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Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
I'm very uncreative with this move: Wolf's Dtilt.

I keep hearing talk about it... how great it is for spacing and stuff. Yet, I simply CANNOT implement this into my playstyle. I've tried multiple times and still nothing. WTF. When do you guys use it? >_> I seem to never be within Dtilt range for it to be effective.


Any suggestions?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 9, 2007
Frisco, Tx
i find it hard to incorporate new techniques or strategies into my play style. keep trying to force it in friendlies, and rarely in tournaments until u get the hang of it.

for me to get use to wolfs dtilt, i had to learn the spacing and the hitbox of the dtilt. once i was comfortable with it i thought .......

when would be the best time to use this?
well it is one of the fastest and it has the most range on the ground.
it pushes people back just enough for a fair or fsmash.
so if they're pretty close to you dtilt is usually ur safest bet to get some spacing on them. if they trip thats a free fsmash, dsmash, or laser shot depending on where they roll...if they roll

what moves connects with it?
well the first 2 jabs connects with it, reflector, dthrow, there might be more.

What can you do after it?
fsmash, ftilt, laser, fair. depending on the % there are alot of possibilities.

your probably at a stage where when you play wolf everything is second nature, but to incorporate a new technique you have to force a thought into your playing style until it becomes second nature as well.

^^ if you think of that youll discover your own use for it
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