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Oxyborb’s Super-Happy Fun Brawl Thread.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
Hey, as long as it has content, right? Well, I’ve caved in. Here is my ultimate character and general idea thread for all of you bored board readers out there. Feel free to give opinions or cut flack on my ideas, it’s all in the name of fun…

Add to Brawl without question.
the top three are almost the shoe-ins. they deserve spots more than anyone imo


I do not have a moveset for Diddy, but I imagine he’d be rolling around and, ? swinging?, yes? He’s a shoe-in. I only hope that they do not force him to be with Dixie. Dixie should die in a fire.

He’s not too big, you’re just too closed minded. He’d be perfect. In fact, he’s a frigging space dragon. The answer is yes. I’d love to see costumes of Ridley in robotic and regular form.

Tom Nook

My idea of an interesting moveset for Tom would steal moves from Mario 3. Classic tanuki suit tail whips and flight, with the statue power as his Bv. His ‘A’ attacks would all use the tool from his game, like the axe and shovel. His special move would throw furniture all over the map. Somehow I just think Tom would fir perfectly, this game isn’t going to be a bloody death manhunt hot coffee fighter. This is wacky brawling of Nintendo’s mascots. He’d be perfect. A strange costume idea would be to have Tom Nook’s face ripped out and Mario’s placed in the middle, so he looks like Tanuki Mario.
Strangely popular isn’t he? He’d be amazing, as Mario RPG is one of my favorite games of all time. His moveset would be insanely unique, as he is really unique. A perfect fit if I do say so myself.


Olmar’d be an awesome choice. He’d pick pikmin and they’d follow him around, taking damage for him, and being thrown and attack for him. If all of his pikmin get killed, he’d have to pick some more to use them in his attacks. All the pikmin should do different types of damage when used as projectiles. A costume idea might be to switch his head with Louie’s.
White – Poison
Purple – Big Damage
Yellow – Electric
Red – Fire
Blue – Psychic

I was also thinking a special move might be for some of the bulb-creatures to come out and eat people or something like that. Or maybe an alternative move would be for him to lay out bomb-rocks.
Obviously a sweet idea would to have this character change forms with B down. I’m not sure of the moves but he’d make for some interesting strategy. Maybe this could be handled through costumes, but this would be the only character acceptable to change stats based on costumes.


Miis. They are like, the icons of the Wii. They’ve been making a huge impact on the world of avatars. They are fun. C’mon, wouldn’t it be cool to have You Vs. Mario? Or Hitler & Jesus Vs. Metaknight & Bill Clinton. I have a feeling that the Miis are going to become a major part of the Wii, and so the inclusion of them in Brawl would be a plus, maybe as a downloadable character later or something.

The possibilities are endless. The only thing I hope for is a standard set of moves. I don’t want customized movesets. I want them to be balanced, just have different costumes as to the different Miis.
3rd Party Characters I’d love to see…

obvious, I know. He’d be perfect and would present an awesome stage. His costumes would make him look like Shadow and even Knuckles, and definitely Roboticsonic.

Oh man, would I loooove to see megaman. He’s so classic, I’ve beaten every one of his NES games. I would also hope that he would be in his NES game form, with X, and Protoman costumes. My hopes for this character would be that he’d have a B attack that made a gun out of the attacks of the other character’s moves. Like, he’d steal kirby’s suck, and make a vacuum gun. Bowser, a flamethrower, Mario, fireballs… Peach, turnip gun, Pit, arrows… you get the idea.

It’d also be sweet if mega had some of his classic guns. I’d love to see him use Cutman, Snakeman, and Gemini man’s guns. He could also have an awesome power slide like Captain Falcon and a Bup move that incorporate’s Rush.

He’s classic. He’d make an easy move set. Probably have a few bombs.

Would be a killer new addition, with pac powers. A special that turns his opponents blue so he can gobble them up. He’d also bring some cool new items. Costumes might inclue giving him a bowtie – look! It’s Mrs. Pacman!

