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Pit vs Sonic what the ooutcome ?


Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2008
The question is Pit vs sonic
well recently I played a sonic and it was the most annoying match I have ever played !!
during this match to my disgusted I resorted to arrow spamming to stop HIM FROM MOVING !
it was a very close match, but I lost in the end what should I have done
(even though I know some AT but I don't use them because I forget and the situation never comes up also his damage was 170+ and he still wouldn't die

all feedback appreciated apart from insults...And no I am not crap and I'm a decent pit IMO


Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2008
Sonic has no priority at all. so when he comes at you short hop neutral air, side b, and forward air. mix up anything so its easy to hit him.

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
No sonic are annoying, they go under arrows so they must be curved, theyre must faster, and have 0 lag when Up B Down air, They litterly have the most priority/ or one of the highest priority moves. They are Up Smash ( it has litterly took snake's C4 on them and not taken damage) and his Side B when jumping.

My only advice is to dodge, and wait for them to mess up, They neutral B move has lag, that should be your time. Also all they do is roll in a ball, just dodge, soon enough theyre try ground moves, and pit has the fastest forward smash in the game soo. Also i got knocked in losers bracket by a sonic.


Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2008
for the first half of the match I was an idiot and went all out attack, that didn't worked so I waited for him to attack and then counter but when his damage got high and I used aerials to finish him it got bad again...


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2008
Fort Collins, CO
uhm well you know how he dashes around like crazy pull out an AR and tat should catch him in it, use his speed against him with stuff like that a infinite would probbaly work pretty well oh and did this happen to be an online match? cause sonic is pretty annoying with lag and all


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
random you should request sonic be next on the match up list. The stuff in here is good but a lot more ppl will contribute in the other thread for a more detailed list.

and i dont know much about sonic so id like to know how to beat him, if i ever face up against one.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
The question is Pit vs sonic
well recently I played a sonic and it was the most annoying match I have ever played !!
during this match to my disgusted I resorted to arrow spamming to stop HIM FROM MOVING !
it was a very close match, but I lost in the end what should I have done
(even though I know some AT but I don't use them because I forget and the situation never comes up also his damage was 170+ and he still wouldn't die

all feedback appreciated apart from insults...And no I am not crap and I'm a decent pit IMO
I agree, fighting against Sonic suuuuucks.

Arrow spam stops Sonic from moving? Since when? o_O;

uhm well you know how he dashes around like crazy pull out an AR and tat should catch him in it, use his speed against him with stuff like that a infinite would probbaly work pretty well oh and did this happen to be an online match? cause sonic is pretty annoying with lag and all
Lag hurts Sonic as well, since it basically destroys his grab/punishment game and makes it almost impossible to do proper spindash combos.

Angel ring?

Sonic has moves that will clang with it and force both of you to cancel, then it'll be a matter of who reacts with what first. We're used to having our moves stop, so uh... player-wise we tend to come out of clangs first.

Sonic has no priority at all. so when he comes at you short hop neutral air, side b, and forward air. mix up anything so its easy to hit him.
I love it.

I've fought a few decent Pits and IMO I'll agree with N-air being a good 'stopper' to him. Not too sure about F-air, but smashes tend to be a bit annoying too.

Side-B? I'll wait until it lands, thanks.

No sonic are annoying, they go under arrows so they must be curved, theyre must faster, and have 0 lag when Up B Down air, They litterly have the most priority/ or one of the highest priority moves. They are Up Smash ( it has litterly took snake's C4 on them and not taken damage) and his Side B when jumping.

My only advice is to dodge, and wait for them to mess up, They neutral B move has lag, that should be your time. Also all they do is roll in a ball, just dodge, soon enough theyre try ground moves, and pit has the fastest forward smash in the game soo. Also i got knocked in losers bracket by a sonic.
If they up-B>D-air, camp the landing and hit him in landing lag, or just hit him while he's falling.

My advice is to dodge and grab more, and avoid missing what few laggy moves you have.

PS. if you have any ideas on this matchup and would like to try them out against a Sonic mainer, live on the east coast and/or have fast internet connection, find me in SWF or AiB chat some time and we can try it out :3


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
But they don't work too well if the Sonic uses spring

or Pshields.

Actually, I believe ASC (Sonic's aerial down-B) eats arrows altogether, so it doesn't realy matter lol.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2008
Fort Collins, CO
Lag hurts Sonic as well, since it basically destroys his grab/punishment game and makes it almost impossible to do proper spindash combos.

yea i know lag hurts sonic as well, but i fought a nub sonic online and it was jsut flat out depressing, my interenet is horrible and id start swinging in one direction and hed already be in another, i think lag doesnt hurt sonic as much because his moves have very little start up or cool down *except neutral b*

besides that i havent had trouble with sonics (probably need to face a good one) from what ive drawn though sonic has trouble returning to the stage from above, i think becasue Uair out prioritizes his Dair not quite sure though i jsut remember facing a sonic and not even letting him land back on the stage for quite a while


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
What happens when Pit vs Sonic?
Well, I have had three experiences and I have come to a conclusion that should satisfy my and everyone else.

Match should end with a defeated Sonic and a REALLY ANNOYED Pit...


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
What happens when Pit vs Sonic?
Well, I have had three experiences and I have come to a conclusion that should satisfy my and everyone else.

Match should end with a defeated Sonic and a REALLY ANNOYED Pit...

how ironic, most ppl are really annoyed with pit.


Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
besides that i havent had trouble with sonics (probably need to face a good one) from what ive drawn though sonic has trouble returning to the stage from above, i think becasue Uair out prioritizes his Dair not quite sure though i jsut remember facing a sonic and not even letting him land back on the stage for quite a while
Sonic could just spring away? If he's already springed to get back above the stage then he doesn't necessarily have to dair, just get within range and then airdodge.
You can't arrow spam against Sonic either, just so's you know. Spinshot + generally fast running speed (lol) = useless spam.
I personally don't have much trouble against Pit's, though I'm yet to play a not-mediocre one. It's just the ones that short-hop air a lot that are annoying.
For the love of God don't judge Sonic online too much, he suffers more than anyone else I believe from the lag >_< Play one in person.
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