Sounds like you need to take a chill pill, or eighty-bajillion.
Nintendo's online is bad, they should know this by now. I'd rather pay for better online than to have crappy free online. It's so ironic that Sony is losing money yet they have better online than we do. Can you guess the price of PSN? I'll give you a hint, it's the same as Nintendo's.
I'm actually quite calm, really. Just a little dumbfounded at how everyone was expecting a system that's
FAR less powerful than its competitors(if you can even call them that, it seems to me that Nintendo isn't marketing towards the same demographic as Sony and Microsoft) to provide a Playstation Network-type online infrastructure...
I'm not saying that it couldn't be done. However, it is quite apparent that Nintendo doesn't have much love for Online Gaming, and neither do I. It may be because I have a large group of friends to game with, or the fact that I actually
DO travel to tournaments, that I never really cared whether or not I could play some guy way out in Timbuktu in a game of Smash(or Halo, or Madden, pick your poison)
No current online set-up, no matter how immersive it attempts to be, can
EVER hope to replace the thrill of your friends(or complete strangers) cheering you on in a heated tournament match. No amount of Voice-Chat could ever duplicate trash-talking an opponent who's actually sitting across from you, and NO kind of faceless, lacking-in-personality, soulless artificial interface can ever create the kinds of memories and life-long friends and acquaintences I've met over the course of every single Smash-related event I've ever been to.
If anything, Nintendo has given me EXACTLY what I wanted out of online Smash-- Actual living, breathing opponents who(for the most part) think for themselves and can react to my every move, and do unexpected things at any moment that I can face 24-7, whether I want a silly, quick four-player melee, or an intense, thrilling battle of wit and skill through the use of sites like this and Friend Codes.
Sure, it may not be what everyone wanted, but at least it's something that
EVERYONE, from the loweliest scrub, to the most seasoned tourney veteran can use quickly and efficiently...
And isn't that what we all most wanted out of Brawl's Online Mode from the get-go?