Metal Shop X
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Nah man, I already killed so many time, he is going to get Zamasu'ed if I continue.Yep, gone worse of the worse is.... you lose a finger tip... but hey I don't think that will happen as long as you don't get near to a blade machine or use a huge knife to slash stuff... which I don't know anyone will do that...
Kill it again, lol. Try to get Tychon chip for every rare Blade you have.
Also over the past few days I finished Wulfric, Dahlia, and Perun quest... here's my summary and review on each quest, keep aware that these are just my thoughts... this is not objective whatsoever.
Man, even how his quest started was pretty hilarious, and his quest overall isn't hard at all. His quest only involves in Tantal which is good, and no items need to get.
I also need to mention about the plot obvious, Wulfric's quest's plot was really outstanding, it really throws your image off of Wulfric being a tough, vicious, and a mean Blade... in the end the fact that Wulfric saves both of people in Tantal and those Gongols. Even though I would have hoped just kill those Gongols off, but Wulfric's action pretty much impressed me. It's not like some other blade's quests I did where we basically just take down bad guys or monsters and that's it... it often felt dull and predictable... which it's not some I demand but it's something I just notice and a bit bothered.
I give Wulfric's quest 9.8/10 it was short, easy, and plot that well refined Wulfric. This is exactly a Blade quest I wanted
Dahlia whether you like her or hate her, her quest overall wasn't bad. sure it was odd at first that a girl looks up to Dahlia and then went MIA for no reason... I found that nopon sage thing... heavily reminds me of a quest in Xenoblade...
Nevertheless, the ending... wow, not gonna lie it was somewhat heartwarming, for those who dislike her but still got her (And even finish her quest...?) you will really want to just give Dahlia to the girl... LOL
Much like Wulfric's the quest is fairly short, the plot though felt hollow in most progress but the end was pretty good.I give it 8.5/10
The most annoying thing in this quest is skip travel in many areas and requires a lot of battles... and like most Blade quest... this quest can be started before reaching to Tantal... but you still need to reach there in order to finish it...
Well... the fact that someone kidnapping children does sound heinous... but even after finish it... I still couldn't get exactly why they are kidnapping children.
And it seems that this quest is somewhat connected to the Artificial Blade thing? Not sure if this was explained in later chapter... but still... much like other quest's villain's, they felt cliche' unimpressive... and that dud'e VA is soooo bad.
Good part of this quest is well...
Perun's boob jiggles... *Insert lenny face*
If you don't like battling, skip travel and unnecessarily long cutscenes... this quest I recommend you to put it off. So I give Perun's quest 6/10
I might review my previous quest I did... such as Newt, Kasandra, Vess, Praxis, Perceval, etc....
Um, yeah, KOS MOS and the Xenosaga franchise is owned by Namco... but if they allow Sakurai and Takahashi to include her in Smash and Xenoblade 2 as a blade.... I don't think there's a problem with that.
Maybe, I personally just think Elma is cool...
It is sad but also normal that XC2's characters are more appealing due to their anime aesthetics... then again, this made those whine on the XC2's artstyle more confusing... if anime style can attract more people buying Xenoblade 2 (And it apparently did) then why not?
Also.. man, I would really hope Elma can be included in XC2 as a Blade... besides Brighid we don't really have a twin sword Blade...Here's a fanart of just that, found it on Discord:
Agent 8, and ... Theory
Bonus 2
Also, while tachyon chip are nice. I still feel like some blades are better with other chips.