Need advice...
I realize asking advice about dating from you all is..... maybe not the best but at the very least, typing it all out will help me organize my thoughts.
So... there's this girl.... I kinda knew her before... but we never interacted too much. She's a classmate so she's gonna be a teacher too.
Well we have a conversation and we exchange pleasantries and she says she'll add me on Facebook.
I accept the request and a week passes with no real developments other than a friendly hello once or twice.
Then I get bored.
Wanted to talk to people so I sent messages to friends and on a whim, I sent her a hello.
Almost immediately she sends me her number and says it'll be easier to talk that way.
That same night she went to a friend's bachelorette party and continued to text with me throughout the night (which I'm flattered about actually, I must be important enough to talk even during things like that).
And we've been texting all weekend and she said sent drunk snapchats and that she was glad I didn't see them "lol." Her boyfriend came up from there and she's actually moving to break up with him (from what I hear he's kind of a bunghole).
And then we just kinda texted all weekend about stuff.
I'm 90% sure she has a thing for me, and I'm getting some feelings that I'm a rebound guy.
I wouldn't mind starting a relationship with her, she's cute, nice and easy to get along with. I'm also considering asking her to go somewhere after a class we have together (that's tomorrow).
So... I'm not sure what's the best move here.
TLDR: Swamp accidentally'd himself into seriously talking to a girl. Swamp is confuzzled.