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Olimar "Community" Address


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
-blows squeeky whistle to get everyone's attention, then returns whistle to the Pikmen guru-

Some students will shield their papers from wondering eyes while others will leave the decision up to the wanderer. Some scientists will hide their research from competitors so as to take credit when they publish their findings while others will share for the good of progress. In each situation, you have some who will share and some who will not. So, my basic question is: how friendly and open will the Olimar 'community' be?

I'd hope that anyone experimenting or theorizing with or about a new technique would offer that information to other Olimar players. If Lucario happens to beast Olimar (read counterpick) and one among us finds a way to level the playing field, it'd be nice if that information were shared rather than hoarded so that players of the character can benefit rather than just the discovering player. Ultimately, I hope that we're using Olimar like a tool to compete against the rest of the smash community - using our skills and inginuity to prove Olimar's weight - rather than competing amongst ourselves to see who the greatest Olimar player is.

Everyone wants some notoriety, and most of us would like to be pro someday, but isn't it most important to play for the fame of the character and not of yourself?


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
Well, if by some odd chance I do happen to be the one who discovers some of Olimar's techniques and strategies, I don't see why I wouldn't share them with the Olimar community. If you plan to keep them to yourselves, others will either figure out these techniques for themselves or watch your strategy and figure out whatever you have up your sleeve, therefore, it'd be best to distinguish yourself as the founder of parts of Olimar metagame than to have others take credit. Also, even if others do use your techniques that you'd want to keep secret, what keeps you on top as an Olimar player is your ability to strategize and even thinking of ways to counter your own move.

If that was coherent in the least, I don't know.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
IllidR: Yes, it was coherent. Even though people will want (and rightfully deserve) credit, I wouldn't want someone's fear of getting "their" technique "stolen" to interfere with the advancement of Olimar's technical and/or meta game, that's all. What I said probably didn't need to be said, but it's good to make sure everyone's on the same page, ya' know?

Wiseguy: I was relating it to what my friends do when they play Melee. Whenever I saw something they were doing wrong or could be doing better, I'd help them out and explain what it was. When they saw something I was doing wrong, they'd keep it to themselves because it would help them beat me if I didn't know. So basically, I wasn't sure if this same outlook was present in the competitive Smash community, and I just wanted to express that I'm against that mentality.

Kinda early to be sharing ANY techniques at this point in time, but I do look forward to sharing what I've learned and learning from others.

EDIT: Pyr0: Yes, that is the point, and I was hoping that everyone was using it for communication purposes rather than for research. You could have found a nicer way of saying that I didn't need to say what I did, but I acknowledge that it wasn't necessary, and I see this is the way you've been dealing with many of the threads thusfar...so meh.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
IllidR: Yes, it was coherent. Even though people will want (and rightfully deserve) credit, I wouldn't want someone's fear of getting "their" technique "stolen" to interfere with the advancement of Olimar's technical and/or meta game, that's all. What I said probably didn't need to be said, but it's good to make sure everyone's on the same page, ya' know?
Well, sharing information with the community isn't the only impetus of an Olimar player. We would all like to believe that what we do would be for the best interest of the Olimar community, but to think that is a bit absurb. The truth is that we're all humans and we all have that slight desire for recognition and a slight desire to be viewed with a good status among the population. So if we do share information that we could be kept to ourselves there is most likely some deeper influence than to help everyone else out.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Haha. You make it sound as though the sharing of information is a cover-up. It is true that all of us would like to be recognized within this, and other, community(ies), but hopefully that won't get the better of us. Maybe we should look at it this way: if you make the competition and the community better then you'll get better right along with them.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
Haha. You make it sound as though the sharing of information is a cover-up. It is true that all of us would like to be recognized within this, and other, community(ies), but hopefully that won't get the better of us. Maybe we should look at it this way: if you make the competition and the community better then you'll get better right along with them.
Who said sharing information isn't a cover-up... I mean.. errr. *waves hand* Everything is fine, you do not think information sharing is a cover-up.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Information sharing isn't a cover-up? Phew! Now I can go about my monotonous and carefree lifestyle, sleep well at night, and continue to carry on blisfully unaware of our nation's deteriorating government.


Smash Cadet
May 15, 2006
Well put, Rhyme. I'm in the same camp as you - I play with an awesome group where I'm at, and we've always swapped techniques and suggestions. With Brawl practically at our feet, I figured I'd join the SmashBoards community and learn from / contribute to the inevitable torrent of new strategies and glitches that would be populating the site. Rest assured, any earth-shattering and game-breaking techniques I come up with will be shared (I'm sure my post count lends credibility to my claims... it's scored like golf right?), if for no other reason than for input on interesting applications and effectiveness testing.


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Let us hope it's not scored like golf. Erm...I mean...nice community you've got goin' on the homefront. <.<

I'm not even sure why I keep responding in this thread. Said what I needed to say and made sure we were all on the same page, but that's about the extent of this thread's usefulness.

Once the game comes out, however, someone here needs to take some initiative and start a compilation thread for all of Olimar's hypothesized and known advanced techniques. -aviods eye contact-


Smash Apprentice
Jan 26, 2008

If I was working on a technique that I couldn't quite get the mechanics down for, I would probably share to get additional input to get it working.

If I discovered something completely OP and broken, it'd be a tough call. >.>
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