I know, she’s new, and there wont be this many 3rd parties… yes… well. She’d still be great. Plus, she’s a she. The creator said he wanted more women. Here’s an excerpt of my Mama moveset.
B - SliceAndDice - Mama chops random meat/veggies and the food flies out knocking people in the head, sort of like the gameNwatch sausages, only not so randomly thrown around.

BSmash - PANNED - Mama flares the style and bashes you in the head with a sizzler

BUp - Mamadive! - A daring dive with tray to feed you with death, maybe several items could fall off her tray hitting people.

BDown - DishWasher - If she performs this move on an enemy, the victum floats away in a bubble, and Mama gains a little health!

Special - Oven Drop. Yes. Just how it sounds, ovens fall from the sly and clobber everyone. OVENS.

as if you need to know what an oven looks like
Other characters that wouldn’t hurt… but I also wouldn’t mind if they weren’t included.

Waluigi – only because doing Mario & Luigi VS Wario & Waluigi would rule.
K.Rool – Eh, either way, he’d be a good extra or downloadable character
Birdo – Definitely downloadable, she (he?) could make an interesting moveset
Wolf – The one character from Starfox I’d like other than what we have.
Mallow – If Geno gets in, it’d be nice to have the entire set completed. I love
PeteyPiranha – I’d like him because he’d have an awesome moveset, see my thread about him.
Bulbasaur – My favorite Pokemon ever, he wouldn’t need hands (he has vines you idiots!)
Cubone – He’s just a crazy awesome Pokemon.
Midna – She has twilight powers. I’d hit that.
Balloon Fighter – Sure, why not? I’d rather have a stage though.
Toad – meh, but not undoable.
Mew – would make a pefect Mewtwo clone.
Then there are just some characters I’d be pissed to see in Brawl. Hey, I need to end this by pissing everyone off. So here goes…
Krystal, PaperMario, CellShadedLink, Condoleeza Rice, GoldenSunChars, DarkSamus, Mach Rider, Dragonite, Mona, Pulsie+Minum, more F zero chars, more Fire emblem chars, laughing dog, Tiny Kong, 50 Cent

They all either wouldn’t fit artistically (Celda, paper Mario), are just ******** filler chars (Krystal, Tinykong), or are too bland to make good additions (fireemblem, machrider, golden sun)

Also, I think we should remove Pichu and Y. Link, and revert Doc to a costume. Really, they are not really useful characters, and they aren’t satisfying to unlock.
Random Ideas

Random enemies. Yes, sometimes a Goomba or Redead pops out on a stage, I wish it’d happen more often. In fact, I wish some of Kirby’s enemies would pop out too. I’d even be cooler if Kirby could swallow these and gain some of his classic powers, such as beam, or tire. Just an idea.

Next idea relates, A redead level. Maybe a city in Hyrule overrun by Redeads. Reminds me of dead rising in my mind, wouldn’t it be cool for a bunch of redeads to kill as a mini game or stage.

A level from Super Mario Brothers 2, where the Albatosses fly overhead dropping bob-ombs onto a stage that is fully destructible and made of mud. It’d be sweet if once and a while new mud hit the pile.

It’s been said before, but a Dr. Mario, who should be a costume, level would be awesome. A small pill bottle, with only a tiny exit point. Though, I’d probably turn it off in random as it’s would only be fun once and a while.

More costumes would include Skeleton Bowser from NSMB, Wario’s regular clothes, and Boshi for yoshi

A Wario ware stage would be freaking sweet. Imagine random mini-game things popping out to jump on or dodge. Much like Pokemon floats only faster paced.
Also, why limit the colors? It’d be freaking great if you could use about any color in the spectrum. Clans could use an exact color to show their pride. The kind of color customization I’m thinking of goes somewhat like picking colors on NeedforSpeed Carbon. Just, any color, with variations in either more black, or more white. Or how about another Easter Egg? Air Brush! Paint your character’s costume with the Wiimote, I’d say though, it might get too distracting for online mode. Maybe just use the standard spectrum without the extra air brush for online. I wouldn’t want to see dirty things drawn on them.

