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Social NintenZone Social 6.0 - L'Arachel Edition, Apparently?

Best Galar Starter?

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Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
so just gonna delay it to non existence you coward
I ain't saying never.

But I ain't saying soon.

You didn't deny we were wrong though :troll:
I think someone likes Kagero's large breasts..
All you did was replace one thot with another
Aight let's take a minute to be perfectly fair.

Kagero's got Jubblies beat in three distinct ways. Stay with me here.

Point the first, the whole Ninjabbit Attack thing is literally the reason I pulled for her. Kagero is ostensibly a stoic and serious honor-bound retainer who is going through with this out of nothing more than a sense of duty. But she's clearly not above having a bit of fun with it regardless, and being able to be so serious yet embrace the silliness in it tickles me to no end. It touches me on a personal level, something probably evident to anyone paying even cursory attention to my avis, edits, or writing.

What's Funbags counter with? Mostly a slightly higher spot on the tier list and a more intense fixation on her own outfit.

Point the second, by the way. Camilla keeps drawing attention to herself and her outfit in her quotes - remarking how tight it is, offering to dress other people up in them, the like. In her +4/+5 point level up quote she says she could jump for joy, and we know where that's going. Her description even notes she loves the getup because Corrin found it cute.

Kagero is perhaps less comfortable with it. She does note that it's not what she's used to, that it's "flimsier" than her usual, and makes it rather clear it wasn't her first choice. But she's straightforwardly confident in it without needing all the innuendo ("As a ninja, I'm not used to being seen. But you may look, if you like. I have nothing to be ashamed of.") and suggests she's fonder of her outfit than she lets on (via "Ninjabbit Attack"). Everything else makes it utterly clear that's the extent of her fascination with it. She is there to shank mother****ers with carrots and that's exactly what she'll do.

And lastly, point the third, upon further examination, I prefer Kagero as a character - the calm, confident, duty-driven retainer who gives zero ****s about her terrible aesthetic sense and paints anyway because **** the haters that **** is Bob-Ross-level calming - to Sweater Puppies as a character - the overbearing mommy-issues axe-crazy murderess whose finest quality is to serve primarily as sensual fanservice and secondarily as the game's second-most prominent Aesop about why you do not stick your **** in crazy (Peri taking first place).

TL;DR: Kagero has boobs. Camilla is boobs.

Kagero doesn’t really seem like a thot to me.
Thank you.


Someone hand me a Burn Heal, please.


It's been thirty minutes, right? Cool.

If you'll excuse me evil dragon dad and I got more murder to perpetuate.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Dahlia has one of the worst gaming designs of all time.
I mean it looks ugly. What is it, a rabbit?

That kind of fan-service just leaves a horrible taste in my mouth.
I wouldn’t say it’s the worst, but it is pretty ugly.

She’s also a rarer blade so whatevs.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Okay let's get real here.


It's A-okay to like boobs, butts and yes, even the reproductive parts. Most of us have sex drives and appreciate similar things as well.

Hell, you should look at some bulge conversations I've seen on here. Dirty stuff.

You just need to talk about those desires in healthy ways. And its okay to say you like them. Just say so with respect and social tact. Or at least, a genuinely funny joke. Here's a tip, if the punchline IS the fact that its referencing sex, its probably not funny.

As for everyone else, yeah I know Shiny can be awkward with these topics, but I have a feeling we're having an adverse affect on him.

Shiny aggressively denying anything sexual doesn't seem like an honest feeling. I think he thinks we won't like him if he's honest with himself, because we shame him for some of the comments he makes (sometimes deservedly).

I'm starting to worry that he's desperately trying to change himself to fit in with us, as he's not quite sure how to. And with a topic like sexuality, that can have some dire consequences.

I suggest that instead of essentially cornering Shiny for a few pages, we make a comment that its TMI or inappropriate and leave it at that instead.
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I ain't saying never.

But I ain't saying soon.

Aight let's take a minute to be perfectly fair.

Kagero's got Jubblies beat in three distinct ways. Stay with me here.

Point the first, the whole Ninjabbit Attack thing is literally the reason I pulled for her. Kagero is ostensibly a stoic and serious honor-bound retainer who is going through with this out of nothing more than a sense of duty. But she's clearly not above having a bit of fun with it regardless, and being able to be so serious yet embrace the silliness in it tickles me to no end. It touches me on a personal level, something probably evident to anyone paying even cursory attention to my avis, edits, or writing.

