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OU RMT: Serpents, Lightning, and Phychic Flare


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008

The idea behind the team is to have Swampert set up Stealth Rock, and procceed to sweep the opponent's team as best I can. That's the general idea, but I have also kept in mind how to counter certain leads. The best one I'm prepared for is TrickScarf Jirachi. I immediately switch to Jolteon, and Jirachi gets the Choice Specs, which is pretty much useless for its set. And no one would dare to try to outspeed a scarfed base 130 spe pokemon O.o. When Jirachi comes in later, Gengar can easily outrun it, set up a substitute, and go to work.
Now, as good a supporter as Umbreon is, I realize at this point that she is essentially a deadweight. Her purpose is to come in on something that cannot threaten Gyarados, trap it, wish in case SR is in play, taunt if necessary, and baton pass it all. It also provides Wish support to the rest of the team. It's a very situational set that doesn't always find the opportunity to come in, so it essentially just sits there the whole match. I need a better Wish passer that has other skills that can also help my team. Also, if there's a better WishPass set I can use for her, please let me know.
Swampert is a good lead, but he always loses to faster suicide leads with Taunt. What I mean by "lose" is that the opponent sets up SR, and he doesn't. I'll keep him because he has good defensive and offensive synergy with what my team looks like right now, but he MAY be replaced in the future.
Gengar is pure win. However, his set can be used to benefit any team he's placed on. After all, the set is mostly for shock value. I really like him, but if there's a better poke who can directly benefit my specific team better, please let me know.

-Faster leads with Taunt
-Umbreon becomes useless when there is nothing weak to trap and taunt
-Swift Swim sweepers
-Other Dragon Dance sweepers
-Lack of a Rapid Spinner (this one, believe it or not, is the least troublesome)

Swampert @ Leftovers
Nature: Relaxed
-Stealth Rock
-Ice Beam
EVs: 240 HP/216 Def/52 SpD
Role: Standard MixPert lead. My team lacks a phazer, so he gets Roar rather than Protect. I've used him for a while, but I changed his EV spread in accordance to his page update to be more effective (he used to be 252 HP/252 Def; he lost an awful lot to powerful special sweepers). He makes a really good lead; even if I have to switch at the start, his bulk gives him plenty of opportunities to set up SR later. That's about it. He also has good defensive synergy with his other teammates.

Gyarados @ Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Role: Physical sweeper, and a part of my team's offensive core. My core is Gyarados/Jolteon/Jirachi. Pretty standard; he absorbs EQ and has good synergy with Jirachi. This used to be ScarfMence's spot, but when he was banned, I had to remake the team. He fills the role quite well. Despite his quad weakness to electric, he gets plenty of opportunities to DDance; and even one dance already makes him dangerous.

Jolteon @ Choice Specs
Nature: Timid
-Shadow Ball
-HP Grass
-Baton Pass/Filler?
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spe/252 SpA
Role: Special sweeper. Before Mence got banned, he filled a very good SubPass role. But when remaking the team, I had first decided on a GyaraJolt core, because I love this dawg so **** much <3. I decided to capitalize on its offensive capabilities. I followed the Smog's example to use a set that presumably works the best with GyaraJolt. But I don't really see BT's place in this set. Any good ideas for the last slot? I'm drawing a complete blank, since his other moves seem to cover most anything...

Jirachi @ Expert Belt
Nature: Hasty
-Iron Head
-Fire Punch
-Ice Punch
EVs: 252 Atk/4 SpA/252 Spe
Role: The final part in my offensive core. It's main purpose is to stop SkarmBliss, a core that basically topples GyaraJolt. I decided to go mostly physical, as splitting the EVs with Atk and SpA wouldn't make either stat powerful enough. But even Tbolt gets the job done. You see, the focus here is on getting super-effective hits rather than pure power. The other point of this set is to bluff a Choice Scarf, by switching in on something slower and spamming Iron Head until it switches (with its great speed, bluffing a scarf is very well accomplished). I've gotten a good number of players with this one. They switch to something that resists steel, and then I use something else to hit them for a SE hit. The shock value is great. On top of that, it has good offensive AND defensive synergy with the rest of the team.