Oh, and I’d love to be able to customize the stages. There would just be something cool about making the stage black and white, or even better, have a stage creator. Creative minds like me would spend freaking forever building our own stages and levels. I’d love to be able to make my own ideas come to fruition.
I’d also like 4 players for online mode, but eight players for VS at home. (you can use 4 GC controllers and 4 classic controllers attached to the wiimote) The reason I’d like that is so I could battle up to 7 other bots if I so desired in practice. Or at least so I can do 4 VS 4.

I want insane VS options. I want to be able to go into a screen where I can mix and match the special options such as Stamina, Giant, Lightning and incorporate them all at once if I’d like, into the regular melee. I want a bunch of new options like low-gravity, metal, boss modes. Like, I said, I’d like to be able to combine them. Like, have Giant mode combined with slo-mode for some intense power, or Metal with Stamina. Combinations would present endless amounts of extra playability. Also, online games could be searched out through who wants to play what mode.

Also, I want to be able to save the options I choose. And having to change “time” mode to stock every time I play is annoying. Save this crap for me! It’d also be nice if you could save a crap load of stats to a profile. And save characters and colors or characters you prefer.

And if any game has downloadable content, Brawl better have. I want to see new stages once and a while, new characters, new items. I’d pay for them, I’d bet you would too. Also, it’d be nice if they updated the game once it’s out to regulate balance. The fact that the Wii is online should mean the end of tiers if done right. Nintendo should hold tornaments and ask the top brawlers what could be done to keep balance.
AND GANONDORF NEEDS A REVAMP. He needs the ability to transform into Ganon as his B down. Not just as his special. His other moves should have the freaking classic shock ball thing. And LINK needs to be able to hit it back at him. He also needs a hover just like peach's. AND FORGIVE ME IF GANON DOESN'T HAVE A FRIGGIN WEAPON. What. The. Crap. I can not even remember the time he hasn't used a weapon to fight when on the ground. He's not a touchy feely guy, don't give him a touchy-huggy moveset. Jesus!

And I hope there is a new version of Final Destination. I love that course because it is flat, basic, and open. Also I would not mind seeing a crapload of retro stages revamped like last time. At least have one huge stage. Like, Hyrule. Hell, bring that back revamped. I really love that stage that turns.
Samus. Jesus. I main as her. I hope this ZSuit thing isn't going to piss me off. I like samus the way she is. Grr. That's the only new charater that might not, and I'll be the first one to say it, be such a great addition. I don't really like her, Zsuit is kind of a waste imo.

Ok, well… I’m done, thanks for reading!


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
Not Bad Although I don't agree with all of them. One thing I will out lash at you first did you make that King dedede Moveset no offensive but it could be improven a lot let me explain.

B- this one is ok no problems here.

B^- to similair to kirbys and a little more orginal like Bounce where Dedede gets puffed up and bounces over the stage doing damage to anyone he hits.

Bdown- where did that one come from? he could be a slam like Bowser when he jumps in the air and slams back down to earth make a shockwave.

B>- I consider this his dash attack. I was thinking of a hammer move where he throws it like Links Boomerang and does a high hit of damage.

Now thats a better one in my opinion. Also the Olimar Moveset is nice and can do very well in Brawl. You actually made me change my mind about him in Brawl.

PS: Geno is owned by Square so he is thrid party.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
yeah, I think there are many possible moves for Dedede, the B down thing though... You know how when you beat him up after a while in the games, he starts blinking red because he gets so pissed off? Well, I was thinking that B down could piss him off and make him stronger and faster for as long as you hold it down and charge it.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
Because Fox doesn't need a love interest. It takes away from his mysterious back story about his father. It takes away from the deception of Pigma. She came from a crappy game, and I'm sorry, she just hasn't proven herself yet. I know you wouldn't agree with her, but that's all I can say about my opinion of her. Maybe Starfox Wii will change that for me.


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
Gainesville, FL
Woo-hoo, another Olimar fan!

Your Cooking Mama moveset is very unique, especially the ovens! Smash is filled with its crazy movesets and believe me, that totally fits the bill.

