Alright everyone, after months (years?) of procrastination, I finally got Andy's Challenger Pack out as well as how I envision everything in his Pack. Take a read and let me know what you think!
The premise of Andy's moveset is that Andy himself is not that effective as a Fighter (despite being a CO and all) because his real strengths is commanding and mechanics stuff. With this in mind, Andy relies on his units to do the "heavy lifting" so to speak of carrying Andy to victory. Much like Advance Wars itself, the player must strategize to obtain victory. This includes knowing when to purchase a unit effectively and being mindful of the Funds available while in battle. Most of Andy's melee attacks are quick, relatively weak wrench attacks but his units really pack a punch.
Andy's moveset revolves around his fund system of course to purchase his units and get what he needs to get the advantage in battle. Andy's Funds increase the more Andy takes damage and receives damage similar to how Hero's MP system works. The Funds are displayed next to Andy's stock counter and they increase by the hundreds much like they do in Advance Wars. Lets say Andy's Funds increase by
100 for every time he's damaged or damages an opponent. Should Andy be KO'd, he will default to having
5,000 Funds.
Idle Animation: Andy holds one wrench close to his chest and the other by his leg. Andy swings his arms around like the restless kid that he is and occasionally examines his wrenches.
Walking Animation: Andy cautiously walks holding both his wrenches at his side.
Running Animation: Andy runs Naruto-style with his wrenches behind his back (I thought it was funny okay?)
Jump: Andy leaps from the ground holding his wrenches at his side.
Double Jump: Andy does a spin similar to Falco's double jump.
Standard KO: Andy yells out
Star KO: Andy screams
"What's an airport again?"
Screen KO: Andy winces as he crashes against the screen.
Melee Attacks
Jab: Andy jabs at his opponent with his wrench horizontally. It's a pretty weak attack but it can be used quickly and constantly. If times right, Andy can catch projectiles with his wrench.
F-Tilt: Andy swings his wrench horizontally at the opponent, launching them slightly forward.
U-Tilt: Andy spins his wrenches upwards sending opponents in the air slightly but hitting several times.
D-Tilt: Andy swings his wrench towards the ground, slightly propelling the opponent.
Dash Attack: Andy gets in an APC and crashes anyone in his way. Will also generate Andy
100 Funds if the opponent is attacked.
F-Smash: Andy swings both his wrenches at his opponent similar to Pit's forward smash.
U-Smash: Like his up air only Andy uses both wrenches that sends his opponent flying upwards.
D-Smash: Andy swings his wrenches towards the ground on both side similar to Pit's down smash. Useful for foes that roll a lot.
N-Air: Andy spins his wrench's horizontally launching his foes away from him.
F-Air: Andy swings up wrenches foward similar to Marth's forward air.
B-Air: Andy kicks his opponent from the back similar to Falco's back air.
U-Air: Andy spins his wrenches upwards similar to King Dedede's up air.
D-Air: Andy spikes his wrenches downwards launch his foe straight down. Similar to Roy's down air.
Grab: Andy grabs the opponent with his wrench placed at their throat.
Grab Attack: Andy uses his wrench to attack his opponent while they're in his grip.
F-Throw: Andy uses his APC to trap his opponent launch them off stage unless they break out.
B-Throw: Andy throws his opponent behind him similar to Toon Link.
U-Throw: Andy summons a neutral property that spikes the opponent upwards (but disappears right after so no funds are generated for Andy).
D-Throw: Andy stomps on his opponents similar to his property capture animation.
Neutral Special: Hyper Repair/Upgrade
If a unit is damaged, Andy can either fix them or improve their stats like his CO Power in Advance Wars. Hyper Repair simply heals the units while Hyper Upgrade heals them even further while upgrading their damage/knockback. Much like
Max Hamm
's design, the damaged units will also be displayed next to Andy's stock counter to indicate which unit needs to be repaired. Since there's no CO Power Meter in this concept design, Andy uses Hyper Repair when his funds are <10,000 and Hyper Upgrade when he has 10,000 or greater funds. All the player needs to do is press B next to the damaged unit to use this special.
Side Special: Mech Rocket
Has a similar functionality to the Mech unit Andy can summon but instead, Andy pulls out a Mech Rocket of his own to do quick, significant damage/knockback (albeit with noticeable starting lag). Useful in close quarters as Andy is not very good when it comes to fighting opponents up close. Also doesn't cost any funds to use so it's a useful move in Andy's kit.
Up Special: Copter Retreat
Andy summons a Copter to help him recover back to the stage. Depending on the amount of funds Andy has available, the functionality works differently.
If <5,000 Funds: Andy will use a
Parachute which has a similar functionality to Peach/Daisy's umbrella Up Smash. Andy is essentially helpless in this state and his only hope to recover is if his vertical distance isn't too far below from the stage. Andy doesn't use up any funds using the Parachute.
If 5,000-8,900 Funds: Andy will summon a
Transport Copter to help him recover back to the stage. The Transport Copter lets Andy freely fly in the stage for a limited duration but can still be destroyed if the opponent attacks it. Andy can exit the Copter by pressing A. The T-Copter costs Andy
5,000 Funds to use.
If 9,000 or more Funds: Andy will summon a
Battle Copter that has everything the Transport Copter has plus added firepower. Holding B will allow Andy to shoot at foes and pressing B will allow him to fire missiles at his opponents. Like the T-Copter, it can be exited by pressing A. The B-Copter costs Andy
9,000 Funds to use.
Down Special: Unit Purchase/Summon
Andy purchases a unit from a small sub-menu depending on how much funds he has available (similar to how Hero can choose a spell with his MP). The units are ripped straight from the battle animations of the GBA Advance Wars games (the ones in the battle animations and not the overworld sprites like the old Assist Trophy). The list of units, their functionality, and their prices are listed below.
Infantry - 1,000 Funds
The most basic unit Andy can summon. The Infantry will fire a round of shots but can easily be destroyed by the opponent.
Mech - 3,000 Funds
