The claims of being a Naruto clone were bandied around when the manga first started (it's not incorrect to say that the Hideout Raid arc is very similar to the Sasuke Retrieval arc on a superficial level).
Bakugou's behaviour is very understandable (but not condoneable) when you take into account how he grew up. I watched a video yesterday that went in depth on Bakugou's character pretty well (
here, possible spoilers).
He was always told he was the best, that he's destined for great things, and Bakugou came to believe that. Bakugou himself admired All Might, and sought to become like him in the way he perceived him
(this is actually a pretty important thing for his character); until he got One for All, Deku represented something Bakugou hates more than anything,
weakness; and Deku "making fun of" Bakugou by offering his help despite being far lesser than him when they were children was the spark that made Bakugou hate Deku.
I won't go further into his character, since you're only at Season 3 Episode 12, and there's more from him later in the season that brings this all into sharper focus (and this is all I'll say).