I'm speaking to you 1v1 just to have a discussion on this and what you presented in this video. I'm ignoring every other comment mostly because I want to speak to just you and not bait myself into debating with others, I would debate with Praxis if I did tbh, for some reason I disagree on almost anything I would talk to him about smash related. But enough of that.
First few things to note about me.
I enjoy Smash 4 more than any other smash game.
I think it is better than Brawl by a long shot and I made that my main game for 4-6 years.
Now onto the subject at hand, your video.
There is merit but I think you still need to consider the divide on rulesets is something that has happened in every game outside of maybe PM because the devs say what is legal and what is not for the most part. Might have some more TO influence but given how it is set-up it seems like they are working more hand in hand on that front. What makes this harder is that Smash 4 has a larger variance on what is possible for rulesets because it is far more open in options in that area.
4v4? No other smash game has that.
Customs? Nope.
Some of the stages? Not really though each game is different in this regard.
It has options people can use that honestly is a hotbutton issue and will be debated back and forth because that is what happened with every game. Remember Melee had items on way back when for a while.
People are crying OP customs because they aren't used to them like how people were mad about ADHD using Villager's custom set-ups, even though he only got fifth and lot to a lot of others while that top 8 was actually very diverse in terms of picks. This is going to happen because change will happen, and overtime this is something people will need to learn and get used to. People want to stay to the status quo of For Glory no customs but a lot of this is raw laziness and a lot of regions are pushing way harder to make customs legal. This is something I would push for because there is a lot of depth and potential gameplay possible in here for better and even for worse in some cases. It's clear where the community is on custom usage, 80%-90% want them legal as seen in polls. The issue will be unlocking and getting people to load them on. It will be a slow process but eventually I see this issue going away as more WiiUs get loaded up on this stuff.
People will settle on a time/stock count, most likely 2 stock 5-6 minutes, more likely 6. Might see some more variance but people seem to favor this kind of time and stock count just for fast matches, which is fine. Honestly smash is one of those games that goes longer than most in set count for games.
The defensive thing is overblown, a lot. People saying this game is worse than Brawl in that regard, I'm sorry but I can't take that seriously from my perspective. Projectiles and the defensive options in that game are far stronger than what you can do in smash 4. The defense is still there but it's been toned down a lot. Punishing an airdodge is more possible, we don't have a dumb planking rule to keep a character legal, we don't force offense to be so punishable you can lose a stock for even trying to approach. It doesn't reward projectiles to be so safe it's near impossible to get in on some characters. I agree defense is still there, but at least it's opened up to more playstyles, something I do not think Melee or Brawl are really in the middle instead going to one extreme or the other.
The community will come together on some level, that much is true for the rulesets. Some of the whining is going to be there but that happens with every game, even melee. Hell I whine and debate that LCancelling and Spacies always being top 5-10 in PM is to me ****ing stupid with balance bias and "cuz melee" design mentality. Still that's how it is for some people. They will whine and debate about things when really they need to accept what it is when they play the game they do. I still play PM to support it locally, but I still think some of the things I said on it are why I play other smash games over it, Smash 4/Melee, like you said in the video.
As for the death of smash 4, I don't agree. If it were happening we wouldn't be seeing Evo and APEX with the huge numbers they have/had. Tournaments are flourishing more than ever. Nintendo actually kind of gives a damn about smash now.
I really do not see death happening anytime soon. What I do find valid about your video is two things.
1. Whining instead of manning up and accepting it or finding a new game to play.
2. Unity in some kind of ruleset.
Those I find to be valid and I would rather see solutions to those which is what I found to be the most legitimate and interesting discussion points of your video. I find Smash 4 to be far more fun than Brawl was, and I'm not really interested in PM when I don't think it's going to support changes I would like to see done with it while it sits as what I view as trying it's hardest to just be a clone of melee with updated graphics instead of pushing for stronger and more likely what I find to be better changes. Melee has be fighting spacies almost all the time and eventually I kind get sick of of it. There isn't really an variance there and I feel like I am playing the same two match-ups almost all the time. Probably far worse than me fighting MK in Brawl.
So that's more or less why I sit with Smash 4 while I agree and disagree with your video. I hope you read this and consider my points.
PS. I want a yoga rematch on stream.