So we're on the same level as Foxes now? I thought the justification for us to consume meat was because we're "higher" than the other animals but whenever the situation seems to fit you'll immediately put us on the same level as them. Sounds like a double-standard to me.
This is a massive word twist.
Yes the argument for animal consumption comes from the belief that we're different and superior creatures. The point is if we aren't, and we're just more intelligent animals, then we should be able to do what other animals do, which is kill other animals.
And AR activists have been trying to demonstrate we're not that different, just more intelligent.
In fact the article I read which revealed that dolphins killed penguins for fun was actually trying to show that we're not superior because it was originally thought we were the only animal capable of killing for reasons outside of survival.
Jane Goodall's discovery that chimps used relatively complex tools to hunt termites was a big thing for AR because it was originally thought humans were superior because we were the only animals capable of using tools.
Basically the whole AR movement has tried to show that we're just more intelligent animals. I'm saying if we're just animals, seeing as other animals kill, we should be able to too. As I stated before, it's ironic because most of these discoveries that aid AR are a result of technology which we wouldn't have if we hadn't urbanised and destroyed their habitat.
And yes, animals kill outside of hunting.
I don't have a specific article for the dolphins but it's well known and it'd be pretty easy to find by looking up.
I can give plenty of other examples:
Hippos killing crocodiles.
Male lions who have recently taken over a new pride killing the cubs of the old male.
Baboons killing leopard cubs.
Crocodiles in the Serenghetti killing wilderbeasts when they're already fully and thus don't eat them.
I could give a million more examples, but I chose these examples very specifically. These instances are instances where the animals kills another animal which it does not eat, and its victim is not a competitor for a food source.
Even then, if you consider a lion killing a leapard 'survival' because it is a competitor for a food source, then that would justify us killing a plethora of animals.
The reality is we probably kill animals for less reasons than other animals do.
Numbers- I'm not saying meat isn't bad for us health-wise, I'm saying it isn't bad for us morality-wise.
Plus, animals which we originally supposed to be herbivores have adapted to be carnkvores and thrived. For example the Pacu fish (interestingly they have teeth very similar to ours), a herbivore was introduced into rivers off Papa New Guinea. Due to the lack of food it turned carnivore, and if anything began imbalancing the evosystem due to its domination.
I'm still waiting for someone to answer my original questions about how civilisation was supposed to operate without harming animals.