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Oxyborb’s Super-Happy Fun Brawl Thread.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
You're right, he isn't loved. That's exactly why they should axe him. He's pointless, you can just play as Link. And god I hope Kiddy Celda isn't added into Brawl. Meh. His art style would really stand out toooo much. He just wouldn't fit artistically. What if they used the time spent making a Link.5 to make another Zelda char like Skull Kid or something?
I don't think Celda would be that bad, and Skull Kid probably won't make it, with TP Link in,and with TP Zelda and Ganondorg practially being locks(and don't count out Midna,either), I think theres too many Twilight Princess chars as is,don't you?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
You're right, he isn't loved. That's exactly why they should axe him. He's pointless, you can just play as Link. And god I hope Kiddy Celda isn't added into Brawl. Meh. His art style would really stand out toooo much. He just wouldn't fit artistically. What if they used the time spent making a Link.5 to make another Zelda char like Skull Kid or something?
Yeah, I don't get why people play Ganondorf, either. They could just play Captain Falcon, they're practically the same!
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