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Oh one more thing!

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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
I was LOL - Recapping everything in your pointless *** thread, ****** hyper monkey.

Did you guys know? You should get a infraction for everytime you make a post about brawl sucking.

Afro, Get on my Level.


weren't these social forums created because of certain individuals needed a place to put their poop jokes? Nice to see we can still get infractions here. Makes me wonder why we bothered making them in the first place

Try not to take me too seriously guys on a public forum in a social section specifically made for stupidness. Especially, when people think my last thread was honest and not just going over Afro (hyper ****** monkeys) thread.

Mic_128 said:
Dear Renth,

You have received a 2 point infraction at Smash World Forums for Trolling. If you have six or more infraction points, you will no longer be able to post at Smash World Forums until some of your points expire.

For a full explanation of the rules and a detailed list of infractions, please review the Global Rules.

Original Post:

Brawl sucks major ****

Got a problem with what I say..

Cry about it, it's a matter of opinion, however brawl players opinions don't matter for **** so they mean as much to me as a pile of dog ****.


Brawl Sucks

Cry some more
If you have a question about this infraction, please contact the moderator who issued it. If that does not resolve the issue, visit Forum Support.

Remember that, unless specified otherwise, all infractions expire.

All the best,
the Smash World Forums staff


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Doing this, like, doesn't help.

Besides, there are some sensitive individuals on the subject of Brawl V Melee. Cause dem Bawrl players KNOW. THEY KNOW! You don't have to tell them. They say ignorance is bliss, and if avoiding the subject what provides their bliss, let it be. In all our hearts, we all know the truths.

Also, IN B4 I am Renth.
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