no ****. so the xbox 360 has a "gamerscore" which is added to by accomplishing "achievements" that are set forth by each game you buy. and the games themselves have a minimum of 1000 points worth. wooooow. I had no idea it was like that.
so how does the trophy thing work for PS3? do ps3 developers have a likewise minimum??
I can see the logic of the xbox 360's achievement system lending itself to an increase in shovelware, insofar as I can see the possiblity for a trend in XBOX live participants leading to droves of lame-*** kids all being "look at my high score!" when in fact their "high" scores were actually reached by playing "easy" games. But is that REALLY the case? I haven't checked out xbox live so I wouldn't know, but it sounds like it'd suck, lol. But, I suppose it is a matter of perspective.
I mean, I got no leaderboard recognition for maxing out the librarian's monster book in SOTN, or for getting the rocket launcher in RE, or for getting a Patch from activision for "beating" Pitfall (play the full 20 minutes and you had to have a certain minimum score that I can't remember I was like, 5 lol) and yet I did these things, for the sole knowledge that I did them, that I accomplished something that went above and beyond the typical gaming experience. Nerdy? Sure! And proud of it. But this is where perspective is key... GTA3. That game.... heh, yeah, I mean REAL thugs, playing that game, as devoted as I was to Pitfall. But the key difference, they weren't playing the actual game! They'd skip adventure mode and just roll around town jacking cars and shooting cops, lol. While in a bunch. Alone though, yeah all up in that adventure mode, uness it got too difficult, then it was back to jackin cars and rollin' prostitutes.
This of course way before 360. Before that? Killer Instinct for some reason... Jago man, pick Jago! I'm like, you don't even stand a chance but ok, you be Jago, I'll be everyone else, lol Cause I'd gone to gamefaqs (game what? Oh naw man I ain't got no internet) and learned everyone's ultra combos, learned how "connector" combos worked, to string two hyper through blaster together, or an awesome and 2 supers, endless fun.
Perspective. It's hard to find when you're in your gaming infancy but after **** near 30 years I can tell you there are the same types of gamers now as there have always been... casuals, wanna be's, pros, nerds, *****, cheap *****, button mashers, better than average, average, worse than average, newbs, the list is seemingly endless, but everyone sits somewhere on the list. If you really are buying cheap games just to get the easy gamerpoints, than you're a sad excuse for a gamer. The games themselves should NOT be any worse or better for it. You (I assume) can play the game completely oblivious to this point system, and so long as you're doing what you're supposed to do to beat the game, you will probably earn some points... I remember doing some crazy acrobatic kill in MP3: Corruption and an icon popped up "Stylish kill!!" or something and i was like, what. really tho? ha ok, thanks for telling me what I already know. But whatever...
I was afraid my OCD nature *I'm the gamer that HAS to get every last **** item in the game, completion *****, etc* would preclude my buying a 360 or PS3 now that I know this crap is involved, but I have thought about it more while writing this response, and I have decided I will still get one, or both. I want the xbox 360 for the xbox arcade titles, Prince of Persia looks awesome... and I want a PS3 for MGS4... VF online is 360 iirc ... yeah I want both, but right now can afford neither, lol. but this did shed some light on what the current gen has become, and it strikes me as just a little suspect, almost as if both companies thought that they needed to out-gimmick Nintendo and the Wii. I mean we may as well just call this the Gimmick Generation of gaming. Wii motes, gamerpoints, trophies. But I'm also one that thinks that guitar hero is a gimmick, that rock band is too, that DDR was, that the friggin' light zapper even was. I just want a joystick, and a firebutton and pitfall harry humping a scorpion. ok nah I just kiddin' I like the zapper, but I still hate rock band.