Much like the Infantry unit but the Mech unit fires a missile from their bazooka at the opponent. Has a bit of starting lag but does significant damage/knockback if the missile hits the opponent. Like the Infantry, the Mech unit can easily be destroyed.
Recon - 4,000 Funds
A quick, surprise attack option for Andy to use. The Recon will dash at the opponent whilst firing at them and might even drag the opponent off-stage if they're not careful. Can very easily be destroyed by the opponent should they not get caught off-guard.
Anti-Air - 8,000 Funds
Andy summons an Anti-Air that attacks anyone in his direction (the unit locks on to foes). The A-Air does noticeable damage/knockback on the ground but should they be in the air, the damage/knockback output will be increased by
2X making it deadly against characters who rely on air-based combat. Can be destroyed with some noticeable damage done.
Tank - 7,000 Funds
The basic Tank unit Andy can summon that fires immediately at the opponent after being purchased . Does significant damage/knockback but pales in comparison to it's more powerful variations. Takes a bit to destroy by the enemy.
Md. Tank - 16,000 Funds
A much more powerful, larger version of the standard Tank unit. The Md. Tank functions similarly to the Tank unit but it's damage/knockback is much greater. Takes a lot from the opponent to destroy.
Neo Tank - 22,000 Funds
An even more powerful variation of the Tank that exceeds the Md. Tank by a noticeable amount in terms of damage and knock. The Neo Tank is very hard to destroy by the opponent.
Artillery - 6,000 Funds
A great zoning option for Andy to use for effective stage control. The Artillery will zone in on opponent and fires from a distance doing significant damage/knockback. Can be destroyed after taking some hits.
Missiles - 12,000 Funds
Another zoning option for Andy to use but it's only really useful for attacking foes in the air. It won't do much damage to foes on the ground but can almost be OHKO moves to foes in the air if timed right. A very situational move basically. Can de destroyed after taking some hits.
Rockets - 15,000 Funds
Andy's best zoning option out of the three. The Rockets will lock on to foes and will do a lot of damage/knockback to foes that get hit. Does more damage to foes on the ground but still does powerful damage to foes in the air (not as much as the Missiles though). Can be destroyed after taking some hits.
Final Smash: Megatank
Straight from Advance Wars: Dual Strike, the Megatank obliterates any foes in it's path with it's firepower. Andy calls in Max who appears on the stage ala the old Landmaster Final Smash and goes trigger happy on all the opponents in the way causing massive damager and knockback. The Final Smash essentially a OHKO move to any opponent that is caught in the attack.
Up Taunt: Andy throws out his iconic peace sign taunt grinning all the while.
Side Taunt: Andy pulls out a GBA and starts playing Advance Wars (breaking the fourth wall lol)
Down Taunt: Andy captures a neutral property which he can generate additional funds from (the opponent can destroy it to stop Andy from generating the funds)
Victory Animation 1: Andy throws out the Peace Sign, leaning on his APC saying
"I haven't even rolled up my sleeves"
Victory Animation 2: Andy throws his wrench up in the air and catches it, doing the pose he does in
Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising and says his iconic quote
"I can fix anything!"
Victory Animation 3: Andy captures an HQ and yells
- When Andy is selected in Home-Run Contest, he will have 50,000 Funds available from the start allowing the player to do as much damage as they can before launching the Sandbag.
- Only three properties can be summoned through Andy's down taunt for each stock he has otherwise it will not function.
- Only three units can be summoned at a time to avoid a cluster of units lagging the game in 8-Player battles. Also, because anymore than that is way too OP lol.
Wars World
The premise of this stage is to really capture the feel of what Advance Wars is all in all. So you want to think of a large-scale war taking place on the stage being waged by players in the game.
The idea I have for this stage is that it takes place in a city next to the ocean so that sea units can be deployed as well as air units. The stage has two separate HQ's one opposite ends of the stage with neutral bases that can be captured to deploy units. Once a player captures an HQ, they can then capture bases to deploy Infantry & Tanks to aid them in battle (the same ones Andy can purchase from his down special). The player simply needs to stand in place on the property for about 5 seconds to capture the property can then the units will follow them wherever they go and attack all the opponents they come in to contact with. The player can also capture opponents properties to gain the advantage on stage and to limit the amount of units the other player has. If the player destroys an opponent's HQ, all the their units will be destroyed and their bases will become neutral. Should the player capture the opponent's HQ instead, all their bases are turned against them as well as their own units. Lets say it takes 10 seconds to capture an opponent's HQ instead of the normal 5 since it completely turns the tide of battle against the opponent.
Lets say there's a multitude of Bases, Ports, and Airports for the player to capture. I already touched on the Bases but the player can also capture Ports to get a Battleship to fire from afar at all foes or a Cruiser to fire missiles at the opponents. Airports can allow for Battle Copters as well as Fighter Jets and Bombers for an effective air strike against the opponent.
This is a very brief description of what the stage would be like but unfortunately, I can't describe it any better without being able to draw it.
Andy's Anthem (Advance Wars, 2001) (Remix)
- Max' Theme (Advance Wars, 2001) (Remix)
- Sami's Theme (Advance Wars, 2001) (Remix)
- Nell's Theme (Advance Wars, 2001) (Remix)
- Olaf's Theme (Advance Wars, 2001) (Remix)
- Sonja's Theme (Advance Wars, 2001) (Remix)
- Eagle's Theme (Advance Wars, 2001) (Remix)
- Sturm's Theme (Advance Wars, 2001) (Remix)
- CO Power Theme (Various remixes of CO Power themes from Advance Wars 2, Dual Strike, & Days of Ruin)
- Days of Ruin Medley (Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, 2008) (Remix)
- Famicom Wars BGM A (Famicom Wars, 1988) (Remix)
- The Battalion Wars (Battalion Wars, 2005)
Andy (Fighter Spirit) (Uses his artwork from Advance Wars, 2001)
Max (Advanced Spirit **)
Opponent: Giant

