Please allow me to be respectfully discordant:
Aren't stalling and camping two different things?
You declared ledgestalling (which is still stalling) a legitimate technique. I agree with that. My statement to both Pokey and you was to state that I don't perform this tech, much less rely on it. In your last statement you bridged off into camping which makes things a bit confusing for the conversation so I'll move on to, well, me and my thoughts on camping.
Yes, camping and stalling are two separate things.
However, while they may be dissimilar, they are not, by any means, mutually exclusive. One can be extremely campy or aggressive, and still stall.
Camping itself entails that one person stays out of reach whether in an awkward corner, or high in the air. Staying out of reach is an essential property of stalling. This, as you can imagine, produces long, drawn out matches. (which leads me to believe this is why people have called you 'boring' in the past)
While you may not partake in the specific act of ledgestalling, your particular style can be accurately described as campy, which, in turn suggests some degree of stalling.
Of course I can't deny "what everyone else" says about me. But what do they say? I'm boring? Okay, fine. Oh wait, um, I was wondering Mr. Forward sir, um, what do you mean by "boring"? Geez golly, Mr. Southpaw, could you be more constructive with your feedback?
I've been called the "b" word more so than "campy" yet they never have been able to define or express exactly what playing boring is. So I've come up with my own: Boring is as boring does. I think everyone to some degree, big or small, utilizes a technique that can be deemed "boring" and/or "campy".
What constructive criticism would you expect someone to give you after they play you?
Boredom is a result of long, repeated tasks. (ie. the majority of your matches) I think this is what they've been referring to.
I don't think I've ever called you boring, I've
always called you campy, which as we've already discussed, is perfectly legitimate and effective. And while everyone performs certain campy techniques at times, most don't revolve their entire playstyle around it. Except for, maybe you and Brad.
So one day G-Mo you'll see that those two words are security blankets for players that wish to scorn Jigglypuff players such as myself. I'm fairing not into nothingness but victory. Because that very technique which you accurately described is something that hits the whole thing right on the head, even though I'm not directly hitting you with the fair, I kinda am. Because I immediately get you with that bair after you miss that f-smash.
I sincerely hope that you don't think that I use the term 'campy' to offend or scorn you. I'm simply describing your playstyle. On the other hand, however, I also hope that you aren't insinuating that I use "security blankets" to justify my losses against you--"security blankets" sounds like you're accusing me of Johns. When I lose to you, I realize that it is my fault. I failed to space correctly, or adjust properly to your style of play.
'Campy' and 'stall' are not words that are usually used to scorn Jigglypuff players like yourself. I'm a Puff player as well, and last Saturday was the first time my Jiggs has been called campy. I was just put off that Pokey blamed his loss on my ledgestalling when, it's not the first time, or the last time I've used it, and because he missed a couple of F-Airs and needles trying to get me off the edge.
Again, I want to reiterate that I am, by no means, aiming to belittle your playstyle. Many of the players that I admire, like Omar and Brad, are proficient campers/stallers.