Do you really think HugS could 4 stock me...ME????
HugS could five-stock you... in a four-stock match!
Lol, nice sig Elef.
I'll be sure to continue to not-spam in OOS threads.
And not to argue, but I don't understand how all of the non-Pay$ people are spamming in this thread. It's pretty much a social thread for Oklahoma Smashers to talk and get the low-down on each other; sure, Dandude posted about players and tournaments, which are still discussed here and functioning as a haven for OK smashers new and old, but he was never part of the Smash scene, and now we, the people who are actually pioneering OK Smash, have expanded it for a greater purpose as not only a base for OK Smash but also as a social thread for the residents of OK and any OOSers who want to drop by. It doesn't negatively effect anyone, no one has to come to the thread if they don't want to, it's just an easily ignored item on the list for those who don't, and it keeps us contained, so the only thing that closing it would do would just make our discussions diffuse into other threads, like you speculated. Other than that I don't really see any problem, since it's just amongst OK Smashers and anyone else who wants to drop by, and we're all cool with it. We're pretty much the creators of the thread, and we have decided it to be a social Smash topic, so we're not getting off-topic from anyone since we are all satisfying the aim of the thread here, and while our discussions may deviate from Smash at times, we're still the OK Smashers who are discussing them, getting to know each other better, and still the core line is still Smash. This thread is pretty much a history-in-progress of the OK Smash scene, the tournaments, the events, the players, that we have today. It's true that we talk about things other than Smash sometimes, but we're still all OK Smashers, which is what the thread was made for. Again, I'm not trying to argue, I just don't understand why there'd be any reason or purpose of this thread being closed (which I know that you aren't closing it as long as we behave ourselves, but I don't see why it'd be up for consideration of being closed in the first place). Again again, i'm not trying to be defiant, I'm just not understanding.
I do agree that we shouldn't post random things in other threads though. I do admit to spamming in the SoCal thread that one time, but that's only because Babac and Gravity made me do it >_> So yeah, don't spam or post meaninglessly in other threads guys. Zinth said so. And more importantly, Drew said so >_>