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Olimar Vs Pit (your take)


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Olimar seems to be a good matchup for Pit(depending on the player).
My friend tries to mindgame with his arrows and combo off of that. But I can usually DI out of the combo and depending on his percentage, I usually BThrow to D Air and this usually catches him off gaurd or I do the D Throw combo sometimes during the match.

It also helps to WhistleArmor into a DSmash and sometimes I Can juggle that.

What other things do you think would be good against a Pit.


Apr 10, 2008
I think Pit is a top tier character within the top 5 in my opinion b/c his moves are lightning fast, (no offense pikachu) and he has one of the best if not the best recovery. I say spam your pikmen just like u would against any other character. if he can fight them off easily, like any other pit would do, then stay a distance away from him just farther than a fsmash would hit him, and wait. if he comes w/ his aerials then meet him in the air because your fair should out prioritize pretty well. hmmm.... i can't think of anything else except try to knock him up and use your awesome up-air. he floats like a cloud so timing isn't a huge problem. combos should work well too for the same reason. your best friend in many situations will be your up-b when fighting in the air. hmm... that's all folks. (what's up doc.)


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
I agree with DanGR on most cases (I think Pit's high tier, not top tier). I'd just stick around mid-range tossing Pikmin at him. If he jumps up, I'd meet him in the air also with a F-air but I'd try and get a hold of him and D-Throw followed maybe by U-air or U-Smash. If knocked off the stage, I'd SPAM SPAM SPAM Pikmin


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
If he gets knocked off the stage, spike him. His recovery his good but he cannot attack you then and it's quite slow. Spike his angelhead!


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
Eastern N. C.
A Pit I play is very much a pain in the *** with his >B and infinite Neutral A, and it can be hard to get Pikmin toss to be effective with that. Like others said, make him your ***** in the air, and always use that throw. I really don't use the Pikmin toss so much on this matchup.


Apr 10, 2008
Pit's recovery is pretty easy to gimp, except when he's getting back to stage horizontally, where he can glide and attack well while getting back. if he's trying to cover distance vertically, then go ahead and don't be afraid to spike him to death. he can't do much in that situation. this instance is only when he has already used his up-b though, or else the pit should be able to float up diagonally away from the stage and glide back, or dodge your spike and get back straight up.

So it's still hard to edge guard a good pit because he'll always have his jumps to use to avoid you, unless he's trying to get back using up-b, then u can go ahead and beat the crap out of him


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
What about Pit's arrows? At the beggining of every fight, the Pit I play against spams them until I roll around them and try to hit him, but by the time I've rolled to him, he's already hit me with a D smash or F smash, then I get knocked away form him, and the cycle repeats. What do I do to stop this?


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
When The Pit I play against Spams arrows I Usually throw a Pikmin to met the arrow and shorthop the rest of the arrows, and fastfall if he changes the direction to go in air.
If your close enogh or depending what pikmin's up next you can short hop and start throwing in the air.


Apr 10, 2008
When The Pit I play against Spams arrows I Usually throw a Pikmin to met the arrow and shorthop the rest of the arrows, and fastfall if he changes the direction to go in air.
If your close enogh or depending what pikmin's up next you can short hop and start throwing in the air.
= u can spot dodge, then pull. spot dodge, then pull. spot dodge, then pull. spot dodge, SHthrow-fast fall, spot dodge and so forth.


Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2008
A fun thing I discovered when playing a pit yesterday: when he hits you with >b, if you land just beyond it and charge a front-smash you can get it to hit in the lag when he stops spinning. And, even better, if you charge enough it will also go through the >b, so either way pit's gonna get smashed.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
i havent played pit much, but heres what i know about pit.
this is a secret olimar techinique passed town from generation to generation...
spam and grab. And then spam and grab some more

seriously... when he uses his angel ring, grab him... if he pulls out his reflector to reflect pikmin, grab him.
your pikmin can go though his energy arrows like a knife through butter. Just spam and grab.
Now i will admit he can spam arrows pretty fast...if you need to pluck more pikmin just shield the next arrow and pluck some more shield again and resume throwing.... olimar will inch forward whenever he throws (although this takes a while) once your pikmin start latching he will shield and you should already be in his face to grab him then. Usuually i try to irritate pit plays by grabbing as much as possible.... throw him and chase him so when he runs to the edge of the stage your right in his face ready to grab him again, rinse and repeat.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Delray Beach, Florida
The Dtilt might sneak under arrows with proper timing, too.

Anyway, spamming Pikmin is useless against a good Pit player. He'll alternate between reflecting your Pikmin and just taking them out in mid-air with his own arrows. The good news is that Olimar doesn't actually need to rack up that much damage on Pit in order to kill him; he's so light that it shouldn't be too difficult to get a vertical KO.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
You can duck underneath arrows too, right? And make use of stages with multiple levels is key. Once you get in close and get the momentum going, stick with him. Extending combos is a must. This isn't a match that Olimar can camp through easily.


Apr 10, 2008
Lol, it's ok, there's no need to call yourself a n00b for not knowing something. C'mon. We all know different things. DI is an abbreviation for Directional Influence.
considering that he doesn't know what DI means, i think it'd be safe to assume he doesn't know what directional influence is either. DI is a technique used to directionally influence the momentum of your character or your opponent's character after getting hit by an attack or dealing one. you simply move the control stick in the direction you want to get pulled. there are a couple techniques by which you can do this. search for them if you are interested. ;)


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
ducking under doesn't work to well because pit can control the arrows
spamming does work well...... because if pit chooses to reflect it, odds are it will miss you since the go in odd trajectories, but (as someone said) you spam pikmin throw and then grab if pit decides to reflect and if you are hit with your pikmin, you will do more damage to pit than your latched pikmin... esp. since once whistle gets it off of you


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
ducking under doesn't work to well because pit can control the arrows
WHen you decide to duck don't duck when pit has the arrows in his hand because he will realize what your doing and just guide it into you. You duck when it's close to you, so by the time he realizes what your doing the arrow has passed already.

Some of Olimar's moves have a high frame count: His NAir, FTilt, and his UAir, using these moves will sometimes cancels Pit's moves with attack frames to spare. What I tend to do is use Olimar's outstanding USmash or FTilt. and juggle with the UAir or NAir throwing in FAirs or BAirs to get him to a side. Then just spike because though pick does have a great recovery he is very succeptable to Olimar's RedSpike.
Another useful thing when your high and damage and you know Pit's FSmash kills Easily you can DI the first slash and WAC the second slash and then he's at your mercy.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
My personal opinion is this is one of my favorite matchups - Pit's heavy enough to be caught in some grab combos - he's an easily gimped character, makes me drool - he has very few kill moves outside of the bair - He does one attack per jump (usually) which means SAF is just perfect in this matchup - he rarely chases olly off the edge which means recovering isn't awful and finally - he has trouble killing latched pikmin...I love this matchup!


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Ok some other issues that should be brought up in this.

The gliding is sort of a problem because the Pit usually knows your ocming and it's somewhat hard to anticipte.

Fsmash is kind of hard to deal with but if you DI away frim the first one you can SAF the second one and that's the hard hitter. The first hit doesn't kill even at 999% but you know the second one hurts.

Chasing off the edge just plain sucks.. don't know what else to say about it.


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2008
I hate facing pit

Firstly good luck getting some pikmin on him because of his neutral A infinite, his side B, and his down B. The pikmin even bounce off of side B and attack olimar.

I don't know what it is about his forward smash, but its just ridiculous. Pit usually spams it like hell and even though you know it's coming, you still manage to get hit. It's like friggin unstoppable. Not to mention the sound is so **** annoying.

His arrows will give you @ least 10-15% to start the match because Olimar has to pluck his pikmin.