I agree with some of your "PO list"- Paper Mario, Cel-Link, the irrational ones, and pretty much the others except for two:

Krystal and the F-Zero characters. Numa Dude pretty much took the explanation I would've given for Krys; but why the F-Zero hate?

bijoukaiba (me) said:
Someone once commented about how we don't need rep for F-Zero because it's such a "minor series". Y'know, the really "big" franchises are Mario, Zelda, and Poke'mon. Kirby, Metroid, Starfox, and F-Zero are more like Nintendo's "semi-major" series. Yet a new Kirby character has been confirmed, a new character from the Kirby series has been highly suggested (Dedede), and people have also suggested new characters for Metroid (Ridley is most popular, while Dark Samus is second) and Starfox (Wolf and Krystal). So hey, why can't F-Zero share in some glory?

And speaking of "minor series"- as I said before, while F-Zero isn't exactly a major seller like Mario or Zelda, it isn't exactly a minor franchise either. I like to think of it as "semi-major", sort of like Metroid and Starfox. So if the minor/semi-major franchises supposedly don't deserve rep, are we going to give it all away to the major franchise's characters? After we got 5 (6 counting Yoshi) Mario characters, 4 Zelda characters, and 4 from Poke'mon? Remember, we're kinda running low on major characters available for those franchises. Do we want to give more rep to the major franchises or do we want to share some love with the semi-majors, who only got 1-2 reps for Melee?

Put it this way- who would probably be the best character for Brawl if it came down to Princess Daisy, Dark Link, or Samurai Goroh-sama for a roster spot?
I used that as defense for why Samurai Goroh (an F-Zero character) should be included in Brawl in the "Rate Their Chances" thread. I mean, sure there are some F-Zero characters I really don't want to see in (just the thought of Gomar & Shioh makes me sick...:urg: ), but there are some that are really deserving- like Samurai Goroh-sama or Jody Summers.

I apologize if it seems like I'm being overbearing, but maybe if you do some browsing, you might find that there's an F-Zero character you really want for Brawl.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
I don't hate Fzero or the characters, really, I just don't see them being as fun to play as. Captain Falcon is cool, and I don't want him to go anywhere, but, Goroh... meh. I just think some franchises like Fzero, Earthbound, and FireEmblem are represented well enough without digging up random chars to become clones or just boring.
One Fzero is enough.

The reason Kirby chars are more wanted, is because they are more unique.
Dedede >>>>>>>> Goroh
I think there are many more chars that could just add more to the wackiness of Brawl, like... Olmar or something.


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
Those random ideas are unlikely, but FREAKING AWESOME!!! Many of the characters you listed are reasonable (I'm on the same wavelength when it comes to those other minors you want in). My only real problem with your list like everyone else, is Krystal. Of late she has played a large, large part in the series (played Starfox Command?), and the fact that she uses her magical staff, that noone else has yet, increases her popularity.

But anyway, I love your ideas:) .


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
thanks man, yeah, I'll admit, I'd say Krystal has an awesome shot in Brawl. And I guess I wont really be pissed if she's in, since I am kinda expecting her. I just don't really like her, and don't understand why people like her. Well, maybe I'm just too old for her, heh. SF Adventures really wasn't made for people over the age of 18. Don't take offense, it just felt like it was developed by Sonic Team or something. I miss the classic star fox feeling I got when playing the games, something that hopefully will make a return on Wii. Though, I enjoyed Assult enough, and haven't played Command, is that worth buying?

Kirby Superstar

Smash Apprentice
Oct 29, 2006
Command isn't worth buying in my opinion, but.... yeah, assault was good. ANYWAY! Most of those are good ideas. ESPECIALLY the part where u could use any color. that would own. and gj for having ridley in there.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
Two thing occured to me about Olimars move set. One wouldn't people want olimar to run while holding a pikimin getting ready to throw he did that in the Pikimin games so while hes running you press b> and would grab a pikimin then get ready to throw. Two if olimar gets knocked out of the stage and uses his jetpack what will happen to the Pikimin fall and die


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
Command kind of depends on your taste, if you want epic levels, with lots of linear levels again, you may be disappointed, but some people like the new strategy which involves moving your units around a map and picking fights with enemy forces. But anyway Krystal was pretty big in that.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2007
P-Town, OR
What does "supper-happy" mean? Unless you mean "super-happy," in which case you spelled it wrong.

