I vanished from the smash scene and quit lurking these boards when i fell out of SSBM almost a year ago, so I had no ties to any character through the whole speculation/revealing process, the first I started getting excited for brawl was the day of the full roster leak when a smash friend of mine linked me it. My initial thoughts went to Marth, my fav and main of SSBM since i had unlocked him 3 days after SSBM's release. Like many here however I absolutely loved Pikmin 1, and after my initial look at the list, Olimer only seemed more interesting the more i read/saw. Especially once videos started showing good use of his moveset and personality, i was completely sold.
To be honest though, while never pro at SSBM i certainly am competative before casual, so the videos somewhat affirming Olimers potential certainly helped me commit to him. Either way even if he proves relatively unplayable I know I will develop olimer no matter if I'm unable to main him, simply out of love for the character. If by some miracle brawl turned out to be 100% balanced, absolutely guaranteed Oli would be the only one for me.
P.S. @ Dorf4ever: An uncontrollable aversion to vegetables, especially ones that stare back.