English is not ChangeOfHeart's first language. He runs into trouble in many threads b/c of his choice of words, which many people take the wrong way (not their fault, but I can't blame him either). It's kinda like Alien Vision err... heh. You know who I mean *cough* HHS *cough* They don't always speak clearly. If you wade through it, and ignore the oversights, you can generally extract the true meaning of what's being said. With CoH, it's more of a language barrier, with HHS it's more of a suspension of defense mechanisms that you'd normally employ especially on an internet forum (so sentences like "I know more than you because I'm a true Genius and you're not) just let that roll off your back, because REALLY he's just using the word Genius to describe the unique level of understanding that he feels he's reached, and that he hopes to elevate others to, it's not meant to be read as "I graduated high school at 6, and you're all ******** in comparison."
But then again I could just be too forgiving. I had a change of heart, ha!, when I PMd someone called Insane Carzy Guy and went off him because his posts made my eyes bleed. After a while I got to know him, and before you knew it, we were friends. Now I miss him *sniffle* even though his posts would still make my eyes bleed (he speaks in broken syntax).
But anyway, I'm not defending CoH's position, I personally believe that denying the value of any art form right out is a crime. I also believe that so-called hip-hop culture is really just another means to an end, that end being the expression of teen youth. Had this topic been made in the 50's or 60's we could very well be discussing a chapter from The Outsiders, or Grease. Teens have always focused on being unique, being different, being independent, that's just the nature of being adolescent... breaking away from the nest, and the harder parents try to keep that from happening, the harder teens fight back. Hip-hop is "cool" to many because it glorifies so many things that parents despise or fear: sex, drugs, violence, etc. The problem with CoH's attitude is that it's that of a parent, and yet he's young. Now granted the violence that is glorified in a lot of rap, did claim the life of his brother. He's stated that many of his family are in gangs, or involved in that "element." And so naturally he wishes to push that part of his life as far under the rug as he can, and denounce it here, publicly.
Ask yourself, if a family member of yours was capped, would you still listen to rap? I don't really listen to rap so I can't answer... but I imagine I would, actually. I see no correlation because I understand the disconnect between music, culture and actual violent crime. But in the end it's to each their own. CoH has decided that rap is evil, and for personal reasons. We've no right to tell him he's wrong, just as he's no right to tell us we're wrong.
I'd recommend this thread be locked.