What's Funbags counter with? Mostly a slightly higher spot on the tier list and a more intense fixation on her own outfit.

Point the second, by the way. Camilla keeps drawing attention to herself and her outfit in her quotes - remarking how tight it is, offering to dress other people up in them, the like. In her +4/+5 point level up quote she says she could jump for joy, and we know where that's going. Her description even notes she loves the getup because Corrin found it cute.

Kagero is perhaps less comfortable with it. She does note that it's not what she's used to, that it's "flimsier" than her usual, and makes it rather clear it wasn't her first choice. But she's straightforwardly confident in it without needing all the innuendo ("As a ninja, I'm not used to being seen. But you may look, if you like. I have nothing to be ashamed of.") and suggests she's fonder of her outfit than she lets on (via "Ninjabbit Attack"). Everything else makes it utterly clear that's the extent of her fascination with it. She is there to shank mother****ers with carrots and that's exactly what she'll do.

And lastly, point the third, upon further examination, I prefer Kagero as a character - the calm, confident, duty-driven retainer who gives zero ****s about her terrible aesthetic sense and paints anyway because **** the haters that **** is Bob-Ross-level calming - to Sweater Puppies as a character - the overbearing mommy-issues axe-crazy murderess whose finest quality is to serve primarily as sensual fanservice and secondarily as the game's second-most prominent Aesop about why you do not stick your **** in crazy (Peri taking first place).

TL;DR: Kagero has boobs. Camilla is boobs.

Thank you.

View attachment 140608


It's been thirty minutes, right? Cool.

If you'll excuse me evil dragon dad and I got more murder to perpetuate.
Camilla also seems like a try hard version of Tharja to me. It’s like they couldn’t think of what to do with her so they’re like “let’s just make her tharja if tharja had bigger boobs, less believable fighting attire and an axe”.


Photon Edge
Aug 22, 2014
Switch FC
>Discussing about XC2 designs
>Prepares the Kirby
>It's Dahlia
>Puts away Kirby, prepares memes


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
The true ugliest designs in XC2 are that fox chick and the percival guy among a couple others.


Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
Err... so like a super yandere then?
.....not really? basically a yandere not motivated by love, which honestly usually makes them more chilled and more wild, if you consider that super then sure
basically keep the yan, remove the lovey dovey dere, add in psychotic violence upon stress envy and other triggers and ya got it

I ain't saying never.

But I ain't saying soon.
i'll be taking it as never till results show
Aight let's take a minute to be perfectly fair.

Kagero's got Jubblies beat in three distinct ways. Stay with me here.

Point the first, the whole Ninjabbit Attack thing is literally the reason I pulled for her. Kagero is ostensibly a stoic and serious honor-bound retainer who is going through with this out of nothing more than a sense of duty. But she's clearly not above having a bit of fun with it regardless, and being able to be so serious yet embrace the silliness in it tickles me to no end. It touches me on a personal level, something probably evident to anyone paying even cursory attention to my avis, edits, or writing.

What's Funbags counter with? Mostly a slightly higher spot on the tier list and a more intense fixation on her own outfit.

Point the second, by the way. Camilla keeps drawing attention to herself and her outfit in her quotes - remarking how tight it is, offering to dress other people up in them, the like. In her +4/+5 point level up quote she says she could jump for joy, and we know where that's going. Her description even notes she loves the getup because Corrin found it cute.

Kagero is perhaps less comfortable with it. She does note that it's not what she's used to, that it's "flimsier" than her usual, and makes it rather clear it wasn't her first choice. But she's straightforwardly confident in it without needing all the innuendo ("As a ninja, I'm not used to being seen. But you may look, if you like. I have nothing to be ashamed of.") and suggests she's fonder of her outfit than she lets on (via "Ninjabbit Attack"). Everything else makes it utterly clear that's the extent of her fascination with it. She is there to shank mother****ers with carrots and that's exactly what she'll do.

And lastly, point the third, upon further examination, I prefer Kagero as a character - the calm, confident, duty-driven retainer who gives zero ****s about her terrible aesthetic sense and paints anyway because **** the haters that **** is Bob-Ross-level calming - to Sweater Puppies as a character - the overbearing mommy-issues axe-crazy murderess whose finest quality is to serve primarily as sensual fanservice and secondarily as the game's second-most prominent Aesop about why you do not stick your **** in crazy (Peri taking first place).