:p Don't worry, I heard about this thing called the edit button~


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2007
A dark corner in my basement
youve got some uh different characters in there, but youve put 2 characters in the wrong list. dont worry im sure it was an accident.

move up fire emblem chars and Dark samus to being included in as a must, and it wouldnt look too bad.

be even better if you got rid of geno, olimar, and that cooking freak. but thats just my opinion.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2007
I don't hate Fzero or the characters, really, I just don't see them being as fun to play as. Captain Falcon is cool, and I don't want him to go anywhere, but, Goroh... meh. I just think some franchises like Fzero, Earthbound, and FireEmblem are represented well enough without digging up random chars to become clones or just boring.
One Fzero is enough.
It could be argued that the addition of one more Earthbound character *coughPoocough* could help to distribute the PSI powers more evenly, so Ness's melee game could be improved upon without overpowering him back to SSB levels.

I do agree on Fzero and FE though.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
You get cookies for most of the list and an equal amount of negative cookies for the Young Link hatin'. *hissssss*
..oh well, at least there's DeDeDe and Nook. Wheeeeeeeeeee.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
Y. Link is just hardly ever used. I think there are just way to many better choices.

But yes, I'll be satisfied if at least Dedede and Nook gets in.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Define "better".
Explain how the frequency of utilization is an adequate reflection of a character's worth.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis

Better; Dedede, Tom Nook, Ridley, Diddy, Geno, Olmar, Deoxys, Lucario, heck, I'm warming up to Krystal a bit, and she'd be way cooler to have than Y. Link return.

Frequency is important because if no one is going to use the character, then what good will it do to have the character? Why would they save Pichu for the one or two who play him, when they could make Deoxys, Lucario, or Meowth who'd get way more action? I don't see how frequency could not be a reflection of the character's value to Smash.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
And why does nobody play him? Because he's not very powerful. Why does everyone play Marth and inexplicably feel a sudden love for the Fire Emblem series? Because he's ridiculously overpowered.
Nintendo should add an advertisement for a future game of theirs that will be god tier. It'll sell like a charm. ^^


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
No, because playing as normal Link is more fun.

And it's my theory that Brawl will have awesome balance, being that they can patch the game. And I bet they will. Often.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I must have some sort of fun disorder for finding Young Link more fun. Hmmm.

Oh yeah, balance. That'll be nice. In fact, I have the feeling that Young Link will be the more powerful this time since the young Wind Waker Link actually got the Master Sword as well, which, according to all rules of logic, should be as long as Link's.. *ponders*


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
I doubt that. Even though Young Link may get the Master Sword, he's still physically weaker than Link.

Bomberman I see being in. I mean, if Snake's in, then I don't see why Bomberman couldn't.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I didn't mean "powerful" in terms of muscles, of course, I mean powerful like Peach>Bowser


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Howso? Fine, to make it reaaally clear, I'm talking about tiers. Small, quick character with good range = almost guaranteed upper tier.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2007
Howso? Fine, to make it reaaally clear, I'm talking about tiers. Small, quick character with good range = almost guaranteed upper tier.
I don't get it, whats the big deal with tiers? It seems to take the fun out of the game. I mean, I like Mewtwo and Bowser,and I'm actually pretty good with Roy, so I don't see the big whoop.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I don't care about tiers, either. I'm just throwing about random arguments for Young Link because he doesn't get enough love.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
You're right, he isn't loved. That's exactly why they should axe him. He's pointless, you can just play as Link. And god I hope Kiddy Celda isn't added into Brawl. Meh. His art style would really stand out toooo much. He just wouldn't fit artistically. What if they used the time spent making a Link.5 to make another Zelda char like Skull Kid or something?
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