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Oregon Smash Community [OSC] - Oregon's official Smash Community est. 2005


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005

Miitopia demo is now available on the Switch.
The full game is not available until May 21st, but this is a fun way to try it out and get started before then.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Nintendo Direct on the 15th!

There will not be info on any new hardware (Switch "Pro"), just software and mostly the software launching later this year. E.g. Skyward Sword HD, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond / Pokémon Shining Pearl / Pokémon BD/SP Double Pack.(edited). I'd say that there's a good chance of info for No More Heroes 3, at least, since that launches in just over 2 months. Also, it's inevitable that some fresh new deets will be coming our way straight from the makers of Splatoon 3 (they're really good at keeping things connected with the fanbase).

It's still questionable what, if any, info will be parceled out for the sequel to Breath of the Wild and even more questionable if Metroid Prime 4 will be acknowledged in any way. Might as well throw Bayonetta 3 into the "maybe" category as well. I personally would love to see some info on the recently revealed Enix titles, specifically DQIII HD-2D. I doubt DQ12 is far enough along to give us anything new in a couple weeks, but more info on that would be hype.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Any communities for Southern Oregon?


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
How may I find them?
We all used to post here and talk, but that was a long time ago. The main hub is usually through Discord (there's an invite on the 1st post of this forum).
I prefer Smashboards still, and hope to see more people come back.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Just a reminder, Oregon Smash Community is the original Smash Bros. community in Oregon - we're not associated with Oregon Smash Ultimate Community.
And there's been a few people who try to associate Oregon Smash Community's prestige with their work and use the word "official", but the only official proclamations will be done here on smashboards or found on the links in the first page of this thread.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
The Oregon Smash Community has taken a stance to disavow any tournament that enforces rules which requires attendees to divulge their private information such as, but not limited to, social/religious/ethnic/political/racial/medical/relationship information or denies registration and/or responds with ostracize as consequence.
We promote an open registration to all people regardless of lifestyle choices or life circumstances to be able to compete in an event set to competitive standards and recognize that the right to conduct business with attendees holds with it a responsibility for the TOs to act under proper ethics. Any and all rules must have sound reasoning to be considered either viable for use in both competition and standards of events under the Oregon Smash Community, and to extent, all Smashers in general.
The right to a fair competition in a proper sportsmanship environment with any level of privacy is important to the Oregon Smash Community, as is every natural right that you enjoy as a free human being.
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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Nice to see an Oregon player winning a bigger tournament again.
Congrats JaredisKing!


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
My thoughts after reading some recent posts regarding working within the current Smash scene and with TOs of large scale events (and how Oregon's scene can benefit upon reflection):

The current scene seems to be in a messy state of post-gamergate "metoo" Cancel Culture, of which promotes a support for those who do not want or are incapable of tolerating a simple difference in opinion.
Good people may get caught up in this mess and do not want to "rock the boat" which can paint a target on them and risk getting "canceled" themselves for sharing a differing opinion. I understand their plight because at baseline players just want to get together with other smashers and have a fun time playing Super Smash Bros. like how things have started; pure, clean, simple fun and getting good at the game. It's unfortunate many of the current TOs will not allow that due to the coupling of optics which motivates them to intervene with overreach compounding the problems.
There's very few things I think should overrule TOs in the Smash Community, but Rights/Liberty/Freedom is one of those things as these are tenants of society itself in which our events take place. TOs should focus on the rules of competition and less on encroaching on rights and personal/private matters of their attendees. What food we eat, which medicines we do or do not take, what religious practices we observe, etc. are not a priority of any TO nor any attendee or any other person outside of the individual and whatever means they wish to communicate their lifestyle and beliefs. The TO should focus on rules which promote competition and set about making an enjoyable environment for the attendees. When a good event is satisfied the players should show appreciation by way of attending the events, through tribute, and with promotion of the events and the TO.
Good events make for strong competitors.
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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
double post, excuse this since there's no delete option.
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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
The Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament named Eugenebound is enforcing rules which are in violation of Oregon Smash Community principles.
Unless the rules which exclude players based on privacy-infringing rules and unwarranted rules which are TO overreach and encroach on Natural Rights then the tournament is rejected officially for competition and other events the TOs and associated agents of the event will be investigated.

OSC does not support violating privacy rights nor any other rights and no TO has authority to make medical decisions for Smashers and it is an overreach and abuse of power for them to use status/position to enforce medical procedures. It is not only a violation of our principles but unethical, potentially illegal, and possibly a risk of health/life.


Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2022
You pretend you guys run the community, when you absolutley dont. This is harmful to the scene. Stop pretending your discord with just you two in it has any power. For the real Oregon smash discord’s, please DM me

mod edit: discord link removed
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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
I have complete jurisdiction as founder and head of Oregon Smash Community.
I also hold title of Oregon State Champion and have seniority and experience with a long history of Told-You-So when dealing with noobs.
So if you don't like there's a voice of reason that speaks out against people who just parrot spoonfed narratives then take your Smash Rookie title GTFO of my jurisdiction. If you want to join in a greater cause then step up to higher standards and actually help out doing what's right to get this current scene out from looking like a farce and a mockery of a once fun and competitive environment.
Hope the best for you.

