Smash Journeyman
Every time I play Peach against my friend's Falcon he says that he can't win that matchup, but can beat me in any other matchup that doesn't have Peach in it, because all I do is use the dsmash, shield grab and forward throw, edgegaurd with dsmash, and spam bair. He continues to basically use the same strategy with his Falcon every time he plays my Peach and loses. So he doesn't want to play against my peach anymore. He tried to explain to me how Peach takes no skill to play with and is a "broken" character. He also went on to say that since I wasn't using any combos with Peach or playing her with any skill, then I wasn't playing the way the game was meant to be played. Now, I can understand that I was not playing witha high level of skill at all, but he could have simply tried different playing methods with Falcon until he found one that beat my simple strategy and forced me to play Peach in a different way. He didn't agree with me, however. We're absolutely fine playing any other mathup, but when I play Peach he immediately starts to complain hahaha.
Does anyone else agree with my friend?
Does anyone else agree with my friend?