If you prefer a stage where you can die at 0 over one where you die at 150 then that means you like randomness? Because that's what will decide who wins on Halberd more.
Just tested Peach's Castle 64s blastzones:
Peach's Castle 64 KO %
(Fox usmash KO on Mario)
bridges (middle part): 94 % (if bumper hit on way up: 96 %)
lower: 104 %
moving platform: 111 %
[ compare:
omega: 104 % ;
halberd (main): (lowest) 96 %, (edges) 94 % ]
(DK bthrow KO on Mario)
bridges: (left side) 155 % ; (right side) 151 %
lower: 177 %
moving platform (furthest out): 101 %
[ compare:
omega edge: 106 % ;
battlefield edge: 119 % ]
The sides are really something I guess, but every character has some KO move upwards. To the sides edgeguarding is easier here, because you can go through the moving platforms, meaning you can stay in the air right at the point where the opponent could grad the ledge, but then bair him or something. Also when the moving platforms goes to the other side it'll be more difficult to recover.
So on this stage horizontal kills are more likely because of not being able to recover than dying to the sides. Because of edgeguarding and the moving platform going away. It's not as bad as it seems.