Why do you pretend like you have any jurisdiction LMAO


Smash Rookie
Nov 15, 2022
This post was warned for being inflammatory in nature.
I have complete jurisdiction as founder and head of Oregon Smash Community.
I also hold title of Oregon State Champion and have seniority and experience with a long history of Told-You-So when dealing with noobs.
So if you don't like there's a voice of reason that speaks out against people who just parrot spoonfed narratives then take your Smash Rookie title GTFO of my jurisdiction. If you want to join in a greater cause then step up to higher standards and actually help out doing what's right to get this current scene out from looking like a farce and a mockery of a once fun and competitive environment.
Hope the best for you.
This has got to be the corniest thing I’ve ever seen LMAOOO. “I also hold the title of Oregon State Champion” dog you’ve got to be trolling that **** is so funny. Nobody knows you for much besides when u got banned for stealing money from pots lul. Community is alive and well, join here:
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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Those look delicious.
If Corvo takes you up on your offer you two can have a lovely conversation about what "jurisdiction" actually means and how it applies in the real world.
De facto power is proven, not just puffed up with subjective and personal opinions devoid of any reasonable or factual grounding.

If someone had no jurisdiction and no real power then nobody would hear about them, nobody would care about what was said, and nobody would be coming into a thread trying to puff themselves up like some kind of authority figure unilaterally deciding who and who does not have "power".
That is not the case with this thread nor the Oregon Smash Community, an "oregonization" that is the longest standing establishment of Oregon Smash.

Sorry if there are competitive standards to which the OSC adheres to instead of trying to make every special person feel validated against competitive principles. There is the "other" alternative to our competitive standard Community.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
This has got to be the corniest thing I’ve ever seen LMAOOO. “I also hold the title of Oregon State Champion” dog you’ve got to be trolling that **** is so funny. Nobody knows you for much besides when u got banned for stealing money from pots lul. Community is alive and well
You have a 3 month old account... I've never heard of you, so not surprising that the extent of or your 3 month old existence here is to just troll saying "corniest thing I've seen". I don't know who you are and I don't care who you're trying to be with your trolling. But if nobody knows me as you claim then you wouldn't even be in here trying to act tough to garner accolades from the toxic group you're trying to impress. You literally prove yourself wrong crying here, so sorry.
But here's a summary for any of the newbies coming in:
Yes, I have won plenty of State Championship smash tournaments as well as a Pacific Northwest Regional Champion.
To name a few, the Rose City series (multiple, and nearly all of them), GameClucks (PNW top players from BC Canada down to Northern California), Smash the State, et al, and even took top 10 at Nationals/Majors with top players from all over the nation in attendance like Evo and PAX. I've been a top player of Oregon Power Rankings from the start with Melee and through to Smash 4 only not being #1 in Ultimate because I decided not to compete.
Want to know what was one of the motivating factors that drove me to such heights of success and becoming not just a champion but an internationally recognize player?
Scrubs and noobs slinging their big-mouthed words to compensate for their lackluster performance and they wanted to target me specifically. A lot of people simply relied on toxic words much like the above posts instead of relying on being good at the game. So I showed them up and made them eat their own words. It went from "you suck" to just crying to "ban" the characters I used or just me as a player at all because these are actions of scrubs, not champions.
You don't get power by talking big, you use power to invest in actions. The actions powered by good become good actions and those powered by malevolence are bad actions. I spent a lot of time, energy, and effort helping build a Smash community in Oregon so we all could even have events at all and to promote players and help bring Oregon players up in skill as well as get them recognition. This is the foundation of the Oregon Smash Community.

If a newbie steps into the scene and sets themselves up as a spokesperson for the current scene simply spouting toxic words, that is disgraceful to the scene they are attempting to represent. And if someone were to do that to a longstanding veteran of Smash in our state, that is shameful to act in such a manner. The way some have done this in person, behind closed doors, or even in recent posts here, I'd expect/hope whoever the newbies were trying to represent censure what has done, as has the OSC does with its Sportsmanship Rule.

Like I stated before, if you do not appreciate Competitive Principles and the founding figures of your current scene then might as well just abandon your 3 month old Smashboards account and take your Smash Rookie title over to your special clique and keep it situated there where it can be more appreciated.
But if you want something greater than stay and root yourself in a greater foundation that is nourished by competitive principles.
Your choice.

Have anything you want settled then come to the tournament happening this month where I personally spoke to the TO in DM and clearly am not banned.
I've never stolen any money, despite what you want to believe out of ignorance - not only are you spreading lies from people who were so jealous of my success but considering you committed libel and trolled you can get reported and deal with a mod first.
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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
This post is as warned for being inflammatory in nature.
Every once in a while the OSC gets one of these noobs who doesn't know anything more than what the clique they've run into has told them and then comes in here spewing the same libel before running away. They always run because a polite and rational discussion unravels any deceptive narrative they've been told.
If any of them actually believed what they were saying they'd do something about it instead of using it as some kind of dog and pony show to garner accolades from their clique.

