There has been heaps of talk about different aerial techniques that could be implemented into Brawl, and i think that a thread should be made to store all of these wonderful ideas.
Add comments for any ideas you think are appropriate, i will try to add them in as you see fit. Is there any chance of this thread being stickied?
Lets get to it:
Air-Dodging (already in Melee)
to airdodge, press R or L and a direction in the air.
Air Shielding:
To airshield, simply press R or L in the air. The shields will act exactly the same way as ground shields. Characters in airshields tend to slide in the air when they get hit by attacks, and fall at a slower pace than usual. If a shield breaks in the air...well...there isnt really anything you can do. There isn't much to say about this, except for the fact that it could be quite useful, as the only way to stop being attacked in the air (in Melee) is to counter-attack or to air-dodge, and fall to your doom.
Air Grabbing (throwing)
To airgrab, you must press Z+A in midair. It has to be timed like grabbing items in midair. An important note is that airgrabs are much more restricted than normal grabs, as follows:
1. If a target misses an airgrab (ie. didnt grab a target) then he or she will act as if they have just airdodged (i dont know the word for not being able to move in the air). This will stop airgrab spamming.
2. Damage and knockback will be decreased, because of the possibilities of extremely cheap kills (example: knock your opponent off the edge , grab them, throw them down to their death).
3. The thrower will be forced slightly in the opposite direction of the direction they have just thrown their opponent. They may use any jumps they have left after throwing them (or grab again).
4. Players may hit the person they have grabbed in the same way they can on the ground, but air-grabs are much easier to get out of (even at high percentages), due to obvious kamikaze threats.
5. When the thrower grabs the...throwee....they both travel in the direction of the thrower. (ie. if the throwee is returning to the stage and the thrower is jumping out to grab them, once the grab has taken place they will slowly drift in the direction the thrower was going, at about the pace of fox in a shine.
6. If a player successfully dodges an airgrab (using an airdodge) then that player can still move as if they had never dodged.
Air Smashing
To airsmash, simply smash the control stick while pressing A, or use the C stick. Works just like smashing on the ground. Can be charged. Of course, there would need to be air tilts and air smashes. The dilemma of not being able to do certain manouvers if this was in place (eg. down tilt without fastfalling) has come up. I think that a good solution would be that for tilts, you tilt the c stick, but for smashes you REALLY smash the C stick.
Air Dashing
More info needed, fill me in!
This is all i have so far, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Add comments for any ideas you think are appropriate, i will try to add them in as you see fit. Is there any chance of this thread being stickied?
Lets get to it:
Air-Dodging (already in Melee)
to airdodge, press R or L and a direction in the air.
Air Shielding:
To airshield, simply press R or L in the air. The shields will act exactly the same way as ground shields. Characters in airshields tend to slide in the air when they get hit by attacks, and fall at a slower pace than usual. If a shield breaks in the air...well...there isnt really anything you can do. There isn't much to say about this, except for the fact that it could be quite useful, as the only way to stop being attacked in the air (in Melee) is to counter-attack or to air-dodge, and fall to your doom.
Air Grabbing (throwing)
To airgrab, you must press Z+A in midair. It has to be timed like grabbing items in midair. An important note is that airgrabs are much more restricted than normal grabs, as follows:
1. If a target misses an airgrab (ie. didnt grab a target) then he or she will act as if they have just airdodged (i dont know the word for not being able to move in the air). This will stop airgrab spamming.
2. Damage and knockback will be decreased, because of the possibilities of extremely cheap kills (example: knock your opponent off the edge , grab them, throw them down to their death).
3. The thrower will be forced slightly in the opposite direction of the direction they have just thrown their opponent. They may use any jumps they have left after throwing them (or grab again).
4. Players may hit the person they have grabbed in the same way they can on the ground, but air-grabs are much easier to get out of (even at high percentages), due to obvious kamikaze threats.
5. When the thrower grabs the...throwee....they both travel in the direction of the thrower. (ie. if the throwee is returning to the stage and the thrower is jumping out to grab them, once the grab has taken place they will slowly drift in the direction the thrower was going, at about the pace of fox in a shine.
6. If a player successfully dodges an airgrab (using an airdodge) then that player can still move as if they had never dodged.
Air Smashing
To airsmash, simply smash the control stick while pressing A, or use the C stick. Works just like smashing on the ground. Can be charged. Of course, there would need to be air tilts and air smashes. The dilemma of not being able to do certain manouvers if this was in place (eg. down tilt without fastfalling) has come up. I think that a good solution would be that for tilts, you tilt the c stick, but for smashes you REALLY smash the C stick.
Air Dashing
More info needed, fill me in!
This is all i have so far, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.