TL;DR: Kagero has boobs. Camilla is boobs.
the magna opus peeps, a large scall solo debate on the difference between having boobs and being defined by boobs
i'm honestly leaning more towards praise then the opposite literally lol

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Camilla has all the right parts (not that kind) for a really interesting character.

She's protective over her family and loved ones. She's kind and motherly to those she likes. She's apparently an absolute terror on the battlefield and can lose herself in the violence at times.

That stuff is pretty interesting and could create a cool personality. Just have her overbearingness expand to her whole family and not just Corrin and I think you fix most of her biggest problems.

I mean, her solo ending has her found an orphanage and take care of them.

We got some real potential here.
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Deleted member

The true ugliest designs in XC2 are that fox chick and the percival guy among a couple others.
Hmm, never knew.
So far the ugliest design is Dahlia.
I am legit actually being honest.
Camilla has all the right parts (not that kind) for a really interesting character.

She's protective over her family and loved ones. She's kind and motherly to those she likes. She's apparently an absolute terror on the battlefield and can lose herself in the violence at times.

That stuff is pretty interesting and could create a cool personality. Just have her overbearingness expand to her whole family and not just Corrin and I think you fix most of her biggest problems.

I mean, her solo ending has her found an orphanage and take care of them.

We got some real potential here.
Speaking of Camilla, I HAVE 4 THAT I DO NOT WANT IN FEH. :mad:
Also Camilla is flirting way too much. She is even trying to flirt with me. I am not kidding.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
.....not really? basically a yandere not motivated by love, which honestly usually makes them more chilled and more wild, if you consider that super then sure
basically keep the yan, remove the lovey dovey dere, add in psychotic violence upon stress envy and other triggers and ya got it
Yeah that’s what I meant by a super yandere.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Also Camilla is flirting way too much. She is even trying to flirt with me. I am not kidding.
I mean.

Fanservice aside, she's a flirty character. Nothing wrong with that.

That's actually one of the things I think Camilla does right. Confident yet coy flirting with people that aren't Corrin.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Camilla also seems like a try hard version of Tharja to me. It’s like they couldn’t think of what to do with her so they’re like “let’s just make her tharja if tharja had bigger boobs, less believable fighting attire and an axe”.
I'm pretty sure it's less try-hard and more overprotective MILF. And I can't stress enough how popular those are in general.
Camilla has all the right parts (not that kind) for a really interesting character.

She's protective over her family and loved ones. She's kind and motherly to those she likes. She's apparently an absolute terror on the battlefield and can lose herself in the violence at times.

That stuff is pretty interesting and could create a cool personality. Just have her overbearingness expand to her whole family and not just Corrin and I think you fix most of her biggest problems.

I mean, her solo ending has her found an orphanage and take care of them.

We got some real potential here.
Definitely. And she's not the only one. Like I said, how much would our opinion of Tharja change if marrying Robin actually helped change her character toward Noire? Or how much would our opinion change on Faye if she actually changed and became less about Alm as the game progressed? I mean, there's a reason many consider her FEH confession line one of her best, despite the fact that it is player pandering.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
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the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I'm pretty sure it's less try-hard and more overprotective MILF. And I can't stress enough how popular those are in general.

Definitely. And she's not the only one. Like I said, how much would our opinion of Tharja change if marrying Robin actually helped change her character toward Noire? Or how much would our opinion change on Faye if she actually changed and became less about Alm as the game progressed? I mean, there's a reason many consider her FEH confession line one of her best, despite the fact that it is player pandering.
How she a milf without children?

Deleted member

I mean.

Fanservice aside, she's a flirty character. Nothing wrong with that.

That's actually one of the things I think Camilla does right. Confident yet coy flirting with people that aren't Corrin.
Camilla wants me to rest my head on her lap.
Also, what are Camilla's flaws? Does she send her arrogant emotion to only Corrin?

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
How she a milf without children?
It seems you know little about the true ways of the....



I dunno who made that term but its weird, let me tell ya. :troll:
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Deleted member

It seems you know little about the true ways of the....



Anagrams are hard....
Not trying to be sexual, but I think you like Camilla.
You like her because of her personality, not because of her looks.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
i'll be taking it as never till results show
As ye will, Katt, as ye will.

the magna opus peeps, a large scall solo debate on the difference between having boobs and being defined by boobs
i'm honestly leaning more towards praise then the opposite literally lol
Had this debate with myself previously regarding something in my own work.

Also had a lot of well-endowed people in my social circle.

Figure I have more ammunition than average.

Camilla has all the right parts (not that kind) for a really interesting character.