Edit 1:
Calling out libel as libel is not flaming/trolling - the moderator action itself is now reported.
If the moderator Venus of the Dessert Bloom believes it was not in error: They can respond here in defense of their action, otherwise the report will go through to other mods/admin.
Edit 2: Report on moderator action went to admin's desk. Spoke with admin and worked out a way to keep these random aggressive noobs in check and looking to get to the core problem.
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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
And get yourself over to the Oregon Smash Discord where the above discussion can play out to a full disclosure without Smashboards moderator intervention:

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Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Just to clarify about the player in question:
Balloon was the Melee player that had some... I suppose you could say "emotional hangups" regarding my (and my brother's) popularity/success in the Smash scene. Being well known for playing a Nintendo game is reason enough, apparently, to harbor resentment towards fellow Smashers for some more self-focused players, apparently.
Such resentment would explain the build-up to the outlandish display which was acted out at Jonix's tournament a few years back, a display of words and actions which got him ejected from the tournament grounds.
So there are either there are some torch-bearers who picked up the mantle of the emotional compensation, or the man himself just still harbors resentment all these years.
Either way, that resentment that he didn't get the fame & fortune he sought after is the legacy he'll have to live with.
Competition with Oregon Smash is built around the principle of merit, not reward of ego which uses anyone in the scene to compensate for tournament performance and recognition.

Such a lovely poem that describes the contention of the Melee scene of some members of the time.
Part of Oregon history.
rip, Balloon, if only you could reach the lofty heights you wished to seek before you popped.

Glad everything worked out and things are generally more stable these days.
A shame Smashboards has lost its monopoly on Smash social chat, but I like how this site remains up where so many other places have dropped off the internet.



Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Beak Bonk tournament in Idaho is coming up soon (on the 29th)
It has a lot of events, among them are Smash Bros:
Ultimate, Brawl, and Melee.



Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Melee, sure, maybe not Brawl. Meta Knight will forever be the dominating force for EZ wins. Since Meta Knight is one of the only characters in the whole roster I like it puts me in an awkward position (especially if playing casually). Leaves me with Kirby (bad) and Dedede (bad but broken too).

Then again, Kirby was the only character I liked in Melee (as a character) which then puts me in the opposite position as Meta Knight in Brawl.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Even when there was a "soft ban" on MK that stated anyone using Meta Knight would not have their wins recorded unless it was MK vs MK, some people still just picked MK and went for the ez win and money.

At this point in the Brawl meta, a widespread ban still hasn't happened because now it's just too late and not very many people play the game. Additionally, the people who do still actively play are mostly propped up by streaming and other online content which they want to try to keep the viewers entertained and Meta Knight is one of the only characters that is interesting to watch on a livestream because so many other characters just camp and play keep away which kills viewership.

At least Melee Fox has some Matchups which are viable and apparently after a decade of effort you can win a tournament with Yoshi (if your name is Amsa). :yoshi2:


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
the people who do still actively play are mostly propped up by streaming and other online content which they want to try to keep the viewers entertained and Meta Knight is one of the only characters that is interesting to watch on a livestream
If this is true then there's a good deal of irony. I remember hearing pro-ban arguments saying that Meta Knight had to be banned because he killed viewership.


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Just wanted to put this out in the open that this thread is for proper discussion about Smash, not a platform for witch-hunting and white-knighting or any form of antagonistic behavior. If there is any real problems that need to be properly discussed and worked out it can be done with transparency and with due process. A real time chat app lends itself better and anything with more of an impact on the local scene should be done in person with all parties involved.
Anything that violates smashboards rules will be reported (please do not troll/flame in this thread).

I understand the local Smash activity is not as active as it used to be in some places and discussion can get off topic, so consider this a reminder that the Oregon Smash Community is for promotion of good, clean competition keeping everything properly in check so players can be their best both "inside and outside the ring".


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
Given the recent activity of some local players, I've decided to come back to hosting Smash tournaments again.
I've set up an invite-only series which gives priority to competitive-minded individuals; capping weeklies at 16 entrants with monthlies having an adjustable cap given the growth of the scene.
Again, this is invite-only and many events will be held at private venues with monthlies or special events receiving cash prize bonus to reward and encourage Competition.
The last few have been a lot of fun and successful, so looking forward to hosting more to all the new players interested in the fun & real competition that can be found in the Smash Bros. games. 🥳


Smash Master
Sep 20, 2005
I wonder who "Mario Kid" was at OSU III...
Was it that same kid that Gage said he heard claiming he had a "Mountain Dew sponsorship" :laugh:

Has anyone else seen a sour-faced Mario main throwing their controller and spazzing out claiming to be "the greatest" and flaunting fake sponsorships anytime after?
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