po pimpus
Smash Ace
OK Everyone
Here is the address:
Oklahoma Memorial Union
900 Asp Avenue Suite 428
Norman, Oklahoma
Web address: union.ou.edu
If you need directions just use MAPQUEST.
We'll be in the Sooner Room, I believe that's room #121. 2vs2 Tournament will be held first at 1PM. Once we wrap that up, the 1vs1 Tournament will begin after a short intermission. In order for things to run as smoothly as possible, we'd like for everyone to arrive about half an hour before start time to give us time to set up the brackets properly. We'll try our best to prevent friend vs friend matchups early on, but it would help if you guys come as a group, or even also have some kind of crew name to signify you and your allies.
SETUPS: So far we have about three or four TVs and Cubes and copies of Smash, but for the sake of a quick and efficient tourney, we'd like to have at least six or so. We can get by on four, but it will drag the tourney out longer that way. More setups also mean more TVs for free play as well.
SPECTATORS: A lot of people have asked if their friends and family would have to pay. The answer is no. Unless they are participating in the tournament, of course. If they're there to watch or are simply your transportation, they won't have to pay anything. Now we don't want to have a tournament with only 32 paying people and 400 freeloaders *laughs* So please try to limit how many folks you bring, guys. Two or three is cool, but rolling in the Sooner Room with 50 Cent's whole entourage is taking it too far. Use good judgement, please.
CONDUCT: Now, we're all adults(or getting there), so I shouldn't have to really say this, but PLEASE, PLEASE be on your best behavior. We are guests and as such we need to act like we have some sense. I would like to be able to do this again and the good folks at the Union have given us the opportunity to set this up. We all like to have fun and joke around, but don't go overboard. Absolutely NO roughhousing! I've been to tourneys were fights nearly broke out all because someone was messing around. Also, there is some pretty expensive stuff here. I don't want someone knocking over my Cube or breaking my TV...
Gamers have been getting a bad rap in the media lately, so I want show people that people who play games are well behaved members of society. We may be needing a couple of volunteers to help us concerning refereeing and rule enforcement, but we should have it covered, more help is always appreciated.
Sorry for sounding like a nag, but these are things that needed to be said. Oh yeah, one more thing: BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLERS!! Most of us only own one or two, and most our extras are pretty busted. So if you don't have a controller of your own, you'll be pretty much SOL.
I'll be posting more frequently until the big day with updates and other info, so stay tuned.
Here is the address:
Oklahoma Memorial Union
900 Asp Avenue Suite 428
Norman, Oklahoma
Web address: union.ou.edu
If you need directions just use MAPQUEST.
We'll be in the Sooner Room, I believe that's room #121. 2vs2 Tournament will be held first at 1PM. Once we wrap that up, the 1vs1 Tournament will begin after a short intermission. In order for things to run as smoothly as possible, we'd like for everyone to arrive about half an hour before start time to give us time to set up the brackets properly. We'll try our best to prevent friend vs friend matchups early on, but it would help if you guys come as a group, or even also have some kind of crew name to signify you and your allies.
SETUPS: So far we have about three or four TVs and Cubes and copies of Smash, but for the sake of a quick and efficient tourney, we'd like to have at least six or so. We can get by on four, but it will drag the tourney out longer that way. More setups also mean more TVs for free play as well.
SPECTATORS: A lot of people have asked if their friends and family would have to pay. The answer is no. Unless they are participating in the tournament, of course. If they're there to watch or are simply your transportation, they won't have to pay anything. Now we don't want to have a tournament with only 32 paying people and 400 freeloaders *laughs* So please try to limit how many folks you bring, guys. Two or three is cool, but rolling in the Sooner Room with 50 Cent's whole entourage is taking it too far. Use good judgement, please.
CONDUCT: Now, we're all adults(or getting there), so I shouldn't have to really say this, but PLEASE, PLEASE be on your best behavior. We are guests and as such we need to act like we have some sense. I would like to be able to do this again and the good folks at the Union have given us the opportunity to set this up. We all like to have fun and joke around, but don't go overboard. Absolutely NO roughhousing! I've been to tourneys were fights nearly broke out all because someone was messing around. Also, there is some pretty expensive stuff here. I don't want someone knocking over my Cube or breaking my TV...
Gamers have been getting a bad rap in the media lately, so I want show people that people who play games are well behaved members of society. We may be needing a couple of volunteers to help us concerning refereeing and rule enforcement, but we should have it covered, more help is always appreciated.
Sorry for sounding like a nag, but these are things that needed to be said. Oh yeah, one more thing: BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLERS!! Most of us only own one or two, and most our extras are pretty busted. So if you don't have a controller of your own, you'll be pretty much SOL.
I'll be posting more frequently until the big day with updates and other info, so stay tuned.