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Olimar stage refrence guide/ Last updated 10/6


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2008
Accross the universe
I thinks it is time we have a stage guide for olimar so everyone has a place to reference toI got the idea from Gheb_01 on the wolf boards and though oli could use one. And yes, i know we have a stage discussion, but i thought an actual guide would be more helpful Do you know the perfect counterpick well post it here, and if I'll most likely place the banned stages next post. I hope you enjoy and this guide is helpful and if there is ANYTHING you don't agree with please post i got most of my information from personal experience and reading our stage discussion posted herehttp://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=184728

Starting Stages


This stage is easily considered, and wildly acknowledged as one of olimars BEST stages. The platforms give easy access to oli's astonishing aerial game. The main platform on the bottom makes oli's ground game, which is very strong, very VERY useful. And the combination of the open space and the platforms it makes this place a camping paradise. Yet the fact of the matter is that almost all characters do well on this stage is is not the best counterpick. But none the less, this great stage suits oli's in his many areas of expertise.
The downside being a Semi-floaty char. oli tens to get killed upward while on the platfroms. And last as usual for our unfortunate friend he is gimped offstage, and with no platforms offstage it could prove very troublesome for him to get back

Quick overview
[+] Platforms makes aerials easy
[+] A flat main platform Oli's ground game shines
[+] Fairly open space camping can be overused
[+] the closer boundaries can make kills quick
[-] the closer boundaries can make deaths quick
[-] the lack of offstage platforms recovery can be gimped

Character match ups

Final Destination

We all saw this one coming we had to have FD next. This stage is also love be most olis far and wide. This stage with its open space and no obstructions make room for our beloved aerial moves. The very flat stage makes ground game a breeze. The open space give our enemies no place to run or hide from our pikman camping.But sadly make retreat for camping slightly harder.This stage can be a little scary, against characters that can gimp and edgeguard this is a haven so just be carful against your R.O.B.s your Metaknights and your Sonics. But FD is always a great choice for oli.


Good old animal crossing coming back to give oli a great stage. This stage much like FD and BF (the two above) is flat except for the one platform. So this stage it is ,of course, the the three words of olimar aerial,ground, camp and all three of these can be used to its full potential on this awesome stage.
this stage like BF a small-ish boundaries so remember to watch your % here but with your grabs you should get some great KOs and with the smaller lvl it should really help with your intercepting abilities(which you should NOT use if you haven't had practice with)

Luigi’s Mansion

Weegee's mansion this lvl can go either way, it can be argued that this stage eliminates oli's aerials(which in most cases it does), it can be said that it only pressures more onto his ground move set. Well in my eyes this is a great stage for oli and one that is to be practiced on by any serious old main. Mainly because of the seemingly unusably aerial attacks most will counterpick this stage against him. but because of the close combat olis overwhelming ground attacks and his astounding grabs will shine here. And hey for all of you who HAVE to have his aerial olis Uair will destroy the pillars in no time. And another problem with this stage is the close boundaries outside of the mansion. But once again this is one great stage if used right for all oli players


Jungle Japes(Melee)

Wow. What to say about this one well here it is...ban...Ban...BAN. This is a stage to stay away from. from the difficulty to keep control of the main platform, to the punishment of rushing water for using aerials, to the almost uselessness of using a minuscule recovery, to even croc attack from hanging on to a pikman chain a second too long and worst of all THE SECOND YOU TOUCH WATER ALL BUT YOUR BLUE PIKMAN ARE GONE WHICH =!!DEATH!!!.. this is just one stage to shy VERY far away from

Rainbow Cruise(Melee)

A feared staged by most olis. it can be kinda productive with easy grab kills and aerial spikes but both are rare while gimping a bad recover is not. The Cruise with the constant moving and change in levels make ground game not very helpful, while it focuses on the char. ability to attack aerially while staying alive. If you don't see it yet this isn't the stage for oli plain and clear. Ban if possible but truly just attempt to practice on it because it will be counterpicked against you so just be ready for it.


