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NxC's Pit [Novice]


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Bellevue, WA, USA
I have a LOT to learn, as these videos will show. I'm working on noticing traps/patterns/holes in my play style so I can eliminate bad habits.

These videos are from Rofa's Midwest Circuit Event.

Vs. Dr.X (Pit)
Round One
Round Two

Vs. Infern Angelis (Ike)
Round One
Round Two

Vs. SamuraiPanda (Snake)
Round One
The Embarrassing* Round Two
Round Three

Vs. OverSwarm (ROB)
Round One
Round Two
Round Three

If it's not too much to ask, I would like to request that posts be divided into Pros and Cons, though feel free to add any other comments.

I'm well aware of how terribly I performed. Panda R2 alone, looking back made me nearly quit playing Pit with all the arrow spam/u-air spam going on. It was my first tournament, and I completely cracked under the pressure. Nonetheless, some elements of my usual friendly play surfaced, and seeing as these are the first videos of my Pit available online, I figured it would be a good starting point.

These are my observations:


  • Arrow accuracy
  • Good use of Mirror Shield
  • Too aggressive (unorganized, bombastic play)
  • Too impatient (never wait for 'opportunities', just alternate between arrow pegging and bombastic attacks)
  • Repetitive 'strategies' when used, i.e. Angel Ring-chase off edges despite the fact it does NOT work on 'real' opponents.



Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
Dude man your pit is great. At least when we played i thought you were being really campy, I don't see why you think you're too aggressive


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Bellevue, WA, USA
Dude man your pit is great. At least when we played i thought you were being really campy, I don't see why you think you're too aggressive
That's the thing though. I'm either campy if I'm frightened/unsure of my opponent, or I'm stupidly aggressive. Your Yoshi was amazing, and since I've never played a really good Yoshi I stood my ground and observed.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Wow.... That was amazing when you avoided that wall of Lava in Norfair in your "Embarrassing Round Two."
In my opinion, I think you don't fight aggressively enough. You have to continuously attack and punish so that they don't have time to think and set up ways to repel you with their own camping. You used arrows even when you were close so I would say you need to work on your approach...
Also, you seem to fight off the edge a little too much when you attack with arrows. By doing this, I see you using Wings of Icarus a lot. Though this may not be that bad, it does my the opponent have better opportunities of hitting you while you are using the Wings... When you are off-edge guarding, it is better to be level with the opponent and attack that way then to be waiting on the edge to spike them with D-tilt (very rare to do if the character sweet-spots the edge). Instead, you can jump down and do a stage spike with bair or something like that instead of waiting...


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2008
Ok i watched some of the videos and here is what i thought.

* what you said
* Your recovery was descent

*You rolled a bit too much
* Good use of arrows but maybe you used too much. In the matches vs you and OS he just waited their and PS till you came to him.
* Grab more, alot more. Against the Ike you could have gotten 30% easy against him by fthrow CG
* Your approach was weak and other players where able to read it. It was either arrow arrow arrow or AAA. Try to SH NAIR into them. It would have worked wonders on OS for example.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
Dude... you're a really good Pit. Definitely gave me a run for my money. And why do you think that second round was embarrassing? You played perfectly and locked down my game so well that I couldn't really do much at all. Get over the silly mentality of "I don't like spamming" or "only n00bs spam" because thats just plain wrong. I didn't feel you were campy or spammy at all. You were effective at keeping me on my toes and locking down my nade game. I see quite a bit of potential in you, and I hope you can come out to more tournies. You'll definitely do well.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 11, 2008
Belgium, Antwerp
You're really good with Pit, i would like to have a battle with you one day, cause you're gonna be a good opponont for me. (i would probably lose, but i hope i'm gonna take at least one life from you)


- indeed arrow accuracy ! very good spamming !!
- You use the mirror shield a lot, i almost never (....only when is see a projectile coming to me xD)
- you're edgueguarding is good, not super but good (mine just sucks), sometimes predictable
- you're blocking and use of the shield is great
- good use of gliding (going from the right to the left beneath the platform, good)

- you use a lot of arrows, could be dangerous against a mario (reflection cape) or another pit (VERY PREDICTABLE)
- Grab more ( i grab a lot, not only is it annoying for your opponent but after a trow you can do some good combo's)
- you don't use wing dashing (neither do i ,but they say it's a good move [practice on it])
- i didn't saw much tilts or was it just me who noticed it, use more up-tilts (great move)
- nothing more......mayby you can work on your approach, too predictable (watch round 3 vs ROB, he was just waiting for you and blocking all your arrows)

round 3 vs ROB: was like monkey see, monkey do, ROB was starting to spam you to with his laser xD
round 2 vs Dr X, you were just crushed by him, too bad that you couldn't recover)
Round 2 vs Pand, was this some kind of arrow training??? (no wonder you're so good with it !)+ i didn't know you could block the lava with mirror shield (sweet !!)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2008
Bellevue, WA, USA
Dude... you're a really good Pit. Definitely gave me a run for my money. And why do you think that second round was embarrassing? You played perfectly and locked down my game so well that I couldn't really do much at all. Get over the silly mentality of "I don't like spamming" or "only n00bs spam" because thats just plain wrong. I didn't feel you were campy or spammy at all. You were effective at keeping me on my toes and locking down my nade game. I see quite a bit of potential in you, and I hope you can come out to more tournies. You'll definitely do well.
The reason I find it embarrassing/shameful is because I didn't do much other than arrow spam- every time I went in for a kill I would get trashed. It's not so much that I was spamming, it was just that I failed at anything else.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I watched the Pit dittos with Dr.X, and You use Mirror Shield a lot. It's a good defense, and a strong defense is always good, but it would be less effective against Grabbers. You seem good with aggression too, but i think you seem better with defenses for now.
As for that Pit ditto at LC, the ending is one of the reasons why I hate that stage.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Wow O_o embarressing round 2? I didn't even know you could dodge the lava like that >.< that was insane lol

Also, don't worry about the spam, especially in tourneys. They should learn to DODGE it or powershield. It's a tourney, you play to win and piss your opponent off so they can't think their moves through well. (I've noticed when I get pissed I start to play WAY worse and fall for possibly the stupidest of traps :s)

Anyways, I only watched round 2 vs Snake >.> and you did pretty well, snake's a tough opponent.... and I think he meant to take you with him with that "suicide" at the end :s can't tell though.

Also, learn the loop, I don't think I saw a single one, and sometimes those CAN be helpful (if you use them sparingly, it makes your opponent roll/sidestep/shield for NO reason)

ggs and I'll edit this tomorrow

Doctor X

Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
I think you're a little too hard on yourself. To tell you the truth, a lot of people in the pool and/or watching the pool thought you were going to beat me when we played... Including me. Then again, I have a nasty habit of choking whenever there's pressure in singles so I wasn't feeling too sure of myself.

I learned a lot from watching you, though. There were some things you did, particularly with the lava, that I wasn't aware were possible. I also realized from playing you that wingdashing to parry arrows is stupid when I could just powershield them. I think I only got the wing parry to work once in the whole **** set. -,-
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