 trying to get a stage assisted kill. my opponent DI'd left at smashville and was able to recover, my dumb *** followed him in and i couldn't get back on. Players are become wise to the "starshot KO" (I like that as a name) so the stages u do it on are important.

The tackle is a good idea i might start abusing that more
What is c3? Haha. I am just looking for some **** around here but there isn't much of anyone to play. Haha, well if they don't come towards you, why are you following them? Bair after shot is sexy esp on battlefield. I guess it could become more suspected, but there is a mass amount of moves Kirby players can do so it can just be more integrated.

Kirby Magatsu

Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
I play with Kirby, MK and DDD, then i don't have much difficult against those chars (but i still have some difficulty against MK), DDD is heavy and have a large hitbox, you can juggle him with less dificulty, Utilts are extremely necessary in this fight, when DDD is coming back to arena, use edge hog, when he falls on the arena, get out from the edge using an aerial or UpB, if you connect a Uair you can link some smash. and take care from his NeutralB, Kirby doesn't also receive chain grab. Good Luck! ^^


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2008
just striek fast and dodge after every hits u attempt and land he too slow and fat too catch up =)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2008
to tell u da truth he shouldnt be hard at all he is so d@mn laggy and slow


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
so i played a good DDD and heres a couple things i picked up: be very careful using aerials cause unless you end up behind him he can pretty much shield grab any aerial... even a retreating bair it seems like...

also he can't do anything below him so juggle him from below for easy damage (as long as you are fast his dair shouldnt be a problem)
his uair isnt very fast either so you shouldnt have too much trouble hitting him with a fastfalled bair/nair or a dair
and it seems like the easiest way to kill him is off the bottom... so spikes and footstools are great

dont forget that he is very vulnerable after using his upb to recover so try to force him to use that and punish him

dunno if all that has been said before or not XD
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