with small

Stage: Boxing Ring (Omega version)
Music: Max' Theme
Conditions: The enemy is giant and has several Infantry (i.e. miniature Snake's) to help.
Sami (Advanced Spirit **)

with small

Stage: Wrecking Crew (Omega version)
Music: Sami's Theme
Conditions: The enemy has a super scope and has several Infantry (i.e. miniature Snake's) to help.
Nell (Ace Spirit ***)

(purple alt) with ally Andy
Stage: Wars World
Music: Nell's Theme
Conditions: The enemy will suddenly have dramatically increased power and has Andy to help.
Olaf (carry over from Base Game) (Novice Spirit *)
Sonja (Novice Spirit *)

with ally

(referencing Kanbei)
Stage: Suzaku Castle (Battlefield version)
Music: Sonja's Theme
Conditions: The enemy's ally has increased attack and defense. The player wins if the enemy is KO'd
Eagle (carry over from Base Game) (Novice Spirit *)
Rachel (Advanced Spirit **)

(referencing the fact that she's Nell's sister)
Stage: Gaur Plain (Battlefield version)
Music: Nell's Theme
Conditions: Rockets will appear very frequently in battle and they're more powerful when used by the enemy. Bom-obs's will also drop from the air.
Will (Advanced Spirit **)

with ally

(referencing Isabella from Days of Ruin)
Stage: Reset Bomb Factory (1st phase only)
Music: Days of Ruin Medley
Conditions: The enemy will have increased attack and defense as long as their ally is in battle.
Tank & Infantry (carry over from Base Game) (Novice Spirit **)
Hawke (Ace Spirit ***)

Stage: Dracula's Castle (Battlefield version)
Music: Crimean Army Sortie
Conditions: The opponent will occasionally heal and you will get damaged back. The enemy also has increased attack and defense.
Sturm (Legendary Spirit ****)

Stage: Midgar (Hazards off)
Music: Sturm's Theme
Conditions: Stamina battle. The enemy has super armor and The Moon Assist Trophy will appear frequently.
Classic Mode Route
Title: Old Favorites
The route is for franchises that haven't received new entry's before 2010 and that are dormant/retro/finished
Round 1: 
(Boxing Ring)
Round 2: 

(Duck Hunt Stage, Free For All)
Round 3: 
(Port Town Aero Dive)
Round 4: 

(Onett, Team Battle)
Round 5: 
in his classic alt (Dream Land GB, referencing Wario Land which has been dormant before 2010)
Round 6: 
(Horde Battle)
Bonus Stage
Final Boss: Clone Andy followed by Marx (A reference to Andy's clone in the AW1 Campaign. Also, Marx is a stand-in for Sturm (main antagonist of Advance Wars) in this case because both characters are manipulators in their games).
Mii Costumes
Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Advance Wars
Sami (Mii Gunner)
Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Astral Chain
Akira Howard (Male & Female) (Mii Swordfighter)
Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Rhythm Heaven
Chorus Kids (Mii Brawler)
Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Style Savvy
Shopkeeper (Mii Brawler)
Super Smash Bros Ultmate X Metal Slug
Marco Rossi (Mii Gunner)
Super Smash Bros X Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight (Mii Swordfighter)