Actually, no he should put Iwata (Probably with Pit's wing or something, or some Balloons on his back) in the poster as well.
As some people may know, or not know or don't even care in general but Jason Schreier from Kotaku have got a bit of feud among some Youtubers and gamers over the past few months when it comes to him defending ACO's microtransactions, and recently defending Bethesda still using their old gaming engine for their next big games like Skyrim. To put it simple, Jason basically has the Bs to stand on the opposite side of gamers, which is nothing odd, but what used to be pathetic of him is how he wants logical discussion yet he blocks users who did on Twitter. And he even mentioned YongYea in one of his article calling him a provocative Youtuber.
However,a strange term of event just happened, Yongyea is having a discussion with him soon, yet it wouldn't be livestream which is ashame... I know this may sound heinous but I want YongYea to basically "destroy" almost every points he used to mention livestream. It's about time for him to learn some lesson in my opinion.