For those who do decide to show up today, some final notes (Since I'm not the OP

1. Try to carpool as much as possible. We can't take up too many spots in the parking lot, as we are already taking up two with Trent's broken down car. If you condense your transit device, it would be very helpful for other people comging.
2. It's a gated apartment complex... use #1337 to unlock the gate. It seems to work everywhere here in Tempe.
3. We are somewhat in the back, so you have to drive a bit down the lot before you get to our numbers. I'll see if one of us can stand somewhere and flag people down... but that's a stretch. Rember that our apartment number is 1035!
4. If you get lost or don't remember the code or apartment number CALL US! Our cell numbers are in the OP, don't forget them!
5. Make sure to bring the correct money to play! Something you might also want to consider is left over money for MM's, if that's your thing. It's my thing.
Right now We have a TV in the living room with a wii and a melee hooked up. I have a TV in my room, but no GC or Smash to go with it. If you can bring those, it would be best, but I would also accept having another TV so that we can have a set-up in the Kitchen!
That's all, and thanks for coming out!