Smash Ace
...I sometimes think people don't take the female gender as seriously as they should.Will you marry me?
I mean..Huh. That's actually really interesting, because all the polls tend to say that Sonic isn't very popular with girls. Despite what Archie Comics would have us think.
And on that note, everyone remember This? Outrageous. Disgusting. Backwards-minded. Ignorant.
A gaming magazine at this time of year without Brawl on the front cover? And it's published by nintendo to boot!
Btw, that marriage comment is one of the reasons why I don't bother to share my gender to anyone lol. Not to say you're an idiot or anything, but unfortunately a lot of guys can act pretty immaturely to a girl gamer.
anyway, back to the Blue hedgehog. I got a roommate who's obsessed with the Sonic series, and she's a girl. More of a fan of Knuckles but still a Sonic fan.