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Overflow. [Venting]

R h y m e

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2012
Link to original post: [drupal=5028]Overflow. [Venting][/drupal]

Sometimes I feel like I have way too much piled on top of me at once. I feel hated, as if everyone is only putting up with me so they won't have to hear me moan about it. It hurts, really; I haven't been able to properly interact with anyone for a long time, and being emotionally abused to the point of locking myself away, physically and metaphorically, does not help at all.

Sometimes I just sit and cry for a bit. wondering why I'm the way I am. I'm a bipolar, clingy, selfish mess, and I'm about to finally lose it all and overflow.

I know I may seem to be flaunting my life around as "Oh, woe is me," or "Hey, you, love me now because my life is hard," but it's really not intentional.



Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Might as well say this:

The gutter is not your friend.

The quik txt, the kind of thing u use in order 2 shre UR 2 other ppl in your wurld, is not UR frend 2.

Food is not your aid for getting rid of sadness. I mean no, don't stop eating all of a sudden. Don't really want you to go all "oh I'm taking a salad and put some dressings on it cus it's my only meal of the day" or something like that.

Thinking is not your friend. I mean it is in order to make healthful decisions, but not for continuously wandering in your mind, thinking that you should to this and that to control your sadness for days and days.

Here's an example of what's your friend, an actual friend, people who has that potential to help you out and end your struggle. They can accompany you and raises your spirits up high. They do that for your potebtial to be like theirs. And that is a good way to end it.

So stop thinking that everything around you is falling apart the whole time. Because once in awhile, it gets better as you proceed onward to the next year, and the next year. And you will have the power to make your life well.

And to do that, you have the power to make it count. So, make it count. *two thumbs up*


King of Evil
Jun 12, 2008
La Grande, Oregon
You need some kind of foundation to keep you steady. A kind of a reflection/contrast point so you can see where you're at, what's important to you, and how your daily progress reflects forward momentum in your personal development and life.

If you feel like people hate you, you need to ask yourself what your values are and ask yourself in earnest if those values are justified, and decide from there if you're either just paranoid, have unlikable traits or if other people are just buttwipes. If you know what's important to you and what values you hold, if you live by those values, then opinions and actions shouldn't be regarded as anything but peterheads being peterheads.

...And sometimes, it doesn't hurt to just get good and indignant and tell the world to go **** itself and that you're going to fight the good fight. The Stoics maintained that, in so many words, negativity shouldn't be beheld as negativity, but potential. Potential for positivity. Ingeniously, yet thinly-guiled to provide meaning to positivity by contrast, yet being a conduit to positivity itself. Use some of that negative energy to achieve or accomplish something. Doing so is certainly an art in and of itself, but once mastered, you call the shots.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Rhyme, blogs are a great place to vent, and everyone needs to vent fromt time to time c:

Remember, you are part of this community now, and SWFers stick together :D We got your back, and we love you because you are you! c:

Life can suck, but just stay positive and keep on truckin'

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
What good ol' Vermanubis said sums it up quite well, Stoic life is the best way to live. You must learn to know that things can have value if you desire them to, and that no one is needed to tell what has value or not. You call the shots, and you always have the final mental nod of acceptance with everything you do or feel, whether you know it or not. Wherever you are, that was where you were heading. Wherever you go, that is where you are heading. The strongest reality is the only one, so you need to walk your path definitively, understand what matters and what doesn't. The very first philosohper Thales inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi the phrase: "Know thyself", and with that you can master all things. It takes little thought and effort, in fact, once one knows thyself, they have no need for effort or thoughts. You begin to find that when you put the extra effort of being clingy and bipolar, it is incredibly more exhaustive and fruitful than having just been content.

I'd even go as far as saying that giving care for things is much easier than not, and once you start showing interest and love to things (people, activities, etc.) once you reach that state of mind, people will almost inexplicably start to show interest and love for you as well. I went through high school having interest in nothing, and in turn, no one found me worth of much, but once I started to understand the world I make from the things around me, I was content with the worth of myself, and started effortlessly having interest in things and caring, and for someone a lot of people knew me despite my very quiet nature. When I say inexplicably, I somewhat mean it, I do not understand how life made such a turn and how liked I was, and yet I felt I tried the least of all my years in schooling.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
"Enjoy the moment with all your might/whether its gloomy/whether its bright!" - Sanae Hanekoma


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
"Enjoy the moment with all your might/whether its gloomy/whether its bright!" - Sanae Hanekoma
I kind of love you right now.

In all seriousness, though, it's true. You have to enjoy the moment. I've been through some pretty tough times in my life too, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that you have to make it happen. Vermanubis is entirely correct; you need to figure out a goal, figure out some sort of reflection point. Once you can figure out if it is you that's the problem with other people, or if you're being paranoid, or if other people are the problem, you can do what you need to do. Figure out whatever you need to do to make yourself happy -- within the bounds of the law and others' rights, of course -- and make it happen.

I know that's a lot easier said than done, but it's what I've found is the key to being happy. You can't always get everything you want, it won't always be possible to make it happen such that you have full happiness, but you can sure as hell try to make it everything it can be.

R h y m e

Smash Apprentice
Jan 31, 2012
"Enjoy the moment with all your might/whether its gloomy/whether its bright!" - Sanae Hanekoma
After fighting Pantera Cantus on Ultimate...
I can't be happy about hearing Hanekoma again.

Anyway, thank you all for all the advice. I'll certainly take it to mind.


Smash Ace
Jun 23, 2011
Being a scrub in NorCal
"Enjoy the moment with all your might/whether its gloomy/whether its bright!" - Sanae Hanekoma
I like this quote because it is what I try to go by, although i'd say it's different for everybody.

I wish you good luck with your issues and there arn't really any trolls here so it's a great place to vent. Sometimes I can be a little clingy as well and other times a little selfish and I definitely know what your talking about. You start to feel like a bad person. The feeling is no bueno :(.
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