Umbreon @ Leftovers
Nature: Careful
-Mean Look
-Baton Pass
EVs: 252 HP/92 SpD/164 Spe
Role: Wish supporter, and another counter to SkarmBliss. Taunt shuts down Blissey and prevents Skarmory from Whirlwinding my team to hell and back. Also, Wish helps give much needed recovery to Swampert, and helps Gyara heal of SR damage. The combo of ML + baton pass can neutralize something that Gyara can handle so he can set up DD and procceed to kill. In addition to trapping, Umber can taunt the opposition before passing to further neutralize the threat. I tried this on a Leafeon taunted into Giga Drain, and passed to Gyara (the Leafeon was a non-offensive variant, probably little, if none, invested in SpA). He DDanced until the taunt wore off, and took out most of the team! I love this set.

Gengar @ Leftovers
Nature: Timid
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
EVs: 4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe
Role: Infernape counter/scouter. With Forretress, I realized I had a huge gaping weakness to Infernape. So I swapped Tress out with a Pain Split Gengar, which also handles Blissey and can dismantle stall. However, Pain Split is not on Gengar's movepool in Shoddy yet. I guess they forgot to add it. So I switched it to hypnosis and swapped LO with Lefties. This is a very good set. Once he's safe behind a sub, he can fire off a hypnosis. So what if it misses the first time? If he's faster than the opponent, the foe has two options: risk getting his switch-in put to sleep, or stay there and tough it out. Probably because of this, my foe never switches when they find out he has hynosis, and few teams I've faced so far, win or lose, have anything to absorb sleep. This set works, and although it is annoying not to have Rapid Spin, having the bonus of him being a spin blocker only adds to his worth.

However, Infernape sweeper is still a threat if both Jolteon and Gengar are gone. Also, I have to be weary of other Dragon Dancers and, ugh, Swift Swimmers. Those are my biggest problems so far, but otherwise, this team is really effective.

But, still, comments and revs are appreciated :)


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
I think you should balance the EVs on Jirachi so that HP Fire has a better chance of OHKOing Scizor.

Instead of Forretress, why not use Pain Split Gengar? You can take down Blisskarm pretty decently but if Jolteon somehow dies you don't have much of an answer to the other most common thing in stall. It would also help your Earthquake weakness. Or, if you still want a spinner, you could use Starmie.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
1. Test your team before posting.

2. Synchronize doesn't bounce back Sleep.

3. Ice Fang Gyarados is silly, Stone Edge is much, much better, as it hits other Gyarados, Zapdos, and and stuff.

4. Your Umbreon is... weird. Try giving your Jirachi Wish and swapping Umbreon for an Infernape, probably special-mix.

5. Also, your Jirachi is weird. If you go with my Infernape suggestion, you could use a standard Wish support Jirachi or Vaporeon if you want the healing or a standard Expert Belt Jirachi otherwise. Keep in mind that Thunderbolt also hits Skarmory super-effectively, and has a much higher base power. Grass Knot can also be dropped, since you're only hitting Swampert, a Pokémon that Jolteon handles fairly well.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Your RMT does not contain a threat list or an overall goal AND you haven't tested it. Please read the rules before posting an RMT.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
What Riddle and Wave said.

Make edits and PM them to me and I'll unlock the thread.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Edits have been made. Bumping this so people can see it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008
I almost forgot to add how Gengar helps against Machamp leads. When the fight starts, I swap Swampert w/Gengar to take Dynamic Punch, and abuse No Guard to fire off a 100% accurate hypnosis. This seriously wrecked the three or so Machamp leads I've faced so far.

Btw, thanx Firus

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
If you're intent on using Umbreon use a different set. Wish support is better done by Jirachi, and if you want to keep your Jirachi as is running Scarf would make Jirachi a better check to pretty much everything.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
I almost forgot to add how Gengar helps against Machamp leads. When the fight starts, I swap Swampert w/Gengar to take Dynamic Punch, and abuse No Guard to fire off a 100% accurate hypnosis. This seriously wrecked the three or so Machamp leads I've faced so far.

Btw, thanx Firus
Don't they usually carry Lum Berry? And I'm pretty sure a Payback>Bullet Punch ***** him.

Might rate the whole team later =3


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
I almost forgot to add how Gengar helps against Machamp leads. When the fight starts, I swap Swampert w/Gengar to take Dynamic Punch, and abuse No Guard to fire off a 100% accurate hypnosis. This seriously wrecked the three or so Machamp leads I've faced so far.