She's protective over her family and loved ones. She's kind and motherly to those she likes. She's apparently an absolute terror on the battlefield and can lose herself in the violence at times.

That stuff is pretty interesting and could create a cool personality. Just have her overbearingness expand to her whole family and not just Corrin and I think you fix most of her biggest problems.

I mean, her solo ending has her found an orphanage and take care of them.

We got some real potential here.
They go way, way, way too ham on it though, to the point it gets genuinely creepy. She's noted as highly perceptive of her siblings' issues, but it largely seems to be used so that she can offer solutions to perceived problems. She wants to care for people, and that's fine, until you smother them.

Also it's noted that she has similar overbearing tendencies towards more than just Corrin. Leo gets it the next most, by the looks of it - Camilla still seems rather fixated on him as her "baby brother" and clearly has at least some fixation on both of the words in that epithet, although in other supports she does acknowledge his prowess and it's never Corrin-level bad.

She's always struck me as one of the good-on-paper-bad-in-execution types though, I'll grant you that. If she toned back the Ms. Fanservice tendencies and toned up her character development angles she could've be fine.

Buuuuut here we are.

I mean.

Fanservice aside, she's a flirty character. Nothing wrong with that.

That's actually one of the things I think Camilla does right. Confident yet coy flirting with people that aren't Corrin.
I'll concede you that point as well.

Weirdly I've noticed that examining Camilla point by point doesn't really bring up a lot of red flags. It's kind of when you put Camilla together as a package that it gets a bit much, I suppose.

Camilla wants me to rest my head on her lap.
Oh and that.

That is just some serious Oedipal **** right there on Camilla's part.
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Not trying to be sexual, but I think you like Camilla.
You like her because of her personality, not because of her looks.
I don't think that's entirely the case. Like Swamp did mention some of the issues regarding her. Character-wise, she does have alot of potential to be a good character. The problem is that the writers don't take advantage of those and focus more on her pandering towards the main character.

Edit: Actually, I'll take that bit out as I don't want to potentially start something with her again. Especially with how stressed I've been at the end of today.
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Deleted member

Dats wy i need meh an intlgent ladee
Somebody wants to send a heart to Camilla.
I am not saying you are attracted to her or anything, I think you just like her as a character.
Edit: Actually, I'll take that bit out as I don't want to potentially start something with her again. Especially with how stressed I've been at the end of today.
Someone has been stressed as well at the end of today? Welcome to the club. :/


The Absolute Worst
Jun 26, 2007
Nintendo's already got a hot parent, and it ain't anyone from Fire Emblem.


Deleted member

Okay let's get real here.


It's A-okay to like boobs, butts and yes, even the reproductive parts. Most of us have sex drives and appreciate similar things as well.

Hell, you should look at some bulge conversations I've seen on here. Dirty stuff.

You just need to talk about those desires in healthy ways. And its okay to say you like them. Just say so with respect and social tact. Or at least, a genuinely funny joke. Here's a tip, if the punchline IS the fact that its referencing sex, its probably not funny.

As for everyone else, yeah I know Shiny can be awkward with these topics, but I have a feeling we're having an adverse affect on him.

Shiny aggressively denying anything sexual doesn't seem like an honest feeling. I think he thinks we won't like him if he's honest with himself, because we shame him for some of the comments he makes (sometimes deservedly).

I'm starting to worry that he's desperately trying to change himself to fit in with us, as he's not quite sure how to. And with a topic like sexuality, that can have some dire consequences.

I suggest that instead of essentially cornering Shiny for a few pages, we make a comment that its TMI or inappropriate and leave it at that instead.
It is my fault.
I am practically spoiled. :p


May 11, 2015
Who knows? :3
Oh hey everyone, how are you all doing tonight? I was absent for about 10-11 hours, but now I'm ba-

> Reads the last 10+ pages

Why does this feel like such a similar situation? Is it my destiny to be gone for half of the day and come back to see you guys talking about the most surprising/shocking topics? >_>
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Full of Hugs and Fire~
Dec 19, 2013
Still rolling
Oh hey everyone, how are you all doing tonight? I was absent for about 10-11 hours, but now I'm ba-

> Reads the last 10+ pages

Why does this feel like such a similar situation? Is it my destiny to be gone for half of the day and come back to see you guys talking about the most surprising/shocking topics? >_>
nah i'm pretty sure this is typical :V life acceptance and all that jazz pick up can of pop and just sit back and be lazy :tired:
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