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Peach winning a Major tournament Part 2


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Link to original post: [drupal=1484]Peach winning a Major tournament Part 2[/drupal]

A player by the name of InfernoOmni Asked a Question to Peach players. and the question was this:

"Hey, guys.

I was arguing with Hova today about his Peach and Peach in general. Here's the deal:

Peach is a solid character. She has the tools to "get the job done" however I don't think she can do it alone. In my opinion, there are characters in this game that you cannot main without having a partner. Your partner can either cover your bad match-ups, or just be a character who's solid and perhaps better in general. For now, the only thing I believe Peach's have going for them is their novelty effect. It's fun tap dancing on people who enjoy camping in their shields, but a game's difficulty will increase tenfold if your opponent knows how to play against a Peach.

What do you guys think about this? Which do you think has more potential? A "good" Peach and a "good" secondary, or a "very good" Peach and no secondary? "
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And my response was this.

I don't agree at all. There is not one Peach alive that is just about the perfect Peach:

- knows all match ups in and out. ALL 100%

- Can handle all match ups and anything that the enemy does. Wether playing straight gay, campy, etc.

- Has good control of the character

- Knows how to save kill moves

- Can space very well and more than one way

- 100% balance in both aggressive and defensive game.

- Have a defensive game (more than 60% of Peach players are agressive)

- Have a ground game that is on point (more than 60% of peach players ground games are not all that. always floating and going for the dair and all that typical stuff.

- Knows how to camp or use turnips the smart way to get damage.

- Knows when to approach and how depending on character.

- Knows when to run and get space.

- lil to no habits.

- Have patients and dont get annoyed so easy or at all

- Creative/hard to read

- Quick reaction

- Techincal on point

- Smart recovery (like using the Peach bomber to get distance to the stage when high, that way you still have your second jump, float and toad. hardly see anyone doing this)

could be more with Peach but thats about all I got. Until all this happens at once, I can't buy this. cause no one as all of it down. Not even Azen and he was about the closet Peach To win a big tournament. So imagine if that man had it all down. He problaby take a big win.

One example is Peach in melee. Back then (even with that Dsmash) People were ****ting on Peach. That she was trash and getting tossed around by all these characters. No one hardly took her seriously. Then Mike G came along and just said "Give me the cube controller and let me show you boys something" After that it was over, as time passed, Mike G did some **** with Peach. Things people never expected from her or even dare try. He was seriously the creator and the father of Peach. After all this happen. People saw Peach in a different way. people wanted to play Peach more. Learn from Mike G. Do things he did with a character people did not take seriously. That man made a beautiful thing out of the character. He is my idol for a reason. I still watch his vieos till this day. Just looking and what he did back in the days was just too amazing.

Second example I have here is Zelda in brawl. In cause you have not noticed, Her tournament ranks in the USA are bad. There are not many Zelda players here that are doing thier thing with her in tournaments. And of course, this affects her on the tier list. And it gets hard to discuss match ups with Zelda at high level of play. She is hardly used like that Or placing far in tournaments. Now if more Zelda players started hacking it in tournaments and started placing well (dont even need to be top 7 for the point that zelda is right now) She would be understood more. People could see what she can really do in good hands. and she move up on the ranks and tier list. At this point she is not taken serioiusly (Melee Peach anyone?) But if she was to start doing well in tournaments, all that would change. She would have a high level of play understanding for lots of characters. And maybe even match up ratios would change. They could rise up or drop.

Also one other good example is Boss. Dude is raiseing up luigi in the tier list with how he is doing in tournaments. (mario too I think?) Luigi was underratted and not many people were doing much with luigi. Then Boss just came and step it up. Now look at luigi. Moving up and placing well in tournies. People are seeing him differently. And is not so underratted as he was before. Or at all.

So with that said, I can't just sit here and say she can't cause of all these reason I hear from people. I heard to many of them that I can't buy at all. Again, there is not one Peach alive right now that is on point with all on that list. And another thing is that people are scared of some characters or players. You play with fear you lose. You can't be having fear when playing someone or talk like this:

"Next tournament I belive I can go all Peach and win unless DSF or Ally show up"

"A tournament without Ally or M2K I am sure Peach could take it"

"Bann Meta and I could take one."

**** like that. No, kick rocks with this crap. People that say this are the ones that think She can't do it alone. Question time:

Player A is the best Peach player in the world. Player B is not. Player A fights a ROB at a tournament and Loses all the time. Player B fights that same ROB all the time and Beats him.

- Is ROB that dominate over Peach cause he lost to the best Peach player in the world?

- Is player B better than Player A?

- If Player A was to lose to characters all the time, does that Mean that character ***** Peach?

This is all something I'll let you boys answer. I'm not even gonna say anything on this. But this is a good example on how people see things and believe. So again, I am not gonna sit here with these reason I hear and think Peach can't do it. Hell no.

So yea Omni, I disagree with you."

Think this is yet another good read about Peach winning a big tournament


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
Definitely a good read. Not being well-versed in Peach herself, I can't really say whether she has what it takes, but I'm definitely not ruling it out. From the experience I've had with her, she's got potential. I do also agree with Zelda having untapped potential. She's got some good stuff, and not much of anyone showing it yet.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
I think it's a good read. I think people share this same mentality with Samus.

I'd love to agree, buddy, you know I would. But as good a char she is, she ain't going to be able ot solo it in tourniments. Her kill moves are RETARDEDLY hard to hit with making her fighting a lucario super Stupid. Meta is WAY to fast for her to even get attacks in. His priority cancels out the few physical attacks we do get in (Nair, Jabs, Side Tilts, Ect.).

it is a bit different than peach, but if her F smash had more range she'd be better. if her U tilt was the same as it was in Melee she'd be better. Those are my only Gripes with her :( those two moves, if she had those better she'd EASILY be a better char.

See you around on the Samus boards Lance :p
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