-edit0 this is "grave"...i owned his link with jiggs, and got one stocked by his marth most of the time...anyway, he said "I'ts no fun to fight people who can dodge."
maybe sometime ill use samsus
Alright so far i have this
Smash Bio’s 2
Name: Babac Saiedi
Alias: Rasta Imposta
Awesome Features: Invented the Rastafy, was voted coolest smasher with out his concent or knowledge.
Bio: Well what am I? Im a buffalo soldier, a dread locked rasta in the heart of america. I play ICs, Jiggs, Fox, GaW, Roy, Falco, and Ganon. Those characters have seemed to stick with me, so I play them. Im 16 years old, I look like Bob Marley and some black pro Skater, when you see me you probably wont believe Im this good at this game while this young. I hold the most smashfests in OK, even when I dont intentionally mean to hold one, it happens. My brother is Pay$, we dont look alike, neither facial, mindgame, or playstyle. Dont underestimate me, or anybody for that matter in Oklahoma. Also, if you dont take me seriously, I will hold the biggest grudge against you until I 4 stock you *cough*Snap pop*cough*...
Name: Billy Westerhoff
Alias: Shanx
favorite movie: Boondock Saints, what's not to love about killing people for god?
Characters: Marth, Dr Mario, Young Link, and Pichu
Bio: born on June 6, 1990. I am 14th in the state, it doesn't matter what i do, i haven't moved from that god****ed spot in 6 months. I picked up smash competetively about a year and a half ago. I've gotten better and better since. I am also amazing at the guitar
Part I: The Time Loophole
When i was 14 i found a time portal by accidentaly running the washer/dryer with the top open, then reaching in for my wallet. I was thrown 2 years into the future to meet me. At the time i had JUST started playing seriously, and i wanted to see how well i compare to my future self. Needless to say I got 4 stocked. Numerous times. To avoid confusion my future self and I (or should i say my PAST self and i, since technically, now i AM the future self) go by our nicknames. I (future/present self) go by BS, or Billy Senior, whereas my past self goes by BJ, or Billy Junior. Plus BJ is a funny nickname. So after i played my future self at dokkoise/vodot/reno/headband guy/the other mexican meat's house, i decided to go back. I trained for 2 years to beat my future self, only to find out that i BECAME my future self and now i had to fight my past self when he was thrown into the future (**** quantum physics is confusing). If you think that's messed up, I HAVE MEMORIES OF ME KICKING MY OWN A.SS AT THIS GAME! Except i found a loophole this time and got my past self to not go back (hence the reason for nicknames). He found smashboards shortly after this and since shanx was taken by yours truly, he opted for King GT.
Part II: OHSNAP: Part II
This was the second time that I (myself) and my past myself had interacted in the same place at the same time. And i was still waiting for the universe to explode or something because of this. so i played him in friendlies as much as possible. Granted he has gotten better. But i still beat him and his b.asta.rd friends easily.
Name: Pablo
SWF Handle: Vegafuse
Name tag: MUSL
Characters: Jiggs (for singles), Ganon (teams), and Pika (Low-tiers)
Bio: Loves competition and challenges. I started smashing competitively in early '04. I'm buff........not really
name:Andrew Davis
SWF handle:Gravity (aka grave)
Name tag:????, as in, i change it almost daily. whatever i feel like
characters:Samus. pretty much it. occasionally jiggs, and soon peach.
race:white as the day is long
weight:160 or something
height:somewhere around 5'10 or something.
eyes:green and blue, changes back and forth occasionally.
hair:red(yeah, im a stepchild too. go figure)
how long i've been into smash:1 year 11 months, so march of '05.
interests:uh...i like to...drive...and play stepmania...
favorite movie:i dont watch movies...uh...ill just say the digimon movie, even though its not.
favorite video game series:Metal Gear Solid
education/work/hours of tv watched per day:high school, quit my job, dont watch TV.
Bio:Born September 20 1990...not much else...im color blind, have abnormally high blood pressure for my age, but almost never get mad...i can think of two times in my whole life. Over 900$ in debt, and uh...own too hard at stepmania. oh yeah, i have a monotone too. everyone thinks i suck...even though i may or may not.
full name: Alexander Neal Cerda
gaming handle: Hazygoose
ssbm player tag: Dokkoise (どこいす)
city: Norman
race: Mexican
age: 18
weight: 170
height: 5'11"
eyes: hazel
hair: black
smash experience: purchased game on release date
interests: acting, punk rock/all music, anime, cartoons, hockey, soccer, linguistics, reading
favorite movie: The Jerk
favorite video game series: Sonic/Resident Evil
education: high school senior
p.s. i turn 19 in a month and a half! that's a long way, actually, but i'm excited
Name: Brandon (no way I'm giving out my last name)
Handle: Po Pimpus
Tag: PO (sometimes POO)
City: Oklahoma City
Race: Afro-Pimp
Age: Pimp + 4
Weight: Pimpin'
Height: Even more Pimpin'
Eyes: Too Pimpin'
Smash Experience: Pimpin' since 64 came out. Only recently started Pimpin' fo realz.
Interests: Pimpin', Anime, Gaming, Comics, and more Pimpin'
Favorite Movie: Office Space or Transformers: The Movie, depending on how Pimp I feel.
Favorite Video Game Series: Tie between The Legend of Zelda and old-school Mega Man
Websites: I have a Filefront and Youtube, none of which get updated regularly, so w/e.
Education: PhD in Pimpin' and Masters in Shadow Pimp Style
Full Name: Kunihiko Higuchi/Shade
City: Oklahoma City
Race: ½ Japanese ½ Hispanic
Weight: 135 pounds
Height: 5’8
Eyes Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Duration Smashed: Ever since Super Smash Brothers 64 came out.
Interest: Music, Games With lots of cinematic events, Smash, Mech Fighting Games, Anime, Pencil spinning, Competition, Hanging with friends, Learning Japanese, Chicks you get the picture…
Favorite Movie: Final Fantasy Advent Children
Education: 11th grader, 3 hours of you tube a day almost.
Description: Now realizing that he can no longer hold back against anyone, he spends most of his time getting his timing down more than anything else. Because of this he has neither perfect techskill, or mindgames, but instead knows when to do what at the given point in time, and gives him good spacing between him and his opponent. This has molded his fighting style to abuse the best move he can find as long as he can, and to be patient to slowly pick apart his opponent instead of combo them. He is skilled at keeping out of his enemy’s range but staying close enough to where he is in range, and thus people tend to dislike his Zelda. And is called many degrading words by many of his fellow Oklahomans... Despite all that he endures and continues to better the skill he has, until he meets face to face with KOS-MOS in the tournament…assuming he somehow raises enough money…