I love this level. Whats not to like the lack of obstructions makes ground game slides smoothly. The nice and open space makes the aerial game shaken not stirred(Good, if you didn't get that one) , the relatively flat level makes grabs easy, the slanted platforms with practice and timing makes camping very effective, the low top boundary makes Usmash your best friend and close side boundaries makes F and Bthrow and Dsmash like brother and sister to you(they will be close to you this match....just making sure you got that) this is a counterpick if i ever seen one. So all you olis our there you'll love this one.

Bridge of Eldin

This level can be so awesome. Of course to any experienced eye you can see the quick kills brought on by a simple Bthrow and if this isn't the way you want to go this lvl has much more to offer. For the most time it is Similar to a FD or BF without the fear of falling off the sides of the stage it makes for aerials to be put to good use by the open air and grabs will be your savior as this big stage makes approach a little difficult and because of the space camping will be used quite a bit. But this is a terrific stage and you will get plenty of wins with the right practie here

Lylat Cruise

Well what is to be said about this stage..first it is one amazing stage. i has one thing that Oli loves and that is a nice big main fighting platform. and once you get control of that the game belongs to you. Problem with that is that it is hard to keep control of due to its size. The slanted ends can either hinder or contribute to your camping game. the platform where the opponents think they are safe, it is just another place where they BEG to be hit with an Usmash or an Uair because of the more troublesome off stage space you won't be spending much time out there.

Delfino Plaza

[I willl need more suggestions on this one with reasons to back it up]
To me this stage can be a gem.

Yoshi's Island

Rumble Falls


Castle Siege

Wario Ware Inc.

Poke'mon Stadium 2

Poke'mon Stadium

This is totally not the same picture used for Poke'mon Stadium 2...


Shadow Moses Island

New Pork City




Hyrule Temple

Mario Circuit

Frigate Orpheon

Yoshi's Island(Melee)



Distant Planet

Mushroomy Kingdom(Normal)

Mushroomy Kingdom(Underground)

Port Town Aero Drive

Mario Bros.

Green Hill Zone

Spear Pillar


Flat Zone 2

Pirate Ship




Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
I like this thread and I am not even an Olimar main. Good job! Please make sure to go over his least favorite stages for me though lol!


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2008
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Haven't read the thread yet but I like the idea. I'll edit this when I finish reading (:

EDIT: A few notes:

- Fix the spelling and grammar mistakes <_<

- D3 can't chaingrab Olimar. I don't know what you were thinking, but...

- Nobody is going to CP Luigi's Mansion against Olimar. His ground game is better than his aerials. Also, I prefer to ban Rainbow Cruise, not Jungle Japes.

- Bridge of Eldin is a banned stage so there's no way you're ever going to fight a tournament match on it.


Apr 10, 2008
Don't we already have a stage reference guide?
or five.

- Nobody is going to CP Luigi's Mansion against Olimar.
I've had it happen to me twice. :) It's so much fun. The first was a Ness player that tried to abuse his pkfire on the pillars. <333 reds. The second was a pikachu that spammed dsmash. lolers.

Edit: I agree that Battlefield is one of Olimar's best stages, but not your reasoning behind it.

The platforms help Olimar because they provide cover. Your opponent can't approach from the air, forcing them to approach from the ground, which for the most part, is easy for Olimar to defend against. (i.e rob)

The plaforms don't necesarily help Olimar's air game. They help his racking game, which can be categorized into his air game though. I'd go ahead and make a distinction in the OP. The plaftorms help his racking game because Olimar's combos and strings, as you know, tend to rise vertically. The platforms create stair steps for Oli to manevuear around to make this job easier.

Last but not least, "Yet the fact of the matter is that almost all characters do well on this stage is is not the best counterpick. "
I don't agree. Just because your opponent's character does good on a stage doesn't mean it shouldn't be used in a counterpick.

Ex. Battlefield is a great stage for Snake. The platforms help his mines and grenades to make his stage control game on this small stage easier. Does that mean Olimar shouldn't counterpick it though? Not necessarily. Olimar does even better than Snake does at using the platforms to his advantage for the above reasons.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i really don't think banned stages should be included, as it is not necessary to know


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2008
Accross the universe
well its not just for tournament purposes this can also be used for just recreational play where you might play all lvls and just so everyone knows i will label the ones that are banned
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