Camping him with pikmin isn't too much of an option.

I'm not joking one time I played this pit, he beat me like 20 times in a row for 1 hour straight. I think his name was like Clan ESF? Frigg, he was so predictable and I still lost always.

W/e someday...


Apr 10, 2008
I think it'd be better if you could show us a vid or something of what you're talking about. Most of us won't know what it means. (I do, but still)


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
I'll tell you this about this matchup... it sucks big time. I play a fellow pit player who places higher in tournaments than me since i typically get gay brackets every single tournament, plus we're in the same crew and school. here's a small summary: most of the time i just get him to 1 stock at high percent...

-arrow spam... power shield it like it's a game of DDR, while you successfully do it, throw pikmin so his next shot will hit the pikmin instead and go for the approach and instantly rack up from 0- 40% from the basic throw combo (d-throw -> u-smash -> u-air). or any other approaches...

-if he's hugging the edge like a sissy and jump to shoot arrows or baiting u to get close to the edge just to eat an u-air from him... just throw pikmin

-side b, the best possible counter is a grab... the pikmin will simply walk through and grab him, a side smash either deflects it or hits (I can't recall). but really... stand back a bit and grab. you can also f-air or b-air it when spaced correctly.

-side smash, you better react fast to block and shield grab or something...

-while in the air, you will get shot to hell from well aimed arrows, air dodge your way and pray that you don't get gimped. he'll also attempt to u-air your face so dodge or super armor your way

-a jab to grab is your worst nightmare...

-d-smash and b-air, a sweet spot at 100% spells death for u and your pikmin...

- glide attack sucks... you'll be sent pretty high when hit and the hitbox sweeps downward than meta knight does his glide attack. run, latch, or a well aimed u-smash to his crotch should work...

hope this helps...


Apr 10, 2008
go ahead and send them to me. I'll upload them to youtube.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2008
Pits really cool but so is olimar i think i will second main olimar :-D


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Well back to this. I Don't know what it is. We have been pretty 60 /40 lately in my favor but this matchup still bugs me.

I seem to have the most trouble with Pit's gliding. Sometimes if I have enough Pikmin I can chain him, well if he's at that angle. But it's something clled glide cancelling that just grinds my gears. Yes pit has a glidee atack that is just him attacking while he's gliding. But if he's close enough to the ground he can no lag drop out of the glide and perform ANY move. Usually an F tilt, D Tilt, or F Smash(his killing moves.)
This leads to some stupid mindgames for example if you try to predict the Gc'd move, he can glide attack which has priority or our U Smash. Or if you try to attack the glide he can cancel out of it and attck in your lag.

Iv'e recently been just Nairing the glide(moves with long frames rock in this matchup). Or if I know he's going to cancel I WAC it and Punish. Still grinding my gears but hey i'm winning.


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2008
College Park, La Pata, Waldorf
I play as Lucas and Olimar, but I use Dedede against Pits. Dedede is a tank and he knocks Pit's light body all around. I would suggest using someone besides Olimar in the Pit matchup. Any good Pit player will know exactly how to take an Olimar down.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Pit's recovery is pretty easy to gimp, except when he's getting back to stage horizontally, where he can glide and attack well while getting back. if he's trying to cover distance vertically, then go ahead and don't be afraid to spike him to death. he can't do much in that situation. this instance is only when he has already used his up-b though, or else the pit should be able to float up diagonally away from the stage and glide back, or dodge your spike and get back straight up.

So it's still hard to edge guard a good pit because he'll always have his jumps to use to avoid you, unless he's trying to get back using up-b, then u can go ahead and beat the crap out of him
Lol, "Unless he's trying to get back using up-b, then you can go ahead and beat the crap out of him," nice response. It really does work, I actually manage to mindgame Pits and spike them as they glide.

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Pit is not a hard match up. Latching his feet are easy lead to fast damage and some fun antics. The match doesn't take much effort to play.
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