Btw, thanx Firus
Most Machamp leads run Lum Berry, so it would actually be more like:

Gengar switches in
Machamp uses DynamicPunch on Gengar
Gengar uses Hypnosis on Machamp
Machamp's Lum Berry cures its status
Machamp kills Gengar with Payback

As for your threat list:
-Faster leads with Taunt - Yeah, that's a common weakness for Swampert. Not much you can do about it.
-Umbreon becomes useless when there is nothing weak to trap and taunt - Honestly, Umbreon is just not that good except in very specific situations. I would suggest removing him entirely and putting in a Pursuit user like Scizor or Tyranitar.
-Swift Swim sweepers - Don't worry about it. Experience is the best way to beat Rain Dance teams.
-Other Dragon Dance sweepers - Jolteon should be able to take care of them fine if you don't let them get more than one boost. If it's that big of a problem you can always run HP Ice on him instead of HP Grass.
-Lack of a Rapid Spinner (this one, believe it or not, is the least troublesome) - I would assume it would be the least troublesome. Most teams in the format, or any format for that matter, can function fine without a spinner. In this team you have 2 pokemon resistant to Stealth Rock, 2 pokemon immune to Spikes, and 3 pokemon immune to Toxic Spikes. If you want to increase your team's resistance to Stealth Rock, just give Gyarados Leftovers instead of Life Orb.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Replace Hypnosis with Pain Spilt or Hidden Power. You don't want to waste a sub because of a silly miss.

I do like the use of ML + Baton Pass with Gyarados. Alot of people switch in physical sweepers on Umbreon and Intimidate kinda poops on them. Personally I'd go with a bulkier variant of Gyara, but I can't say I've tested anything like that before.

I would imagine that if nape gives you problems, so should SD Lucario w/ Bullet Punch (covers Gengar). I was going to suggest the replacement Umbreon with Gliscor because of that, but I like what you already have going with it.

How long does your Swampert usually live?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008
Thanks, all.

@NJzFinest: Swampert has a pretty good lifespan (unless he gets hit by Toxic). That's why I like him as a lead; after he sets up SR, he can still be useful later in the fight. As for Gyarados, he's getting the leftovers now. LO + SR + occasional sandstorm damages severely limits his life span. To make up for the lack of LO power, I might replace Umbreon with this Scizor set and give Wish to Jirachi:

Scizor @ Leftovers
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
-Baton Pass
-Swords Dance
-Bullet Punch
EVs: 248 HP/88 Atk/172 Spe

But since entry hazards hinder any Scizor set, and I have no room for a spinner, he might not work out. What I do with Jirachi is entirely dependent on who I replace Umbreon with. I'd LOVE to use PS Gengar, but shoddy didn't include it in his movepool yet. According to the Shoddy website:

"The number of missing moves, abilities, and items is well below 1% of the overall total. We are working on completing the remaining ones, but they are not a priority because they are generally quite bad. It does not help us at all to state that Move X is missing because we know exactly what is missing".

As for the Machamp leads, I fought those on unranked. I guess the users figured he worked better with LO or Lefties. But I won't make that mistake again.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
You never really answered Niiro and Gates; what do you do against Machamp leads? The best Gengar can do is get rid of the Lum Berry, but die in the process. Then I guess you could switch into Gyarados, but I think that Machamp leads are common enough that you should try to find a better solution.

The team is looking good :) I'd keep Umbreon over Scizor.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008
I haven't been crazy about the idea, but I could do this:

I could remove Swampert (or give him a different role) and turn Jirachi into a TrickScarf Lead. Jirachi gets Lum Berry, Machamp is locked into Dynamic Punch, and becomes set-up fodder for Gengar if he doesn't switch out. Also, an anti-SR lead could help out Gyarados a lot. I actually might do that, now that I think about it...


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
TrickScarf Jirachi is always good. Are you going to switch the positions of Swampert and Jirachi, or are you going to replace Swampert with something else?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008
Hell, I was about to go on Shoddy to edit right now. I was gonna' switch their positions. All I would do to Swampert was replace EQ w/Protect; he gets a free turn of leftovers recovery and I still have a good phazer.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
You were going to take away his physical STAB and leave Ice Beam? What?
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