Ok guys Zoap is going in for the ****
Ok raretruffle you said and I quote
Add QTP, Milk, and Kupo. They perform better and have beaten more skilled people than a good chunk of that list.
not to mention beating most of the people on the actual list.
I dont ever recall milk/kupo/qtp beating anyone on that list in tournament, meaning you were talking about good ol friendlies. Well friendlie are just that, ****ING FRIENDLIES.
You also say
The last couple sac touneys have had numbers that rival the ncb's at their most popular. Yuba's have been in the 20-30 area.
Ok so Sacs numbers are:
EG VI March 15th: Singles Entrants: 8
EG VII April 19th: Singles Entrants 48
EG VII May 15th: Singles Entrants: 43
TAG VIII March 29th: Singles Entrants: 22
TAG IX April 26th: Singles Entrants: 31
TAG X May 24th: Singles Entrants: 24
So lets go ahead and look at the last three NCB attendance:
NCB December 15: Singles Pools Entrants: 90
NCB January 27: Singles 53
NCB May 3: Melee Singles: 32 Brawl Singles: 35
So lets see for EG's we have 8+48+43=99/3=33 avg, not too bad
For TAG we have 22+31+24=77/3=25.666666666666 avg
And for NCB we have 90+53+35+32=52.5 avg
hmmm quite a rivalry there...25.666 and 33 are most def equal to 52.
Don't take this wrong cuz I ****ing love ender to death and the tournament of his I did attend was ran very well, but when you go and make outrageous claims your bound to have evidence come back and **** all over you supposed "facts".
As for Yuba pulling in 20-30 area:
Yuba 4/12 Entrants: 14
Yuba 4/26 Entrants: 24
Yuba 5/10 Entrants: 16
Hmm 54/3= 18 avg... that doesnt look to be in between 20-30.
Add QTP, Milk, and Kupo. They perform better and have beaten more skilled people than a good chunk of that list.
not to mention beating most of the people on the actual list.
O yea so lets look at some of those brawl results
EG 7:
1st: Lucien(Sid, TC1, Another Side, Spaztik, KOF, Future Champ, Hitori, KOSK, Meep x2, Lost Meep)
2nd: Meep(DRGN, JQWST, Lucien, Hitori, KOSK, Lost Lucien x2)
3rd: KOSK(Park, Milk, Zem, QTP, Future Champ, Lost Meep, Lost Lucien)
4th: Hitori(Zoap, HMW, Hostility, QTP, Lost Meep, Lost Lucien)
5th: QTP(Peace Tree, Claw x 2, KOF, Cuba is Death, Lost KOSK, Lost Hitori)
EG 8:
1st: Meep
2nd: Seris
3rd: CBK
4th: Catnip
I got lazy but basically meep beat everyone, Seris lost to catnip early but than came back and beat him and everyone but meep, CBK uses DK, and Catnip lost to meep and seris
1st: Meep
2nd: SMX7
3rd: TMM
4th: Delphiki
1st: Meep
2nd: Catnip
3rd: Kupo
4th: Delphiki
1st: Meep
2nd: Ricky
3rd: SNP
4th: DRGN
Yuba 4/12
1st: Milk(QTP, LMA, DRGN, Delphiki x2)
2nd: Delphiki(JMAC, Nbake, DOG, Raretruffle, Lost Milk x 2)
3rd: Raretruffle(Kupo, JMAC, LMA, DOG, Kupo, Lost DRGN, Lost Delphiki)
4th: Kupo(C-unt, Nbake, QTP, DRGN, Lost Raretruffle x 2)
Single Elim FTW
Yuba 4/26
1st: Raretruffle(Bye, Robert, Dog, Fonz, SHAKE)
2nd: Shake(David, Preston S, KLTCH, EVIL, Lost RareTruffle)
3rd: Evil(Bye, MopNStock, Nbake, Lost SHAKE)
3rd: Fonz(Manny, Kinnard, JMAC, Lost RareTruffle)
Yuba 5/10
1st: Meep(Nbake, TC1, Kupo, QTP, Seris)
2nd: Seris(Half Demon, Delphiki, DRGN, Kupo, QTP, Lost QTP, Lost Meep)
3rd: QTP(Anbu, Milk, Seris, Lost Meep, Lost Seris)
4th: Kupo(Shake, DRGN, TC1, Lost Meep, Lost Seris)
So after all of that lets see who Milk has beat on my list:
Milk: TC1(who mind you was on a noteable list and that same tourney had beat him as well as at the next tournament they played milk lost to him). What milk does have going for him is he traveled to reno and ***** them. But at the same time milk also lost to AME2 and QTP.
QTP: KOF... and Milk but also lost to seris but also lost to DRGN and Samurai X
Kupo: TC1 a decent win over Nor4u
So hmmm looks like each of those players have 1 maybe 2 wins over decent norcal players and milk being the only one to beat anyone outta cali.
But through all of this I noticed a few things:
1. Meep pretty much ***** your faces
2. Catnip and Seris look to be performing well in the area and I would like to see them play some outside competition.
3. Did I mention Meep ****** your face?
4. You guy do have a lot of tournaments with ok numbers, which sadly is more than the bay has right now. So I guess we might start heading up there at least to Ender's Games.
5. And lastly Meep is ****** your face how do you feel?
The ncb's are good melee and brawl tourneys.
Fresno, Sac, and even Yuba have really talented players who have beaten many notables. Our tourneys have also consistently pulled out of towners and out of state in players in some cases.
Although understandable, there is alot of bay area bias in that list. I know it's not official and was probably just thrown out there, but yeah.
I completely agree with there not being enough info for a solid ranking though.
I don't really see much beating of notables and I don't see much bias either. The simple fact is the Bay travels to outer regions(Reno/Socal) and whenever the two areas meet(Bay and Non Bay) we still walk away with the win.
Also just a quick question where was Yuba/Sac and all the other non bayers in the top 4 in Reno? O thats right it was only the Bay that actually makes it that far in large tournaments my bad
Ask KOF who QTP is. Still, I said the quality of players was good. Read full post please. Everything you said is a huge DUH, and I've addressed all of those in my posts.
I was referring to the enders game as pulling a good 45 plus people. That was about as much people as the NCB's I went to anyways. Yuba is a bit far but we've pulled reno and a few other areas.
ANYWAYS, just please consider things other than the NCB's because (like I stated before)
There are a ton of good tourneys in Norcal going on with GOOD players that are KNOWN and have placed consistently well in tourneys with GOOD people. (beating them, of course)
I realize that you can squeak into a higher place without playing a juggernaut)
So your whole argument was based around qtp beating kof. Well gg to us i guess, that just invalidates the **** outta my list. If you didnt notice i took the time to look at all your dumb tourneys and my list still hasnt changed(with the exception of catnip/seris performing well outta region). So your right there are good tourney is Norcal with GOOD players that are KNOWN and have placed consistently well in tourneys with GOOD people. This just all happen to be in the bay